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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus cae5323 - xlibe, bump version (#9291)
<Begasus> testing icu73.2 ... :)
<Begasus> [Total error count: 3] (not bad)
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<humdinger> Morning, busy, busy Begasus! :)
<Begasus> Moin humdinger
<Begasus> need to keep at it while I can :)
<humdinger> what's happening? You go on an offline vacation?
<Begasus> nah, still on sickleave, wonder how long they will leave me alone ;)
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<Begasus> I'm lost without the laptop around :D
<humdinger> ah. stupid, meddling, paid work...
<humdinger> how long till retirement?
<Begasus> June next year
<humdinger> \o/
<Begasus> so I'm hoping they'll give me some slack here :)
<Begasus> been working for over 42 years, think I've done my best :P
<humdinger> I say!
<Begasus> wife in hospital atm
<Begasus> 2 new knees
<humdinger> oh.
<humdinger> oh. oh.
<Begasus> we're getting old(er) :)
<humdinger> my brother gets a new hip later this year.
<humdinger> when do you get your new back? :)
<Begasus> hope he'll be fine there
<Begasus> no way there will be surgery for my back!
<humdinger> he's looking very much forward to it. the pain...
<humdinger> /nick Cyborgasus
<Begasus> yeah, same with the wife, been strugling with the pain for a long time
<Begasus> heh
* humdinger messes with his network now. might disconnect...
<Begasus> wife is doing not to bad (seeing the operation is only done last wednesday)
<Begasus> how do you turn on verbose again when running make?
<Begasus> icu doesn't create a testsuite.log :/
<Begasus> *Note* some errors are data-loading related. If the data used is not the
<Begasus> stock ICU data (i.e some have been added or removed), consider using
<Begasus> the '-w' option to turn these errors into warnings.
<Begasus> humdinger, still alive? :)
<Begasus> Vision is running in French locale here (while the system eg Tracker ... is running in Dutch locale), any idea there?
<humdinger> back. finally. wlan is the most annoying thing in Haiku...
<Begasus> sometimes need to disable/enable network interface to connect on boot
<humdinger> there is no Dutch translation for Vision. Got French as a fallback in Locale prefs?
<Begasus> O_°
<humdinger> For me Haiku auto-connects for weeks on end. then, suddenly nothing. wpa_supplicant pos up again and again.
<humdinger> s/pos/pops
<Begasus> relaunching .. bias
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<Begasus> Better
<humdinger> what was it?
<Begasus> Think I checked some French thingy in Locale prefs a while ago
<humdinger> bingo!
<Begasus> the Locale Prefs, had Dutch - French -English (in that order)
<Begasus> Thanks! :)
<humdinger> I'll now reboot and try to connect to my 5Ghz wlan... wanna see if thruput improves.
* humdinger crosses fingers
<Begasus> speedtest :)
<humdinger> cu on the other side!
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<humdinger> now connecting work almost on first try...
<humdinger> it even threw up the wpa-window for both 2G and 4G...
* humdinger rolls eyes
<Begasus> heh
<humdinger> marginally faster. 2.6MB/s instead of 2.0MB/s
<humdinger> might be the lame raspberry on the other end too.
<Begasus> Download: 9.26 Mbit/s
<humdinger> Upload
<Begasus> Upload: 8.65 Mbit/s
<Begasus> with speedtest-cli
<humdinger> will try that some time
<Begasus> still on python3.9 there :)
<Begasus> Selecting best server based on ping...
<Begasus> Hosted by FlawCra (Krefeld) [66.66 km]: 141.559 ms
<Begasus> ;)
<humdinger> I'm sending in my local network over wlan.
<Begasus> k, same failing test for icu70
<humdinger> consistent at least...
<Begasus> yep :)
<Begasus> checking icu66 to compare
<Begasus> nice thing with this setup, takes about 5 minutes to build things like icu
<Begasus> eeps ... /port.recipe: line 129: 38803 Kill Thread unzip -oq ../../../sources-2/icu4c-*
<humdinger> new monster machine
<Begasus> yeah, so pleased with it
<Begasus> just wish it could run native on bare metal
<Begasus> 32bit native*
<Begasus> weird that it crashes on the data archive for icu66
<humdinger> I dread when this notebook needs replacing...
<humdinger> 9 years old now.
<Begasus> the other laptop still running 32bit native ... 12years old by now :)
<Begasus> but SLOW compared to this one ;)
<humdinger> if Moore's law holds tru, my next machine will indeed fly.
<Begasus> still have another one still capable of running Haiku 32bit, think it's somewhere around 20years old :)
<humdinger> This i7@2.3ghz 8core feels quite snappy already.
<Begasus> Had a good price on this one, around €800
<humdinger> I may even opt for less speed but cooler/quite setup. if there is such a thing.
<humdinger> my main concern is working gfx + wlan + lan + audio.
<Begasus> when builds are running it's not the most silent one either here, but I'll take that
<Begasus> for wlan I baught an extra USB dongle
<humdinger> here, too. that's when the turbine comes on...
