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<JamesB192> the_eye: Ostensibly that game requires either Ubuntu or DirectX 12.
<JamesB192> Ubuntu is another channel and DirectX 12 require sparse something or other that we do not have ATM.
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<JamesB192> It should be in the next tech update though. The Linux install should only require Vulkan 1.2 or OpenGL 4.2 both of which work now IIRC.
<JamesB192> Greedy wants more ram+vram than my modest system has. Also, I think the engine source has been posted to GitHub?
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<monthebiff> just been looking at the mac os bless command, saw in the man pages that several options including setting the boot volume isn't supported on apple silicon. Anyone able to confirm/ point me at up to date: this is how you rapidly switch back and forth between mac os/ asahi?
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<nicolas17> monthebiff: you could just use the boot menu (long pressing power button when the mac is off)
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<fl0_id> mons
<fl0_id> nicolas17 should asahi bless work too? ^^
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<chaos_princess> macos bless works, but only starting from certain macos versions. as you cant install asahi with macos <13.5, it should be new enough for it to work (installer uses bless internally)
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<monthebiff> nicolas17 yeh i was just poking around for quicker ways to do it. long pressing power button is what im currently doing. would be cool to go: bless, reboot.
<monthebiff> chaos_princess, just to confirm: you're saying macos bless works, despite the notes in the man page about it not supporting apple silicon?
<j`ey> yes, and there's asahi-bless if you want to do it on the linux side
<chaos_princess> i can confirm that the installer contains calls to macos bless, which are being run as a part of the install process
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<chadmed> monthebiff: yes you can call something like bless --setBoot --mount ${macos_volume}
<monthebiff> cool ill give it a go
<monthebiff> cheers
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<runxiyu> Wifi issue after reinstall
<runxiyu> NetworkManager seemed to be not working, so I decided to use wpa_supplicant manually and got the above
<runxiyu> It worked right before I reinstalled asahi
<runxiyu> Does anyone know if this is a recent regression?
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<chadmed> runxiyu: have you tried with iwd?
<runxiyu> chadmed: No, and I don't have a means to install it presently
<runxiyu> I strongly suspect this has something to do with Fedora 41 changing crypto policy (disabling sha1?)
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<runxiyu> my hypothesis is correct, rolling back the crypto policy works
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<alyssa> not sure if we upgraded kernels or something? but wi-fi (with enterprise auth) seems to have broken in the last 24h for me on f40
<j`ey> runxiyu: had this issue, did you dnf downgrade something?
<alyssa> ^ lot of noise on dmesg
<alyssa> j`ey: I don't.. think so
<j`ey> alyssa: I was asking if runxiyu did "< runxiyu> my hypothesis is correct, rolling back the crypto policy works"
<j`ey> just not sure what/how to roll that back
<alyssa> o_O ok
<alyssa> I just ran a dnf upgrade, let's see if that's helping
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<alyssa> after dnf upgrade and reboot it works
<alyssa> um. ok
<alyssa> won't ask too many questions, I need to get to work ;;
<alyssa> thanks j`ey
<j`ey> I didnt do anything, but good it's working!
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<vimproved> brcmfmac is truly an enigma
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