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<marcan> ChaosPrincess: it will not work
<marcan> blender needs geometry shaders, which isn't released yet
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<marcan> but it also has complex shaders that need register spilling which is not implemented yet
<marcan> with the upcoming driver update and overrides it will start but crash if you try to do certain things
<marcan> nicolas17: how far did you get with that diff thing? looks like the firmware is the same so that's probably our only blocker for shipping this
<marcan> fwiw if it comes to shipping a precompiled blob helper or something I'm okay with that
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<nicolas17> sorry >_< I was busy today dealing with Apple betas (they released macOS 14.2b3 in your sleep) followed by nonsense for a conference (see #asahi-offtopic)
<marcan> np
<marcan> looking at and against the file it looks like for this "dumb" format the header is different (or rather: possibly the tail is part of controldata) and it should just be a single pbzx compressed extradata section
<nicolas17> I think the unknown field is flags and the flags on this particular file declare that diff_size and target_sha1 are missing
<nicolas17> but instead of trying to figure out what the flags mean, I will assume those fields are missing and assert that flags is 0
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<nicolas17> oops I just OOM'd my system with imhex
<marcan> yes
<marcan> honestly we can probably just hardcode the pbzx start for this use case
<nicolas17> does the installer have a pbzx decoder already?
<marcan> no
<nicolas17> (fun fact, the format is actually pbz, the x is a byte saying "xz compression" :D)
<marcan> cutting the file right there and using 7z x yields... the beginning of the DMG before an error
<marcan> looks like it's bog standard xz compression, except there's some weird chunking or something
<marcan> I'm okay shipping unxz as a blob or whatever if it comes to that
<marcan> yeah I think this is just xz archives stuck together with some headers
<marcan> let me hack something up to unchunk it
<nicolas17> marcan: "man compression_tool" on your nearest macOS
<marcan> is that available in recoveryOS?
<nicolas17> the format is explained in the manpage :)
<marcan> but also if this is in the compression framework, we already use that for lzfse
<marcan> nicolas17: I think I have it working
<marcan> sha1 matches. done.
<nicolas17> should've expected you'd be faster :P
<marcan> that works on linux, need to replace unxz with whatever thing on macos, probably the libcompression stuff I assume handles it like it does lzfse
<nicolas17> Python 3.3 has an lzma module builtin
<marcan> oh ha
<marcan> works for me
<nicolas17> lzma.decompress(blk, format=lzma.FORMAT_XZ)
<nicolas17> I've been looking at bxdiff because it seems I can *partially* recover v1 from a v2 ipsw and a v1->v2 delta, which could be interesting for people who want to reverse engineer files from a v1 we have no download for (preinstalled OS versions)
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<marcan> ah yeah
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<marcan> nicolas17: well that was a huge waste of time. 13.6.2 is still fucked. I'm not sure why I thought it wasn't. going to double check with macOS now but...
<nicolas17> :|
<nicolas17> the "fix" was *only* making it not write the EAN data and everything else is still broken?
<marcan> apparently.
<nicolas17> wtf is going on at Apple
<nicolas17> today they released the KDK for macOS 13.6.2
<nicolas17> Kernel_Debug_Kit_13.6.2_build_22G320.dmg for M1/M2, and Kernel_Debug_Kit_13.6.2_builld_22G2321.dmg for M3
<nicolas17> because the KDK release is clearly a highly manual process prone to mistyping "build" in the filename
<marcan> loool
<marcan> that doesn't surprise me tbh
<nicolas17> a few years ago they had several Kernal_Debug_Kit_* files
<marcan> the actual upload to the downloads page is probably some random person
<marcan> also lol you can't install Ventura from Sonoma? wat?
<marcan> I just tried installing the full installer for 13.6 from 14.1 and it refused
<nicolas17> yeah, dual booting is theoretically supported but I don't know how exactly you're supposed to run the gdamn installer in practice
<nicolas17> are you supposed to wipe and DFU-install Ventura, *then* install Sonoma into another volume, and invoice Apple for the 8 hours of your life that will cost you?
<nicolas17> marcan: maybe startosinstall (CLI binary inside the full installer .app) has some kind of force switch?
