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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie a848303 - mercurial: move to python-3.10 (#9332)
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<Parole> Theme Manager seems not to be in the Haiku depot anymore
<Parole> I am looking for a dark mode. Any idea?
<augiedoggie> i see it listed in the depot
<Parole> Weird
<nerdistmonk> so what is the lead architecture for haiku? 32bit? 64bit? or are they supposed to be at parity with one another?
<augiedoggie> x86_64 gets the best support since that's what most of the developers and users are on
<nerdistmonk> right now my thing is noting how much less software (especially emulators) 64bit has.
<Parole> I just the theme manager btw, thx
<nerdistmonk> thats why I had to ask which was lead, because it seemed like 32bit has a better selection.
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<trungnt2910[m]> Wait what?
<trungnt2910[m]> llvm16_clang requires llvm12_libs?
<trungnt2910[m]> llvm16_libs does not provide libclang anymore, yet llvm16_clang is still said to require libclang. pkgman therefore looks at llvm12_libs for that library.
<trungnt2910[m]> What is going on?
<augiedoggie> file a bug report at haikuports
<augiedoggie> the recipe needs other fixes besides that
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL b783a1e - pathtools: recipe clean ups, add support for Python 3.10. (#9329)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 3775520 - setuptools_scm: fix requirements. (#9330)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 3110a97 - importlib_metadata: update to version 6.8.0 (#9331)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 367ebcf - bmake, bump version (#9335)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 5319829 - fdupes, bump version (#9336)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57257] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c079e6936f4f - Update translations from Pootle
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<win8linux[m]> Is Haiku capable of recovering from a GPU hang?
<win8linux[m]> If not, what would need to be changed in theory to make Haiku resilient against GPU hangs or driver crashes in general?
<x512[m]> No GPU support -> no GPU hang :)
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<OscarL> Good day, Begasus. Just finished rebuilding my PC (was dusty and extremely noisy :-D). Seems like I was too sleepy last night when I pushed the last PRs :-). Will look in to them. Thanks!
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<Begasus> 'lo OscarL!
<Begasus> added one to fix the build for importlib_metadata
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<Begasus> sure you only cleaned out the dust? ;)
<OscarL> Seems I forgot to commit my latestes changes on that importlib_metadata recipe :-)
<OscarL> Might have disturbed some ghosts too down there... spooky place that old PC tower! :-D
<Begasus> can close mine if you got a working one
<OscarL> Let me double check what I have (I should problably do a clean up on my Haiku install after the bulk update anyway).
<OscarL> BTW, really happy of how smooth things went :-)
<Begasus> given the time frame I can imagine :)
<OscarL> some of the failing recipes just revealed things that needed updates/work anyway, so. All in all... 5/7 will bulk-update again if needed :-P
<Begasus> had a nice clean report earlier on 64bit
<Begasus> I think 32bit buildmaster is hanging or something, no progress on numpy since this morning?
<OscarL> Mmm, 32 bits buildmaster seems frozen to me, yeah.
<OscarL> IIRC, numpy started just as I went to sleep so.... might need a reboot.
<Begasus> some should "boot(h)" it ;)
<OscarL> Where's our reset button when we need it? :-D
<Begasus> ask kallisti5[m]? ;)
<Begasus> nice, new flacon showing up too in "open recent ..." ;)
<OscarL> "requires = ["setuptools>=56", "setuptools_scm[toml]>=3.4.1"]" <<< this is from importlib_tools 6.8.0 pyproject.tml file, and I have a "importlib_metadata_python310-6.8.0-1-any.hpkg" build with that in.
<OscarL> Will do an environment clean up, and test again.
<Begasus> yeah, but having setuptools_scm in there fails here (or I need to clean the dist folder to make it work)
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<OscarL> I had to do that "dist" clean up for another recipe, even added a comment because it is not usually needed.
<Begasus> right
<HaikuUser> Is vpn available for Haiku?
<OscarL> Begasus: argon_cffi_bindings already has "rm -rf dist" :-/ (and it is not the one I was mentioning)
<OscarL> HaikuUser: it is being worked on.
<OscarL> HaikuUser: By a GSoC student, actually. OpenVPN already on repos, but needs support from a driver that has yet to be merged in the nightly images.
<HaikuUser> OscarL: ok. Is there maybe a time schedule when it will be operational?
<OscarL> Begasus: found it... needed that rm -f dist for "countourpy" too. Didn't seem to need it here yeasteday for importlib_metadata, but will double check.
<Begasus> OscarL, still on 64bit too?
<OscarL> Begasus: yup.
<Begasus> k :)
<HaikuUser> OK. thanks for the info.
