ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | "Does XXX work yet?": | GitHub: | Wiki: | Topics: #asahi-dev #asahi-re #asahi-gpu #asahi-alt #asahi-stream #asahi-offtopic | Keep things on topic | Logs:
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<hays> hey I just wanted to say that I appreciate you all. all this drama lately and we don't thank and respect the developers who work on this stuff enough
<hays> I hope that maybe charges your battery 0.01%
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<fl0_id> hays +1
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<Guest9692> Hi all, I have an issue with dualboot Asahi where an OSX update won't install on reboot. I have set OSX back to be the startup disk in OSX system preferences and on reboot I am sent straight into osx by default but the update just never installs. Am I missing something obvious I should be setting?
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<shiggitay> hey all so I know marcan left the project here but did he leave the channel as well?
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<j`ey> seems so
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<gmorell> so uh did the asahi arm repos get nuked :-\
<gmorell> error: failed retrieving file 'asahi.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
<gmorell> jp and de don't resolve
<j`ey> they probably have different repos now
<gmorell> ah neato
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<pktwd1> Maybe this is an inapporpriate place to ask, but if I'm looking to get into doing RE, where is a good place to start?
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