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<hello> hello
<hello> Package Arch Version Repository Size Skipping packages with conflicts: asahi-platform-metapackage-audio noarch 0-7.fc40 0.0 B asahi-platform-metapackage-desktop aarch64 0-15.fc42 0.0 B asahi-platform-metapackage-
hello is now known as Guest8098
<Guest8098> Skipping packages with conflicts:
<Guest8098> asahi-platform-metapackage-audio
<Guest8098> asahi-platform-metapackage-desktop
<Guest8098> asahi-platform-metapackage-firefox
<Guest8098> asahi-fwupdate
<Guest8098> asahi-scripts
<Guest8098> Skipping packages with broken dependencies:
<Guest8098> asahi-platform-metapackage
<Guest8098> why
<Guest8098> update-m1n1
<Guest8098> asahi-battery
<Guest8098> ?
<Guest8098> Problem 1: installed package asahi-platform-metapackage-core-0-18.fc42.aarch64 requires asahi-fwextract, but none of the providers can be installed
<Guest8098> Problem 2: installed package asahi-platform-metapackage-0-18.fc42.aarch64 requires asahi-platform-metapackage-core = 0-18.fc42, but none of the providers can be installed
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<jannau> hello / Guest8098: in the case you read logs: rawhide / next fedora version after branching is not recommended to use. the pasted log is hard to read (please use a pastebin the next time) but it appears you have asahi-platform-metapackage-audio-0-7.fc40. did you at some point deinstall pipewire? I suspect your issue can be resolved by either removing asahi-platform-metapackage-audio
<jannau> or reinstalling pipewire (either remmoves the outdated package or updates it)
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<Seti_> anyone else experience firefox being a ram-hog?
<Seti_> on my x86-64 desktop with only 8gb running arch i dont experience any ram issues but on my 16gb air running fedora asahi having 15 firefox tabs open is inhaling ram
<Seti_> and using half of swap
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<opticron> FF is always a RAM hog for me because I have absurd numbers of tabs open
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<davincij_> do you guys know how to make asahi kde plasma logout when pressing the power button instead of just opening the logout screen?
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<fl0_id> opticron tab unloading helps with that though...
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