<Begasus> works perfert
<Begasus> yeah :-)
<Begasus> if they turn on here without something building I know it's Web+
<humdinger> when on github
<Begasus> yeah, and not always
<Begasus> can't just pinpoint a certain address, happens randomly
<humdinger> get it on github every time. sometimes on websites with much media stuff. otherwise, web+ works very nicely
<Begasus> using Web+ mostly for checking up on things, Otter still around to read up on email
<humdinger> mail_daemon works for me :)
<Begasus> using gmail, so haven't really tackled it to work on that
<humdinger> worked for me with an app password, but I moved away from Google.
<Begasus> joined in there when you still needed to get an invitation to join :)
<humdinger> I only lost my Gerrit account... :(
<Begasus> yeah, saw the conversations in the mails
<humdinger> cool, so Google has a detailed history of you. :D
<Begasus> no one to recover that?
<humdinger> kallisti5[m] wanted to look into it, but it appears not to be easy...
<Begasus> if it isn't Google it's someone else, I'm not worried there
* Begasus is not paranoid :P
<humdinger> well. if the provider only makes money from your regular payments and no ads, there's no incentive to snoop on you.
<Begasus> haven't seen any money dissapear from my bank account yet ;)
<humdinger> They trade your data and web behaviour around behind your back. no need to actually crime and empty your bank account.
<Begasus> freedom of choice, if you can't stand it use something else :)
<Begasus> not much to grab here
<humdinger> exactly. I took the jump and wished I did it earlier.
<Begasus> mostly search for build errors :P
<humdinger> The webinterface to email alone works much better than Google.
<Begasus> does it also provide 2-way security?
<humdinger> it does.
<humdinger> there's a 30day try out phase, if you're interested. :)
<Begasus> Tried epiphany the other day to login to my gmail account, need to give my code to confirm it's me
<Begasus> nah, I'm good so far, got this thing over 20years now
<Begasus> could also use my providers email if needed (although I have to lookup on things for that) :P
<humdinger> yeah. but ISPs may change.
<humdinger> Google is forever :) :) :)
<Begasus> right :P
<Begasus> maybe should improt my backups for mail from back in the days, could be some nice things in there :)
<Begasus> import*
<humdinger> the speedtest_cli package appears to be empty...
<humdinger> do I need speedtest_cli_python39 ?
<Begasus> yep
<Begasus> one of the downsides from python packages :/
<humdinger> my connection sucks extremo:
<humdinger> Download: 3.19 Mbit/s
<humdinger> Upload: 0.95 Mbit/s
<Begasus> could use an upgrade :)
<humdinger> Already ordered fiber, but they still have to put those in the ground.
<Begasus> eeps
<Begasus> k, doggies ... biab
<humdinger> what's the speedtest_cli package is for?
<humdinger> woof woof
<Begasus> nothing, as most of the primary python packages
<humdinger> why does it exist then?
<humdinger> let me guess: a hp quirk.
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<Begasus> not really a hp quirk I think
<Begasus> they are tied to a specific python version, so the primary one can't be linked to a specific one
<humdinger> so a python/hp combo quirk
<Begasus> yeah :)
<Begasus> one sollution maybe would be a "default" that adds the other ones .... could be investigated, but no one tackled that
<Begasus> maybe something for OscarL :P
<Begasus> k, think it's time to bump icu73 and enable it
<humdinger> as he lives with pythons already anyway.
<Begasus> base package is fine, tools and devel package conflict with others
<Begasus> he does? :P
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<humdinger> apparently not. where's he, chile, argentina, I forgot.
<humdinger> wiki says: Pythons are found in sub-Saharan Africa, Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Southeast Asia, southeastern Pakistan, southern China, the Philippines and Australia
<Begasus> cleaning up on python3.8 would be the next thing there
<humdinger> I'd have put them in south america...
<Begasus> far away from here :)
<Begasus> probably only both primary arch's should be enabled for icu73?
<humdinger> I'm no help there...
<Begasus> icu70 also only enabled for those
<Begasus> not sure how progress is on like arm, riscv64 ...
<Begasus> for those that need it they can still enable them I presume :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 50c1dcb - icu73, bump version, enable for 32bit and 64bit (#9292)
<Begasus> next .. boost1.83 :)
<Begasus> though I still haven't figures out why boost_locale is not build ... :/
<Begasus> cxx11_static_assert doesn't seem to be supported? gcc related? :/
<Begasus> nah, boost170 is still fine with gcc13, so can't be that ...
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<jmairboeck> Begasus, humdinger: I guess haikuporter could be modified to skip creating packages if they end up empty (and it should maybe print a warning in this case)
<Begasus> jmairboeck, that's python, not my cup of tea ;)
<Begasus> has been discussed before thought (iirc)
<jmairboeck> python is normally not my main programming language either (professionally I do mostly C# and C++), but I have written some python code in the past
<Begasus> another thing, those packages are not realy "empty" they contain .PackageInfo file
<jmairboeck> every package contain that, otherwise it wouldn't be a valid package, and haikuporter creates that.