<nicolas17> (or maybe it never does that kind of version check, and only the GUI does)
<marcan> I have a 13.5 partition already, I'll just do it from there
<nicolas17> ah good
<marcan> at least they have the BootabilityBundle stuff which is supposed to guarantee the part of the install we rely on
<marcan> so we should be OK for Asahi
<marcan> nicolas17: uhhh so 13.6.2 *does* write EAN data, but in a *different* way that works with that version
<marcan> the actual ProMotion flag is in the same place
<marcan> however, there's a pile of changes elsewhere, including *lengths*
<marcan> so it looks like the problem is they changed some structure definitions and that *combined* with the ProMotion=off state results in fail
<marcan> which.. I guess means they managed to release 13.6.1 with an upgrade to the EAN *writer* with no upgrade to the EAN *reader*? WTAF?
<marcan> that's no longer a SFR problem like I thought
<marcan> that's just a zero QA problem
<marcan> wait what
<marcan> lolololol
<marcan> after switching ProMotion *off* in 13.6.2...
<marcan> *the setting disappeared in 14.1*
<marcan> it breaks! a different way!
<marcan> holy fucking shit
<marcan> I guess it really is a cross-compat problem with that data
<marcan> and a reboot brought it back, I guess something fixed the EAN data
<nicolas17> wait when did this issue even start?
<marcan> 13.6.1 or something I think, but now I'm not 100% certain again whether they fucked up the EAN writer or the SFR update to 14.x somehow messes with that too and then causes the issue
<nicolas17> where is this? DCP firmware?
<marcan> I don't know any more
<marcan> DCP firmware parses it I think
<marcan> I don't know what writes it
<nicolas17> fun
<nicolas17> there's also 13.6.3 RC/RC2 if you feel like testing yet more combinations (:
<marcan> ah lovely
<marcan> is that public yet?
<marcan> if that fixes it we might actually go somewhere
<nicolas17> you have to enable ventura betas to get it normally
<nicolas17> and 13.6.3 RC 2 was released today, so installassistant should be up tomorrow
<nicolas17> under the "Intel Macs" misnomer... should fix that
<marcan> I'm just going to update normally, don't care about the OTA/etc right now yet
<marcan> see if it actually works
<marcan> also I actually get WindowServer crash dumps when I go back to 13.6.2 after reverting the refresh rate, fun
<marcan> "failed to set internal panel mode! [%d %d] %dx%d: 0x%x"
<marcan> yes, it prints the format string
<marcan> guess they can't even get error logs right?
<sam_> they're only a small company working out of a garage in calif-
<nicolas17> hey it's better than the reverse... (there was some iOS version that crashed in a logging function if a Wi-Fi SSID had %s)
<nicolas17> I'd rather "not enough printf" than "too much printf"
<nicolas17> marcan: but yeah enabling Ventura betas in Software Update should offer 14.1.1 and then some "13.6.3 also available" fine print
<marcan> yeah, need to log in but working on that
<nicolas17> the login requirement seems utterly unnecessary but apple gonna apple
<marcan> yeah
<marcan> installing 13.6.3 now
<marcan> let's see what *that* does
<nicolas17> keep low expectations though, 13.6.3 could very well be just backported security fixes from 14.2 betas and no functional fixes
<marcan> worth a shot, given all the flailing around they've been doing
<marcan> do you have an OTA zip URL?
<nicolas17> use the big ones with no prerequisite (otherwise arm64eBaseSystem will actually be a delta)
<nicolas17> ugh looks like there's some disagreement on the RC numbering again
<marcan> DCP firmware changed again, but this time it's an even more minor change
<marcan> nicolas17: amusingly, if this works it means we might be able to support M3 (but not M3 Pro/Max) without excess pain, since that is supported in that version
<marcan> unfortunately I don't have an M3, only an M3 Max :p
<nicolas17> if ProMotion is still fucked, you could still support M3 iMac I guess? :P
<marcan> I don't have one :p
<marcan> also does the M3 MBP actually have ProMotion?
<marcan> ah they do M3 on the 14" so yes
<nicolas17> (there's no 13" anymore)
<marcan> oh I just realized, the 14" M3 has 2 thunderbolt ports *and* HDMI out
<marcan> guess they're using the second dptx?
