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does anybody know what is required for arm bootable isos? (specifically for vms) I created one and it shows the grub boot screen, but then it just goes to black without any output.
fl0_id: what you trying to do?
grub works for me with vmware fusion but outside of debian or fedora you have to make your own system from scratch basically
if you can obtain a rootfs for distro you want to use, I suggest using the gentoo arm64 boot media
r0ni I'm trying to create a pop-os boot image, which is based on debian/ubuntu. also testing with vmware fusion. They have a public iso creation thing, but so far only have an incomplete branch for some snapdragon-x-elite. This did work for me, but somehow it doesn't continue from grub. Before I somewhat successfully booted a raspberry pi based image after installing a generic kernel into it, but that one is annoying because it always wants to switch to
the raspberry pi kernel and grub only boots manually for some reason. (Despite having also moved the kernel to the efi part just to be sure)
for vms you do EFI, not u-boot or whatever vendor nonsense
what i'd do is install debian vm, and create your pop-os from there as another hdd and add it to grub
and yeah efi like a pc install
look for "System Ready" images or guides for Ampere servers
gentoo-kernel configs work for me and i use a slackware system in vmware fusion. but I have to manually manage the grub.cfg but it works perfectly
thx. yeah I'm doing efi. For the raspi image I have been working with an ubuntu server iso, which I assume is similar to debian (like to chroot into the raspi image)
maybe I should just copy the grub from that once installed
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is it recommended to occasionally update macOS? I remember seeing some warnings against it awhile back
i haven't opened macOS since installing asahi
it should be fine, but if you are concerned, you might want to wait a few days after a macos release, just to see if anyone will have problems
eh i'd rather not log into macOS, i just didn't know if i had to do it to update microcode or something
15.0 has a iboot update that allows disabling automatic boot on lid open/power connection, if you care about that feature
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pounce yeah you will need it for firmware updates
just out of curiosity, does anybody know/think that longterm there can be a working microphone? at least for me, that would be a pretty essential feature on the macbooks for work. sure you can carry an external mic, but that's somewhat impractical
it i done and working for some models, we just need to finish the rest of them and do and release
*is, *a (wtf is with my typing today)
chaos_princess ah cool. I thought I read sth like that it was a problem of measuring equipment etc. thanks
it is exactly that problem, doing the measurements for the remaining models
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chaos_princess right
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I'm really not sure if others are seeing these messages, but think I'm able to see responces. So lost.
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PMartin they are
but they just sometimes reply hours later, when they have time
Yeah I couldn't get the super alt S thing to start it from the welcome screen where it's asking about keyboard and the like, nor could I seem to get it going from terminal.
was AT-SPI tied to X11 or something?
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PMartin apologies that also maybe IRC is not great to use with screenreaders, don't really know if there is a better way. But the asynchronous nature is like that for everybody, people just check it when they have time
nicolas17 I think not at-spi necessarily, but some other things maybe?
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it was a little surprising given how incredibly easy and smooth the installation up to that point worked from Mac OS itself, even in the recovery part, stage @.
PMartin tbh, I could be totally wrong, maybe the right packages are just not installed automatically? nicolas17
I'm getting the hang of this MIrc client on a Windows machine.
it might vary well be, but interesting thing is i'm having to use OCR with an iPhone camera to riddle this next part out until I can get speech or braille going on Remix.
fl0_id: ah found the article answering "what's wrong with at-spi"
but it seems like at-spi *should* work on wayland?
PMartin if it's just a package not installed, might be possible from the macos installer?
I have not a clue. Last time I used Linux on the whole was some 15 years ago, and certainly wasn't scripting between that and Mac OS at that time.
PMartin yeah ok, that should have been adressed to nicolas17 maybe
Though I'm sure it would somehow be possible if it were merely a package or something missing going on the magic that was pulled in the terminal in getting that installed and set up to boot.