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<the_eye> so I have various settings in /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple - up until an update today, these were successfully applied. Now, they aren't and my keyboard is not acting like I want it to. Manually echoing values to the files under /sys/modules/hid_apple/parameters/ does have the desired effect, though. Does anyone have an idea why the /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple file might not be applied
<the_eye> during boot?
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<chaos_princess> post the contents of your file under modprobe.d
<the_eye> filename is hid_apple.conf. Content is:
<the_eye> options hid_apple fnmode=2 swap_fn_leftctrl=1 swap_opt_cmd=1
<chaos_princess> do none of them apply, or some do?
<the_eye> none, right now
<the_eye> up until yesterday, all
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<sonne> the_eye: i have no idea, but just to check, you could try doing that manually. like --> rmmod hid_apple; modprobe hid_apple fnmode=2 etc etc
<sonne> just don't run the rmmod command alone, or you won't be able to type the modprobe :)
<sonne> ah nvm i missed the part about echoing
<the_eye> well I mean - there still might be a difference between echoing to /sys once the module is already loaded vs applying the option while loading
<sonne> you can try what i suggested then, though i'd be very surprised if it was any different
<PaulFertser> Probably the module got pulled into initramfs now?
<sonne> PaulFertser: Kconfig hasn't changed significantly
<sonne> at least in the last days
<PaulFertser> Yes, initramfs generation is purely userspace thing.
<the_eye> ah. so the options would have to be part of however the initramfs is built in fedora? (normally I'm an Arch person)
<sonne> the_eye: any chance that modprobe.d is deprecated and you should use module-load.d ?
<the_eye> oh. also worth a try
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<the_eye> lots of files in modprobe.d (not mine), none in modules-load.d
<sonne> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<sonne> try with modules-load.d and reboot just for science
<PaulFertser> I'd first try with modprobe -r .. ; modprobe .. (without providing additional options)
<PaulFertser> To see if the options from config get applied or not.
<the_eye> sonne: manpage says this isn't module options but rather a systemd way to configure which modules to autoload
<the_eye> PaulFertser: good point. tried that, they get applied
<the_eye> PaulFertser: this probably strengthens the initramfs idea?
<PaulFertser> the_eye: to me, yes :)
<sonne> idk, it would be super weird if hid_apple was *not* in the initramfs before
<sonne> what good is an initramfs if you can't use a keyboard
<PaulFertser> Loading LVM etc.
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<sonne> i checked initramfs for both 6.12.12-400 and 6.12.1-404 -- can't see significant differences inside of them for what that module is concerned. it's present in both, and there is no mention in any file of it
<sonne> i have never tried to boot a different kernel on asahi, but if you know how to do it, might be worth checking if booting an older kernel works? just to bisect kernel vs user space
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<the_eye> hrmmm. If I understand this correctly, the config should be under /usr/lib/dracut .. can't find mention of hid_apple anywhere under there
<sonne> the_eye: i have mixed experiences with dracut and the coresponence between it and its docs -- i'd try empirically
<the_eye> well brb rebooting to see what the boot menu contains..
<sonne> the_eye: so actually modprobe.d doesn't just apply to boot but (unsurprisingly) to manual modprobes as well. so i wonder, what happens when you rmmod and modprobe that module without the parameters in the CLI?
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<the_eye> sonne: that was already tried upon suggestion from PaulFertser. Doing that causes the settings to be applied.
<the_eye> sonne: which is at least quicker to type :)
<sonne> ah didn't catch that
<sonne> weeeird
<sonne> did you try the reboot?
<the_eye> so _if_ the module gets loaded at a time when /etc/modprobe.d is present, things work as intended
<the_eye> sonne: yeah but couldn't figure out how to boot something else.
<the_eye> not sure if there even is something else
<sonne> the_eye: try "grub2-editenv - unset menu_auto_hide" ?
<sonne> you probably need to redo grub-mkconfig then
<sonne> or possibly none of those things and just spam ESC
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<sonne> the_eye: everything ok? did i make you doom your system with the wrong grub thing?
<the_eye> Nah, interference of other life-related necessities (washing machine is done, need to hang up the laundry)
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<sonne> ah alright :D i feel relieved
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<the_eye> sonne: booting either kernel version offered by grub doesn't change the behaviour
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<the_eye> heading to bed for now. be back tomorrow...