<marcan> (pretty sure they have 2)
<marcan> that might mean I have to buy one to test that after all :/
<marcan> kind of an unique config
<nicolas17> M3 still supports only one external display
<nicolas17> they have thunderbolt and HDMI but you can only use one at a time
<marcan> yeah but they're using the second dptx PHY
<nicolas17> ah, only one display controller, but routing it to one or the other port needs the second dptx?
<marcan> still black screen on 13.6.3, meh
<marcan> yes
<marcan> up until now they've only used the first dptx (internal panel)
<marcan> this is the first baseline SoC machine with HDMI out *and* internal panel
<nicolas17> you're on 22G430?
<marcan> let me check
<marcan> I'm so tired of rebooting...
<marcan> nicolas17: yeah
<janneg_> yes, m3 14" mbp uses a second dptx-phy for hdmi. the 2nd one might differ from the main one
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<nicolas17> 22G430 was released today^W yesterday^W tuesday, so if that doesn't fix it, welp back to waiting mode
<marcan> yup
<nicolas17> well time to go talk to a pillow about some sleep
<janneg> not sure if it is present on t602x as those use a different (from dcp pov) dptx-phy for hdmi out
<marcan> they use the atc one right?
<marcan> on the laptops
<janneg> yes, the laptops use the unused atc one
<janneg> not an option on the desktops since those use all 4 atc port
<marcan> yeah
* janneg wonders which display issue apple fixed in 13.6.2 as mentioned in the enterprise release notes if it wasn't the promotion thing
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<marcan> they probably fixed the EAN mismatch
<marcan> i.e. it getting fucked on its own
<marcan> they evidently didn't fix the blowing up on new EAN problem in general, so 14.1 changes still break it
<janneg> sigh, I don't expect a fix before 14.2 then. at least they seem to plan fix it judging by the change to stop writing it in 14.1.1
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<marcan> if they fix it in SFR (which is literally the only way to fix it properly) we can stay on 13.5
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<holiday> i have found a script to install some hyprland dot files
<holiday> unfortunately its only on debian/ubuntu
<holiday> suppose the audio driver update comes tomorrow(it wont but imagine), how long do y'all think it's going to take for ubuntu asahi(or debian asahi if there is one) until they ship the package
<j`ey> I cant see why some dot files would only work on debian..
<holiday> the script only works on debian
<holiday> and i wanted to use the script
<holiday> because I might break something doing things manually
<j`ey> link it?
<j`ey> you could use a copr hyprland, to avoid building it yourself
<holiday> i already have hyprland installed using this:
<j`ey> looks like ubuntu asahi is on an old kernel, 6.3
<j`ey> so I guess speaker support wouldnt come that quick
<holiday> but i wanted this one bc it looked prettier
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<holiday> ohh
<j`ey> easier to just try get those themes on the hyprland you have now
<holiday> i will stick to fedora then
<nicolas17> debian is working on getting speakersafetyd packaged properly
<holiday> nicolas17: they have an m1 port?
<nicolas17> you have to use glanzmanns's unofficial installer and kernel for now
<nicolas17> (which has been available for quite a while now)
<nicolas17> but things are slowly getting packaged properly in upstream debian now
<holiday> i thought it would take around 2-3 days for other distros to recieve the updates fedora does
<holiday> (i hoped)
<holiday> im a pretty impatient person lol if it takes more than two weeks to get updates i will stick to fedora
<j`ey> holiday: if you just want those themes, and dont care about debian, it seems like theres better ways around that
<holiday> i can manually import them and play around with files and so on but it takes time
<holiday> (a significant amount of time for a noob like me)
<j`ey> ah, right, the impatience thing :P
<nicolas17> :D
<holiday> haha ig i could try on a weekend but there is a big chance i will break things
<j`ey> thats kinda how it goes when doing stuff like a WM
<j`ey> gotta break it a few times when youre starting out
<holiday> i think that's how it goes on linux in general :P
<holiday> i'm on my 4th install of fedora
<holiday> xD
<j`ey> depends how much tinkering you do!
<opticron> nicolas17, do you know where to go to watch the debian packaging process that would provide official support?