<jmairboeck> I think it would be better to check the contents of the /packaging directories before creating the package
<Begasus> beyond my skills :)
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<humdinger> off hunting for food
* humdinger waves
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<Begasus> bbl
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<jmairboeck> I found the issue where this was discussed before: - Also, after looking at the code a bit, doing it automatically based on the packaging directory being empty, won't work probably because we also have build packages and dependency infos to consider.
<jmairboeck> So it is probably best to provide an explicit setting like DISABLE_MAIN_PACKAGE, as korli suggested.
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<Niklas[m]> Hi, I'm currently trying to port a rather big application to Haiku and have come quite far already, but I don't know how to find the path of the current executable here. On Solaris I'd read the symlink from /proc/self/path/a.out or on BSD I do some sysctl with CTL_KERN and KERN_PROC but Haiku seems to have neither a /proc fs nor a sysctl function (or at least I couldn't find it). Any ideas? It's a C++ application so I can access Haiku-specific
<Niklas[m]> functions if needed.
<jmairboeck> Niklas[m]: look here for an example how to do this in Haiku:
<Niklas[m]> That was quick and looks good. Thank you very much. Let's try if it works here
<jmairboeck> in short, you have to iterate with get_next_image_info ( until the B_APP_IMAGE one is found, and then use the name member of image_info.
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<Niklas[m]> It works!!! Thank you so much!
<Niklas[m]> There's still a few other bugs I have to fix, but I'll open a forum thread when I have it ready
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<jmairboeck> Looks like we won't port Sage any time soon to Haiku ;) (not that I had planned doing so)
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<bocha> VERSION
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<mmu_man> jmairboeck: we do have some of TeX already
<jmairboeck> yes, I know, I was very much involved in packaging it :)
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<Begasus> Warning: POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "lib:libboost_locale" for "lib/"
<Begasus> whoot!
<Begasus> jessicah ... awake?
<Begasus> wb humdinger :)
<humdinger> greetings
<Begasus> this was from 2014 and a leftover in boost #define BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_TYPE_TRAITS
<Begasus> not sure if this is still valid?
<Begasus> however it does the same in boost170 and it doesn't break the build for boost_locale there :/
<nephele> hi
<nephele> humdinger: you are fast! that last ticket for the website you closed in like 10 minutes :D
<humdinger> luckily online without much to do :)
<Begasus> hi nephele
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c14bd9b2e7cf - Unittests: fix DateFormatTest
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57245] -
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<HaikuUser> Hello
<HaikuUser> First time trying Haiku
<HaikuUser> Looking good!
<HaikuUser> Got my hands on an old Asus Eee PC 900, and have been trying out various operating systems. Currently Haiku's turn.
<HaikuUser> Best impression so far regarding speed and automatic driver installs for wifi and audio, :-)
<Habbie> nice :)
<HaikuUser> Any quick/easy way of putting a dark theme on everything?
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<mr_lou> I'm HaikuUser - had to reboot after updating apps.
<Habbie> hello
<Habbie> last we saw was the 'dark theme' question
<mr_lou> Yes
<mr_lou> Any such thing? :)
<Habbie> ah, you opened your other client before closing Vision, so you already knew nothing was missing
<Habbie> i have no idea
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<Begasus> mr_lou, something like this?
<Begasus> could be done, but forgot the steps to do it again :)
<mr_lou> Begasus, Yir! Exactly like that. :D
<mr_lou> I can always manually change all the colours of course.
<Begasus> iirc there is ThemeManager that comes with some pre-sets
<mr_lou> Yea I just read about that. Trying to find it.....
<Begasus> k, boost1.83 should be good enough to test now :)
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<Begasus> bbl
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<mr_lou> Hello HaikuUser :)
<HaikuUser> hello there !
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<mr_lou> Is something up with the software sources at the moment? I'm having trouble with HaikuDepot.
<mr_lou> ...and pkgman
<mr_lou> Server not found
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<mr_lou> Doh....
<mr_lou> Might be a good idea to "Store this configuration" when adding wifi details.
<Begasus> closing down, g'night peeps!
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<nortti> I'm trying to cross-build a minimal x86 gcc2 hybrid haiku image from amd64 linux, following
<nortti> when I run `../configure --cross-tools-source ../../buildtools/ --build-cross-tools x86_gcc2 --build-cross-tools x86` from within the haiku/generated.x86gcc2 directory, I get errors from ld about Scrt1.o, crti.o, -lgcc being missing and it skipping incompatible libgcc files on my system
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<nortti> this feels like something in the build is trying to use my system libraries when it's supposed to use its own-built ones. how would I debug this?
<PulkoMandy> What is your host system? On haiku this is probably caused by a missing or outdated gcc_syslibs package
<nortti> debian testing
<nortti> the specific errors are (I tried setting CC=gcc too, but doesn't seem to make any difference)
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<nortti> the problem looks to have been that I did not have gcc-multilib installed
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