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<MasterDuke> does mean anything for asahi?
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<Calandracas> colour management should be applicable everywhere
<Calandracas> I haven't measured my screen, so I have no clue how much it is needed either
<MasterDuke> i don't really know anything about color managment, but what about the HDR? my understanding is that my mba m2 has a pseudo-hdr screen, but i've never had anything hdr capable before, so not sure what it can get me and when
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<chadmed> MasterDuke: HDR requires display controller driver changes/support. not a massive priority right now but it'll happen at some point of course
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<Tramtrist> ....... it has any impact on sway gammastep or night mode?
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<yaybrianna> I don't know if this is the right place to put this, so if not kindly point me to the right place, but it looks like the open collective page contributions options for $10 and $100 continue to a page with $25 and $250 selected respectively
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<fl0_id> yaybrianna it's not wrong, but more targeted would probably be the contact link on the opencollective page?
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<Tenkawa> fl0_id: that is a very heavy handed/misleading approach to get funding... I would point out from a long time marketing/sales analysis point of view
<Tenkawa> If you advertise "starting at x" the link should not default at a different number...
<yaybrianna> right, that's what I'm saying. I don't think it's malicious, or at least I have no reason to believe that. But it is something that should be addressed
<Tenkawa> Yeah just looks like a interface glitch
<Tenkawa> but... I didn't enter the data so not sure
<sven> huh, definitely a glitch
<sven> not sure we even control over that
<sven> if you click 100$ it jumps to 250$ as well for some reason
<sven> yup, was a glitch from when we were playing around with the tires in a hurry. should be fixed
<sven> *tiers
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<fl0_id> Tenkawa yes. I meant yaybrianna's approach of writing here is not wrong. only that they could also write to the contract email in case nobody replied here
<Tenkawa> sven: cool.. btw nice work you all have done on the project... I am not sure if the Ubuntu variant one is a fork or if they work in conjuction with you guys (I prefer Debian/Ubuntu based distributions) however I haved been pleased with what I have seen in my testing so far.
<Tenkawa> I did test out the Fedora one first just to try it out...
<j`ey> it's a fork in that it's separate
<chaos_princess> fedora is the flagship one, and the one people in here really make sure works. Rest are forks of varying quality
<fl0_id> sven just out of curiosity, is there some info somewhere on how funds are distributed?
<Tenkawa> j`ey: that's what I thought.
<sven> fl0_id: I believe that’ll all be public on open collective
<fl0_id> Tenkawa and ofc stuff that is upstreamed is relatively easy to use, but other stuff has to be adapted to ubuntu as far as I understand
<fl0_id> sven yeah that's what I thought but I don't see anything. or did it just start?
<Tenkawa> Nod.. I have to do this for generic arm64/risc-v socs in my own builder project....
<j`ey> fl0_id: just stared
<j`ey> started
<fl0_id> j`ey ah ok thx, somehow I thought it was longer running already
<j`ey> it's to replace patreon/marc4n's gh sponsors
<fl0_id> ah ok that makes sense
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