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has anyone ever gotten android sdk's fastboot to recognize their phone when connected via usb-c?
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so about games via steam on a MacBook Pro M2. What might I be doing wrong if the only game I currently have (Return to Monkey Island) starts up, I hear audio but it only shows a black screen? I tried googling but nothing seems 100% appropriate
(but my google-fu is known to be weak)
if I start steam from a terminal window I get lots of "ERROR: object '/tmp/pressure-vessel-libs-BHI612/${LIB}/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored."
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Hey guys! having this issue "Error Domain=KMErrorDomain Code=71 "Boot policy error: not a valid admin user for the volume at <>" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Boot Policy Error: not a valid...}
Im using my username I set
are you the only user on this machine
i believe so, I just got this computer. Do you think doing a factory reset of osx will do anything?
ok, wait
2nd hand computer?
do you know the previous owner?
i can get in contact with him
How come?
ok, so, first, make sure the os is logged out of icloud, and find my is disabled
then log in to _your_ icloud account
on it will report back
there is a chance that the previous user had set up fmm, forgot to log out, and therefore still has the ability to remotely brick your machine
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luckily he has not forgot to set that up
sorry he has not set that up
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anyway, make sure you have your own icloud account set up, fmm is under your account, and i guess try recreating an admin user?
the issue is that the user is not considered a "machine owner", and i am not sure how to create a new one if you do not have one already
(without wiping macos, that is, a dfu restore will create a machine owner, but that comes with obvous downsides)
the_eye have you tried disabling steam game overlay? (just guessing)
dont even have steam installed im making a new admin account and setting up icloud right now
that was to a previous message to someone else
*from someone else
ah perfect! Thank you chaos princess it was just that I didnt setup icloud
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afaiui it shouldn't matter? but i am not 100% sure as to how exactly macos decides if a certain account is a machine owner or not, so guess it is good that ot works now?
fl0_id: yep, tried that. also tried setting the various compatibility options (as in use different engines - it wants to use Steam Linux Runtime but I also tried Proton). They all lead to the game starting, outputting audio but no video
fl0_id: just to be sure I tried running a game I had bought on ages ago either manually via muvm or by adding it to steam as a non-steam game: here I have video but no audio. So it's not that video doesn't work as such.
fl0_id: (I should say "a different game" to make it more clear)
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well, gotta head to bed now but will read potential answers tomorrow, if any should happen
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okay perfect! I had to setup icloud, everything took much longer to work after doing it all
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