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<nrabu> Hey, I saw on Apple's website that they have a patch which adds TSO support to the kernel for Rosetta. Is this something that can help muvm+FEX when running Asahi? Or is there no need to apply this patch (or does running Asahi kernel already cover that)
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<chaos_princess> asahi kernel already includes tso support
<leio> (to clarify, not with their patch, afaik)
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<nrabu> yeah just checked, it's not the same but uses same constants etc so they should be compatible
<j`ey> FEX also already uses it
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<monthebiff> looking for a way to disable my machine from starting when i open the lid... too many times its gone to the wrong OS for whenever i'm opening my machine :P
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<chaos_princess> - you must have installed macos 15+ at least once
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<monthebiff> oooooo cool thanks
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<monthebiff> i was looking for something in asahi-nvram but that'll do it :P
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<chaos_princess> same deal, just use system:BootPreference as the variable name
<monthebiff> sudo asahi-nvram read system:BootPreference
<monthebiff> [sudo] password for chris:
<monthebiff> VariableNotFound
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<chaos_princess> thats 'cause it isn't there if you haven't set it
<monthebiff> 90% sure ive got 15+ installed
<monthebiff> oh really? not just got a default value?
<chaos_princess> no
<monthebiff> fair enough, cheers for the pointers
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