<nicolas17> + #debian-bananas
<opticron> hmmm, I'll continue in -alt if I have further questions, thanks!
<holiday> j`ey: i wont stop until i can compile the kernel from scratch and install gentoo
<holiday> but first, customisation, serious things come later
<nicolas17> priorities
<j`ey> we have some gentoo users that can help out ;)
<holiday> nicolas17: frfr
<holiday> j`ey: i found a wiki for it
<j`ey> pretty sure chadmed has said to not use that
<holiday> but i will try after the exam period(it will take 1.5 months or so)
<holiday> ohh
<j`ey> chadmed has plans to update it, but has been busy with work etc
<holiday> oki i will try the asahi linux official wiki
<j`ey> probably best to talk to chadmed before trying it
<holiday> im really curious to see how much will it take for the mac to compile the whole OS
<holiday> j`ey: yeah will do, but at a later date
<j`ey> holiday: you said you had patience issues, now you want to compile everything? :D
<holiday> j`ey: okok replace impatience with uhh excitement?
<holiday> like i cant wait for new features like audio support and external display
<holiday> even though it could take a lot to compile, i think it will be fun
<j`ey> holiday: which model do you have again?
<holiday> and i can flex in r/unixporn having gentoo on arm
<holiday> Macbook pro m1 base
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<kidplayer666> holiday: the one with touchbar?
<holiday> kidplayer666: yeah
<kidplayer666> Ah cool, so same stuff as me
<kidplayer666> I gotta find the power to customise the touchbar and add a friggin delete key…
<holiday> fr i really need a delete key for linux :')
<bluetail> j`ey chadmed is understating his works on Github. I am sometimes really intrigued/confused about how he can come up with such excellent work. I cite from his Profile: "An idiot way out of his depth"
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<ChaosPrincess> holiday: gentoo user here, if you have questions and aren't turbo annoying, feel free to ask
<holiday> ChaosPrincess: most likely the questions would be *VERY* annoyning, so I have to document firstly
<holiday> so
<holiday> is this a good starting point?
<j`ey> holiday: you should do a VM install first
<ChaosPrincess> Yea, looks fine. Not the method i used but that should work. Also, #asahi-alt
<holiday> j`ey: wouldn't that take too long? like leaving my mac overnight type long
<holiday> ChaosPrincess: so I have to use the arch installer?
<j`ey> holiday: shouldnt take that much longer
<j`ey> and you dont need to build a desktop env or anything like that, but its good practise and to get used to portage etc
<ChaosPrincess> M1 pro does an emptytree world rebuild in just a few hours
<ChaosPrincess> (tho i use ff, not chrome)
<holiday> i do have the base m1 tho
<ChaosPrincess> ram?
<holiday> 8 :')
<ChaosPrincess> F
<holiday> living on a budget
<ChaosPrincess> you can't swapless compile llvm/clang with that
<j`ey> I know, I tried
<holiday> yeah i cant really do anything swapless lmao
<ChaosPrincess> I also know, i tried :P
<j`ey> :D
<holiday> outrageous that apple sells a 1600 US$ machine with 8GB of ram
<j`ey> I think ja_nnau said chrome took 2h on the m1 studio (or maybe m2 but w/e)
<j`ey> if there's an m3 air, I will have to think about upgrading, so I can get more ram/ssd (8/256 currently)
<holiday> I wont upgrade until apple sells a base pro(at a reasonable price with 16GB)
<holiday> or at least an air with 16 but that will take a while most likely
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<leio> chromium is 58 minutes on M2 Ultra
<holiday> leio: that means it will take a week minimum until my gentoo would be usable on the base m1 mac
<j`ey> holiday: most things build much quicker :P
<holiday> how long to build a DE?
<ChaosPrincess> kde builds in less than a hour iirc
<leio> chromium is the longest build time for me, by far
<holiday> i'd build a PC just to have something to tinker with
<ChaosPrincess> yea, chromium is not exactly a thing that you are supposed to build without google's build cache :P
<leio> a bit over 5 times longer than the next one (libreoffice at 11 minutes)
<ChaosPrincess> ff also builds much faster
<j`ey> leio: what about gnome?
