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<teteka> hi i am having trouble booting into fedora after updating macos. i updated m1n1 with the installer but when i try to boot into fedora, it shows the fedora logo and then restarts again
<Tenkawa> Are you holding the power key down at the beginning until it says Loading then letting go?
<teteka> yes
<teteka> ive used fedora on here many times before, i think some update broke something for me
<Tenkawa> hmm interesting.. (I had timing issues at first but it eventually worked)
<Tenkawa> ahh
<Tenkawa> I've installed/removed/installed both the Fedora and another fork on mine (MBP M1) successfully so far
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<teteka> I missed this- ill try this and come back
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<teteka> that worked! thank you for your help anyway Tenkawa
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<Tenkawa> good find...