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<Tramtrist> is there an Asahi fedora changelog or github i can stalk for changes?
* Tramtrist is spoiled by the Slackware changelogs
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<Calandracas> Tramtrist, i subscribe to the rss feeds of all the github repos
<Tramtrist> yeah thats basically what id like to do. where are the fedora asahi repos?
<Calandracas> idk about the fedora stuff specifically
<Tramtrist> ah ya im following that
<Tramtrist> Im wondering if the Fedora team isnt managing publically on github
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<eldondev> Hi, I have a remote mac mini running asahi, I want to reboot into macos. I have used asahi-bless to switch back and forth previously, but I am unsure if powering up requires a password to boot macos.
<eldondev> Is there any (reasonable) way to check this before just trying it?
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<nicolas17> eldondev: you can use asahi-bless to choose macOS and reboot, and macOS will boot into the login screen
<nicolas17> if your macOS user account has a password, the macOS filesystem will be encrypted until the password is entered
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<fl0_id> Tramtrist I think some things are on fedora infra like here
<fl0_id> replace the part after the slash with * if it doesn't work
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<fahd> hello guys
<fahd> I just installed weechat so if someone could confirm yall can see my messages ;-; thanks :)
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<gruetzhaxe> fahd got you
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<the_eye> btw did anyone get a chance to think some more about the hid_apple module thing and the settings not being applied on boot?
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<master91122> wym?
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