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<fl0_id> mmh I think they went offline. DM me for mac vm or hackintosh questions. catred
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<monthebi1f> hey hey, just tried to connect and was told by irssi/irc i was banned o_O is indonesia on a no connect list?
<monthebi1f> or was i actually banned... in which case... im sorry for whatever i did. I've been away on holiday for a few weeks and thought i might have been caught up in some channel clean up?
<chaos_princess> matrix bridge?
<j`ey> I saw that in asahi-gpu, not sure why that was
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<monthebi1f> nah this channel, asahi-dev, i tried to connect to the stream channel and it joined (i think) before auto kicking me
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<monthebi1f> im on now but with a vpn connection back to new zealand
<chaos_princess> probably some spammer used that ip in the past
<monthebi1f> .local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/379720/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/id Software/DOOM/base/ErrorLog_11-12-2024__05-09-37pm.txt
<monthebi1f> i dont know why that just got pasted
<monthebi1f> thats from weeks ago :/
<monthebi1f> spammer would make sense, im in the airport
<chaos_princess> ah, yea, airports
<monthebi1f> saw the blog posts today - think im behind but big news
<chaos_princess> most likely thats what happened, people bring all sort of stuff, virus infested laptops, and then the whole ip gets banned
<monthebi1f> read martins post, notice the part about people asking about power stuff... felt bad. tried to log on, saw i was banned, nearly panicked :P
<chaos_princess> yep, the whole thing was your fault personally, thanks for ruining it for everyone :P
<monthebi1f> story of my life
<chaos_princess> (it is a joke just in case it wasnt clear for anyone)
<monthebi1f> im british i can take it
<chaos_princess> anyway, w.r.t ip bans, unless it's your home network, just vpn and dont bother
<monthebi1f> yeh the weird ban on duckduckgo has been bothering me in indonesia
<monthebi1f> like... why.
<monthebi1f> the CI work in the asahi blog sounds cool though - i honestly thought you guys had something up running somewhere to do some stuff
<chadmed> regressive authoritarian with martial strongman leadership personality cults are all mostly the same
<chadmed> pretty crazy that they let bali exist because bogans and FIFO miners spend so much money there, but the next province over is under effective theocratic law and bans alcohol entirely
<monthebi1f> lombok?
<monthebi1f> i just passed through there
<monthebi1f> was in the gili islands for a few days - all i can tell you is the roads there are much better than bali
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<chadmed> aceh is the one with sharia law, so not really next to bali sorry
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<chadmed> id love to visit indonesia tbh it looks like a great experience
<monthebiff> im not coming back for a while
<monthebiff> was here for 2 days, got bali belly, and its been a nightmare
<chadmed> i enjoyed my time in rural malaysia (minus the food poisoning)
<chadmed> yeah bali is... not appealing
<chadmed> it's for FIFO miners with more money than brains
<monthebiff> i love motorcycles ... but bali's roads are carnage
<monthebiff> i've gotta reboot to macOS and download some tv episodes for the plane. hope alls well in asahi world! keep up the good work!
<monthebiff> o/
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<fl0_id> chadmed and this then prob combined with all sorts of "soft law" / unwritten rules that are left to custom or to arbitrary interpretation. Like having rust in the kernel but also not having it
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<thelounge42> Hey - Has anyone managed to configure the keymap (ISO / Norwegian) correctly on M1 Pro 2021 (J314sAP) / Fedora Asahi? I keep having mismatches: pipe (|) instead of apostrophe ('), regardless of the configured model / layout.
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<JamesB192> localectl? I think it was mentioned earlier for a different language
<JamesB192> Ah, Italian back on 2025-01-22
<thelounge42> System Locale: LANG=en_US.utf8
<thelounge42> LC_NUMERIC=nb_NO.utf8
<thelounge42> LC_TIME=nb_NO.utf8
<thelounge42> LC_MONETARY=nb_NO.utf8
<thelounge42> LC_PAPER=nb_NO.utf8
<thelounge42> LC_NAME=nb_NO.utf8
<thelounge42> LC_ADDRESS=nb_NO.utf8
<thelounge42> LC_TELEPHONE=nb_NO.utf8
<thelounge42> LC_MEASUREMENT=nb_NO.utf8
<thelounge42> VC Keymap: no
<thelounge42> LC_IDENTIFICATION=nb_NO.utf8
<thelounge42> X11 Layout: no
<thelounge42> X11 Model: applealu_iso
<Tenkawa> thelounge42: does everything in /etc/locale.conf look right?
<Tenkawa> beat me to it
<chaos_princess> please use pastebin next time
<thelounge42> Right, sorry
* JamesB192 just uses en_US and has no idea how it works.
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<thelounge42> Well, I guess there is a reason why does not show any report for Norwegian. There might not be a solution yet. Thanks anyway!
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<arki> I have the same issue with CH layout
<the_eye> at least to me it became quite clear after trying for a day that the plasma settings thing doesn't work for setting the keyboard layout but that (at least for us-intl) localectl did the trick
<the_eye> btw did anyone get a chance to think some more about the hid_apple module thing and the settings not being applied on boot?
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<zzUzz> Hi --- I'm trying to install void on my m1 air. I think my question pertains to installing any os through the UEFI environment only though. How do I mount the boot partition before I chroot in? How do I update GRUB?
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<chaos_princess> technically wrong channel, but are you following the void guide, and which step are you having issues with?
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<zzUzz> Im at the step where you prepare the system to chroot in, thought I see a step I might have overlooked. I may be back in a couple hours. Curious... where would be the right channel?
<nicolas17> I think #asahi-alt for alternative distros
<zzUzz> Doh, that makes sense
<zzUzz> Thanks!
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<Calandracas_> zzUzz, or ask in #voidlinux on libera
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<Calandracas_> there's really not much special though, beyond needing a custom kernel and mesa
<Calandracas_> once the bootloader gets to bootaa64.efi it behaves like any other UEFI system
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