<OscarL> HaikuUser: I can't really tell because... 1), I'm not part of the core team. 2) usual Haiku schedule is "when it is ready"
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<Begasus> didn't see him comming in and asking in haiku-nl just now :)
<OscarL> Was about to tell HaikuUser that code is available for those driver patches, if they didn't mind getting their hands dirty. Damn binkys with little patience! :-P
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<Begasus> well ... openvpn is in the depot iirc, so could try that?
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<Begasus> added some fixes to the Dutch translation for flacon :)
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<Begasus> missing strings ...
<Begasus> biab ... doggies
<Begasus> re
<OscarL> added a comment with my findings on
<OscarL> Begasus, just in case, AFAIK, a package build might be successfull without setuptools_scm, but then the installed package might appear with the wrong version when using "pip3 list", for example.
<Begasus> k, will revert that one :)
<Begasus> created upstream PR for the Dutch translation :)
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<OscarL> Good-guy Begasus helping fellow Dutchs :-)
<Begasus> if it isn't about a complete translation it's fine :)
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<OscarL> Holy unstable connections, Batman!
<OscarL> Doing translations, correctly, is a PITA. (and no way I'm doing it via a web-interface instead of being able to test locally)
<Begasus> right OscarL, checked here :)
<OscarL> "I understood some of those words" :-D
<Begasus> the English ones? :P
<OscarL> yeah :-D
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 094afd4 - flacon, bump version (#9337)
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<red1> new user of haiku, im a seasoned linux user, so can figure things out
<red1> problem im having is with the file menu
<red1> i press it and 1 ns later its gone
<red1> in all software packages
<red1> if i load mouse preferences and then load my application then file menu works fine!
<red1> i am using a usb keyboard and mouse
<Begasus> Successfully built importlib_metadata-0.1.dev1+gf094778.d20230902-py3-none-any.whl
<Begasus> usage: python -m installer [-h] [--destdir path] [--prefix path] [--compile-bytecode level] [--no-compile-bytecode] wheel
<Begasus> python -m installer: error: unrecognized arguments: dist/importlib_metadata-0.1.dev1+gf094778.d20230902-py3-none-any.whl
<Begasus> welcome red1
<red1> hi
<red1> I would give more in depth information but haiku is alien to me!
<red1> lol
<Begasus> takes some time to get used to, but once you're there .... ;)
<red1> i feel i am there already just hitting this bug in nightly
<red1> alpha stable wont boot on my box
<red1> some old random amd thing
<Begasus> got this thing here too sometimes (not reproducable), with mouse movement window focus switches out of the bleu
<red1> Begasus, i figured out mount, got my nfs4 shares mounted in boot/home/nfs
<Begasus> nice red1!
<OscarL> Begasus: is your system fully up to date? I just ran pkgman full before retesting that recipe, no packages under "haikuports/packages", and used "hp -G importlib_metatada" twice (the first after a "hp -c", the second right after the other).
<Begasus> used gerbera sometimes to checkout on remote access
<red1> OscarL, can you build haiku within haiku yet?
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<Begasus> yep OscarL, even uninstall all python packages earlier to be sure
<OscarL> Begasus: really strange.
<Begasus> yeah
<Begasus> I can just push the change and see what buildmaster makes of it
<OscarL> red1: I only build individual components of it myself, and not full images, but others regularly do, yes.
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<red1> another thing that annoys me if i put audacious into classic skin mode, i cant move it! must be api's in Haiku to allow that! grrr
<OscarL> Begasus: +1
<red1> OscarL, i was unaware thats rather impressive that haiku is a full hosted system ;)
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<Begasus> got that to build a short while ago too on 64bit :)
<red1> OscarL, can you enlighten me to this dumb bug im hitting with the file dialogue window only working if i open mouse preferences first?
<red1> im fioguring its got something to do with the mouse preferences app polling the mouse ?
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<red1> forcing it to work correctly?
<red1> OscarL, file edit menu im referring to
<OscarL> red1: try with another brand/model of keyboard/mouse, or try different USB ports first? Just to discard things.
<red1> OscarL, i need to observe the data coming out of my keyboard and mouse
<OscarL> red1: then... is that in all GUI app? Native ones, ported ones?
<red1> all apps
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus c948cb0 - importlib_metadata, add missing checksum, build fixes (#9334)
<red1> i will check again to make sure when i get home
<Begasus> k, let's see how this goes
<red1> OscarL, i will let you know actually
<red1> i will return with the answer
<OscarL> red1: in any case, if the problem persists, you might want to just file a ticket over, attaching the output of "listusb" (and possibly syslog)
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<Begasus> maybe run tail on syslog if it reveals anything?
