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<hays> with a technical problem you are obsessed with that needs reversing
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<runxiyu_> > Keep in mind that you might be unable to update macOS if you do not have enough free disk space left over!
<runxiyu_> Is there any particular importance to let macOS stay able to upgrade?
<runxiyu_> As in, if I choose to not use macOS at all (except for m1n1 stage1 upgrades and the like), would this still be significant?
<runxiyu_> also, firefox randomly hangs for me, huh
<runxiyu_> after updating today
<chaos_princess> an example would be macos 15 introducing a feature to disable turning on when charger is attached or lid is open. applies systemwide, but in order for it to work, you need to install macos 15+ at least once
<leio> for example a macOS upgrade brought the option to not wake up on lid open or something along those lines, which get installed into stage1 iBoot with the macos upgrade
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<chaos_princess> and when m3 will be supported, it is likely that we will update m1/m2 installs to a new base firmware version too, and that would also require a macos update
<chaos_princess> imo, if you are not using macos, and is ok with potentially some annoyance once in a blue moon, feel free to ignore that recommendation
<runxiyu_> ah, thanks
<leio> personally I have a shared exFAT partition inbetween macOS and linux stuff, which I could arrange to temporarily delete to temporarily enlarge the macOS one, but that's mostly useful if macOS is used, I suppose
<chaos_princess> for the 15 update i guess you could install it on external disk and then wipe the install to get the relevant iboot update
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<runxiyu_> (i'm not even sure how to check my iboot version)
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<fl0_id> runxiyu in any case, if you don't update macos, you will have the older version
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