<janneg> I think the fedora chromium rpm took ~2h but that builts chromium-headless and chromium in what appears to be two complete separate builds\
<janneg> on m1 ultra
<leio> I can't easily count together all of the packages
<j`ey> janneg: aha
<leio> I would guess 30-60 minutes, given webkit-gtk is 11 minutes of that, and probably needed twice
<leio> wee, 9 minutes
<leio> err*
<leio> C generally compiles much faster than e.g. C++ (plasma). webkit-gtk is C++, go figure
<holiday> pff my poor VM will be painfully slow
<leio> it's how I ended up doing C, not C++. C++ was too slow to compile on my 166MHz computer
<j`ey> holiday: do you know about virtualisation vs emulation for VMs?
<leio> janneg: I've had some fun display stuff on m1n1-1.4.6 the last couple times when rebooting from macOS. I think it might be from macOS having driven HDMI at 6K before the reboot
<leio> stage2 (also 1.4.6) fixes it up though
<leio> it has the m1n1 display shifted (so left side is actually on the right 1/3rd of the screen and then the right side is on the left) and jumps left and right a bit; if interested, I can take a video recording, but of course what I really want is to test M2 Ultra HDMI in linux again :)
<holiday> j`ey: yeah ofc
* leio notices updates in the branch
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<janneg> leio: nothing from which I would expect a change on m2 ultra, everything is in sasahi-wip too
<leio> my stage2 might actually be with t602x_dcpext re the above weird behaviour, though I suspect it is rather from the HDMI 6K 30-bit HDR driving, rather than that branch
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<leio> cmp says it is the branch for sure in stage2; but the weirdness is at stage1 times from 1.4.6 and second display init in stage2 fixes it up; I'll test more later this week as I need to visit macOS often unrelatedly this week anyhow
<holiday> welp
<holiday> might cheat my way to the top
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<kidplayer666> hehe
<kidplayer666> why the suffering tho
<kidplayer666> when you could be in a traditional distro
<holiday> well firstly
<holiday> you can flex on them ubuntu plebs
<holiday> and secondly
<holiday> it's just fun probably
<holiday> like that's the reason i want to try
<holiday> fun/learn
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<ChaosPrincess> go lfs for max flex :P
<ChaosPrincess> neat
<holiday> i think this might be on r/midlyinfuriating
<holiday> like yeah it's cool but it kinda defeats the purpose
<holiday> *5 mins into emerging* yep this takes too long im going to sleep
<nicolas17> >5 mins
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<ChaosPrincess> kidplayer666: touchbar keys are now customizable in the newest version via configs, have fun
<kidplayer666> wait where is docs
<kidplayer666> gotta find that lol
<ChaosPrincess> the docs are `$EDITOR /usr/share/tiny-dfr/config.toml` :P
<j`ey> but uh, you wont have it yet
<kidplayer666> huh, this looks fun
<kidplayer666> and ofc it's rust
<kidplayer666> also
<kidplayer666> can I merely add another key
<kidplayer666> or do I have to edit an existing one
<ChaosPrincess> # You can change the individual buttons, add, or remove them
<ChaosPrincess> # Any number of keys that is greater than 0 is allowed
<ChaosPrincess> # however rendering will start to break around 24 keys
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<kidplayer666> alright
<kidplayer666> also
<kidplayer666> another quick question
<kidplayer666> i do not habe the file on the etc directoru, shall i create a tiny dfr directory with the file inside
<kidplayer666> *
<kidplayer666> ?
<j`ey> kidplayer666: it's not packaged by fedora yet
<j`ey> it was released 20mins ago!
<kidplayer666> ah
<kidplayer666> looool
<kidplayer666> Thought it was already in lol
<kidplayer666> how will this be shipped?
<kidplayer666> A normal update?
<j`ey> yeah
<j`ey> you already have tiny-dfr
<ChaosPrincess> fedora will do fedora things and it will come in a normal update
<kidplayer666> or is it kernel reçated somehow
<j`ey> you have 0.1 of tiny-dfr installed
<j`ey> they will package 0.2 and then you can config it
<kidplayer666> ah ok
<kidplayer666> how long should it take to get packaged?
<kidplayer666> A week or two maybe?
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