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<chadmed> Soni: we cant even get them to adopt a language they already committed to adopting
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<Soni> chadmed: then pretend it's a threat. you can use this for reference (tho we didn't make it a threat here)
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<Soni> you can also talk about how this would make linux more resilient to US takeover attempts or something
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<chadmed> i dont see what problem this solves that forking/existing git-enabled decentralisation doesnt. at least now we have a commonly accepted source of truth
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<chaos_princess> i wonder, if you think that it is a great idea, why not ask to adopt it yourself? after all, anyone can post to ml, you do not need to ask other people to do it
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<psykose> i've read this multiple times and i still don't understand what the mechanism for this is
<Soni> chaos_princess: we tried to figure out how to do that once for an unrelated issue and we got overwhelmed and we don't think we ever heard back
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<chaos_princess> well, maybe try working on it then :P
<chaos_princess> after all, you seem to be the primary person interested in making it happen
<Soni> "we don't know how to use the mailing list" basically
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<chaos_princess> never hurts to learn a new skill
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<psykose> i read the readme and it doesn't say anything about how stuff works, it just says it's a "project hub" with no ways to merge request anything
<Soni> psykose: we don't need merge *requests* we can just look at what other projects are doing and pull from them every now and then
<Soni> (well, other repos)
<chaos_princess> psykose: if i understand it correctly, the idea that instead of a single upstream, you have multiple of them (tied to a distro or w/e), and they pull patches they like from each other
<Soni> pushing to a ganarchy repo *is* a merge request
<j`ey> basically more work for everyone
<chaos_princess> pmuch
<psykose> i am not taking enough drugs to get it i think
<psykose> i guess it can technically work for a few things
<chaos_princess> nah, it is like bitcoin, it is that bad of an idea, your brain just tries to protect itself from facing the reality that someone genuinely proposed it by making itself thing that you do not udnerstand it
<chaos_princess> s/thing/think/
<Soni> chaos_princess: this is not like bitcoin wtf
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<chaos_princess> it is on a meta level. both are very bad ideas, and both have people that do not understand why anyone else would not "just" take their "excellent ideas"
<Soni> not really
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<Soni> technically, we are not saying it's a good idea
<Soni> we just wanna see it happen anyway
<Soni> because we do think it improves open source resilience even if it fucks everything else up
<j`ey> ok this is quite off topic
<Soni> (tho it doesn't fuck the planet up)
<PaulFertser> Fork an important project and continue developing it with your friends using this federated maintainership idea, that would show how viable and attractive it is.
<Soni> we, perhaps unsurprisingly, have no programmer friends who'd be willing to write code together. most of them are busy with their own projects, or long covid, or whatever, and we don't feel like pushing it.
<fl0_id> Soni that's like saying you just want to see the world burn, because technically it would improve resilience. it's also just wasting everybodies time who takes you seriously, and basically trolling
<fl0_id> maybe get a new hobby?
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<PaulFertser> Soni: so you can help them with their own projects, gradually showing the advantages of your idea like maintaining a "friendly fork" in parallel to them and showing the viability by setting an example rather than by theorising.
<Soni> good point. we wonder if any of them would be open to that...
<PaulFertser> They can't prohibit an independent friendly fork of a free software project, right?
<Soni> it's more about seeing if they'd be open to learning the new workflow
<Soni> also, it is opt-in, so
<Soni> if they have their own opinions about project maintainership... might be hard to convince them
<PaulFertser> Start doing it yourself, show the advantages by your own example. They'll be automatically convinced when they see you succeed.
<Soni> ... that's not how you make it friendly
<Soni> smh
<Soni> now y'all are just being hostile :/
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<PaulFertser> Not hostile against you as a person, just sceptical about your idea and the way you want it implemented.
<Soni> 1. accused of trolling 2. told to take their projects and put them on ganarchy, despite the point of the opt-in being that they get to decide whether or not they wanna do it
<Soni> like, this is kinda hostile, it also goes against our values
<PaulFertser> You can fork any free software project and host it any way you want, that's fine, what's the problem?
<Soni> just because we could, doesn't mean we should
<Soni> something can still be rude even if "free software" allows for it
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