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<fl0_id> does anybody know what is required for arm bootable isos? (specifically for vms) I created one and it shows the grub boot screen, but then it just goes to black without any output.
<r0ni> fl0_id: what you trying to do?
<r0ni> grub works for me with vmware fusion but outside of debian or fedora you have to make your own system from scratch basically
<r0ni> if you can obtain a rootfs for distro you want to use, I suggest using the gentoo arm64 boot media
<fl0_id> r0ni I'm trying to create a pop-os boot image, which is based on debian/ubuntu. also testing with vmware fusion. They have a public iso creation thing, but so far only have an incomplete branch for some snapdragon-x-elite. This did work for me, but somehow it doesn't continue from grub. Before I somewhat successfully booted a raspberry pi based image after installing a generic kernel into it, but that one is annoying because it always wants to switch to
<fl0_id> the raspberry pi kernel and grub only boots manually for some reason. (Despite having also moved the kernel to the efi part just to be sure)
<chaos_princess> for vms you do EFI, not u-boot or whatever vendor nonsense
<r0ni> what i'd do is install debian vm, and create your pop-os from there as another hdd and add it to grub
<r0ni> and yeah efi like a pc install
<chaos_princess> look for "System Ready" images or guides for Ampere servers
<r0ni> gentoo-kernel configs work for me and i use a slackware system in vmware fusion. but I have to manually manage the grub.cfg but it works perfectly
<fl0_id> thx. yeah I'm doing efi. For the raspi image I have been working with an ubuntu server iso, which I assume is similar to debian (like to chroot into the raspi image)
<fl0_id> maybe I should just copy the grub from that once installed
<fl0_id> this is btw what grub shows with debug, at least doesn't show an error
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<pounce> is it recommended to occasionally update macOS? I remember seeing some warnings against it awhile back
<pounce> i haven't opened macOS since installing asahi
<chaos_princess> it should be fine, but if you are concerned, you might want to wait a few days after a macos release, just to see if anyone will have problems
<pounce> eh i'd rather not log into macOS, i just didn't know if i had to do it to update microcode or something
<chaos_princess> 15.0 has a iboot update that allows disabling automatic boot on lid open/power connection, if you care about that feature
<pounce> gotcha
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<fl0_id> pounce yeah you will need it for firmware updates
<fl0_id> just out of curiosity, does anybody know/think that longterm there can be a working microphone? at least for me, that would be a pretty essential feature on the macbooks for work. sure you can carry an external mic, but that's somewhat impractical
<chaos_princess> it i done and working for some models, we just need to finish the rest of them and do and release
<chaos_princess> *is, *a (wtf is with my typing today)
<fl0_id> chaos_princess ah cool. I thought I read sth like that it was a problem of measuring equipment etc. thanks
<chaos_princess> it is exactly that problem, doing the measurements for the remaining models
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<fl0_id> chaos_princess right
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<PMartin> I'm really not sure if others are seeing these messages, but think I'm able to see responces. So lost.
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<fl0_id> PMartin they are
<fl0_id> but they just sometimes reply hours later, when they have time
<fl0_id> PMartin re your question - I assume this is a wayland issue. There is this from last year in case you haven't found it, but in case you tried it, I assume it is still generally broken. (others might have better knowledge)
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<PMartin> Yeah I couldn't get the super alt S thing to start it from the welcome screen where it's asking about keyboard and the like, nor could I seem to get it going from terminal.
<nicolas17> huh
<nicolas17> was AT-SPI tied to X11 or something?
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<fl0_id> PMartin apologies that also maybe IRC is not great to use with screenreaders, don't really know if there is a better way. But the asynchronous nature is like that for everybody, people just check it when they have time
<fl0_id> nicolas17 I think not at-spi necessarily, but some other things maybe?
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<PMartin> it was a little surprising given how incredibly easy and smooth the installation up to that point worked from Mac OS itself, even in the recovery part, stage @.
<fl0_id> PMartin tbh, I could be totally wrong, maybe the right packages are just not installed automatically? nicolas17
<PMartin> I'm getting the hang of this MIrc client on a Windows machine.
<PMartin> it might vary well be, but interesting thing is i'm having to use OCR with an iPhone camera to riddle this next part out until I can get speech or braille going on Remix.
<nicolas17> fl0_id: ah found the article answering "what's wrong with at-spi"
<nicolas17> but it seems like at-spi *should* work on wayland?
<fl0_id> PMartin if it's just a package not installed, might be possible from the macos installer?
<PMartin> I have not a clue. Last time I used Linux on the whole was some 15 years ago, and certainly wasn't scripting between that and Mac OS at that time.
<fl0_id> PMartin yeah ok, that should have been adressed to nicolas17 maybe
<PMartin> Though I'm sure it would somehow be possible if it were merely a package or something missing going on the magic that was pulled in the terminal in getting that installed and set up to boot.
<fl0_id> there is this old thread on reddit, though this is not that relevant, as at the time asahi linux was not based on fedora and used a different setup process
<fl0_id> I took the liberty of asking on that thread how it is supposed to be for current asahi linux
<PMartin> !Still trying to copy and paste the link. Interesting times.
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<PMartin> I finally get that link copied, but all I get when loading it with edge is an internal server error.
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<fl0_id> PMartin if you are back / if they are back, marcan replied on reddit that it should be installed by default, just needs to be disabled in asahi default config
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