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<catred> leio, cheers
<catred> Hi everyone
<catred> thinking of contributing to the project
<catred> although time is sparse as I've got lots on my shoulders already
<catred> but perhaps I can help out here and there
<catred> always been interested in low level programming and was thinking about join asahi years ago but completely forgot about it
<catred> s/join/joining
<catred> I am particularly interested in reverse engineering, and hoping I can work under someone
<fl0_id> catred I'm not sure if anyone is actively mentoring or sth. best is probably to just pick sth and get started, lurk here or more likely on #asahi-dev, and ask questions when they come up. what you can / want to work on prob also depends on your hardware
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<catred> thanks fl0_id, will do. What hardware constraints are there ?
<nicolas17> eg. can't do much work on high-level drivers if you have an M4 Mac where Linux doesn't even boot yet
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<catred> nicolas17, what if I don't have any mac devices ?
<nicolas17> what would you reverse-engineer then? :D
<catred> yeh, I figured
<catred> what other work is there ?
<chaos_princess> - whatever is marked as tba/wip there
<chaos_princess> there are also similar pages for m2 and m3
<catred> thanks chaos_princess - so all the WIP/TBA features don't require one to have m1, correct ?
<nicolas17> those are the features that are not done yet
<catred> I understand, but will I need an m1 to build/test on ?
<chaos_princess> ofc
<catred> well this is going to plan..
<chaos_princess> i mean, kinda hard to test if your hw driver works if you do not have the relevant hw :P
<catred> I will need to see if I can get an m1 in that case
<chaos_princess> what _do_ you have?
<catred> heh
<catred> well, no mac hw
<nicolas17> there's things that *could* be tested by others
<catred> running a ryzen on fedora
<catred> sorry, other way round
<catred> nicolas17, such as ?
<nicolas17> IIRC someone here wrote a driver for something on M1, and I tested it on M2 for them, which didn't work, and they could figure it out from my logs
<catred> oh, ok that could work short term I guess
<nicolas17> but working remotely or from logs alone that could be a pain in the ass
<catred> no, it's far from ideal
<nicolas17> I also made an account on my macOS for a friend who wanted to do some tests with nested virtualization, via ssh
<nicolas17> then the next time I rebooted and I saw him listed on the graphical login screen I went "wait what the heck"
<nicolas17> "OH right, I forgot"
<catred> nicolas17, not sure I meet your threshold for friend yet
<chaos_princess> arguably, we will eventually need a no_std apfs driver, and that can be done with a hackintosh vm
<catred> chaos_princess, that could work
<fl0_id> catred used m1s might be relatively cheap though. so yeah, hardware constraints based on what you have. Like m1 and m2 is little bit different. m3 and m4 you cannot work on m1/m2 and would have to help with bringup first
<fl0_id> apfs driver could be fun I guess. not sure if going off apfs-fuse or other existing drivers would be allowed though
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<chaos_princess> you can go of this (warning, contains inaccuracies and mutually contradicting statements)
<nicolas17> Mac mini M2 refubrished directly from Apple is USD 320 now
<dhintz> Is anyone else still on the arch linux variant? I've started getting a 404 on the pacman asahi linux mirror, has it been officially killed?
<chaos_princess> pretty much. there is an unofficial project to resurrect it though
<nicolas17> oh nvm I think that model sold out quick
<catred> yeh I was looking around for m1s/m2s - there aren't so pricey but might be a few months before I can get one
<catred> s/there/they
<catred> chaos_princess, thanks for the link, I will go over it.
<dhintz> That sucks, thanks for the confirmation though
<nicolas17> oh yea I found some errors myself on that APFS document, amazing they still haven't updated it since 2020
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<catred> apfs looks interesting - I've never done fs work before, so there is a lot to learn but would be interested in exploring it some more
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<catred> although Im not privy to all the errors in the docs
<chaos_princess> thats what the macos vm is for
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<catred> chaos_princess, okay where do I d/l it from ?
<chaos_princess> the what, macos vm?
<catred> yeh
<chaos_princess> you aren't technically supposed to do that, so just use your preferred search engine to search for a guide and follow that.
<nicolas17> that's for installing macOS on a virtual machine on macOS on Mac hardware
<nicolas17> in fact, that guide is for writing *your own VM app* to do that :P
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<catred> sucks being a mac n00b
<catred> so hackinosh is safe right ? no known backdoors or anything of the sort
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