<kallisti5[m]> Sorry, been extremely short on time lately. Nielx also is a sysadmin too 😁
<kallisti5[m]> Trying to get stuff done, but backed waaaay up
<OscarL> red1: fancy mouse or vanilla one? (wild guess that if it has "too many buttons" might not be totally standard?)
<Begasus> ah right! thanks kallisti5[m] ... pokes nielx[m] :)
* Begasus clones kallisti5[m] to speed things up ...
<Begasus> :)
<OscarL> kallisti5[m]: totally understaandable! and that's why I think Begasus should get a "reset-button" as a gift :-P. Thanks for your work, as always!
<Begasus> lol ... no way!
* OscarL pokes Begasus' reset-button.
<kallisti5[m]> I'd love two of me haha. The little time I have is going towards getting a second builder online since mine will have to turn off in a few days
* Begasus slaps OscarL around a bit ...
<kallisti5[m]> Anyway. Driving. Gtg
<Begasus> cu kallisti5[m]!
<OscarL> Begasus: welp, seems buildmaster agrees with you. "rm -rf dist" it is.
<OscarL> wait..
<Begasus> now you can fix it ...
<OscarL> "-0.1.dev1" that ain't right either.
<andreasdr[m]> Hi there!
<Begasus> right
<Begasus> Arrrr andreasdr[m] :)
<OscarL> Hi andreasdr[m]!
<Begasus> using PRETEND .... didn't work there OscarL :)
<OscarL> I removed it because on my system, I get: "grabbing importlib_metadata_python39-6.8.0-1-any.hpkg" / "grabbing importlib_metadata_python310-6.8.0-1-any.hpkg"
<OscarL> *without it.
<Begasus> maybe some leftovers there?
<Begasus> pkgman uninstall _python39 _python310
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> and start fresh
<Begasus> err ... *_ ...
<OscarL> already ran pkgman sync, and removend packages from haikuports/packages, so... guess I'll just have to unninstall everything Python related :-(
<OscarL> (git repo in sync too)
<Begasus> I always do that, fetch upstream, push origin, delete local branch, and then pull the changes to my work repo
<Begasus> simple alias to take care of syncing :)
<Begasus> also added 2 simple scripts to automate build for autotools and cmake in Terminal
<OscarL> "checkout master / pull upstream master / push origin / fetch -p" is what I do (origin being my fork on GH).
<Begasus> yep same here
<Begasus> just without the fetch -p
<OscarL> I use the output from that one to know which of my local branches I can delete :-)
<Begasus> only 2 (aside from master) here atm
<Begasus> kallisti5[m] still hasn't checked on the minisign one :) (ducks)
<OscarL> "importlib_metadata-6.8.0.dist-info" << from my locally built importlib_metadata ".hpkg". With no PRETEND_*, and no build failures. Really weird.
<OscarL> (as in... it works as expected, and not getting that "-0.1.dev1" wrong version as in buildmaster)
<Begasus> well, since I'm on par with buildmaster it must be you :D
<OscarL> something fixed in my system and not on buildmaster? :-P
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> ps, nice to see autocompletion working with python +1
<OscarL> I think I will have to uninstall each _python3xx one by one, and test "hp -G importlib_metadata" at each removal, to see if I can find where the issue is.
<OscarL> Begasus: thank PulkoMandy for that one!
<Begasus> good luck on that ;)
<Begasus> didn't mention a name, but thanks PulkoMandy :)
<OscarL> heh, my first hunch was to remove "tomli", that took down build, meson_python, setuptools_scm and pyproject_hooks. So much for one-by-one :-D
<Begasus> just nuke them all in one go :P
<Begasus> it will only grab what's needed after it
<OscarL> alright dad. yeez! :-P
<Begasus> tss ... kiddies
<Begasus> was down to -400 packages a while ago after cleaning, back up to almost 1k packages
<OscarL> "pkgman search -i _python3" --> "No matching packages found.". Wil actually reboot, just in case. Happy now, dad?!?!?! :-P
<Begasus> *_python39 ...
<OscarL> I removed all of them 3.9, 3.10 and 2 for 3.11 :-D
<Begasus> clean plate :)
<OscarL> will eaven removed them from state_*, to get them again from the repos, just being paranoid now.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> and transactions ...
<OscarL> yep
<OscarL> only thing to check... untracked files in my hp clone.
<Begasus> yeah, need to be sure nothing resides in "packages" there
<OscarL> actually nuked that folder too.
<OscarL> mmm, I think I'll nuke "repository" too.
<OscarL> this will be slow.
<Begasus> that one is gonna hurt :)
<OscarL> slow to delete, slower to re-generate dependencies info. Oh well... just to make sure I don't have stale things.
<Begasus> ultimate thing removing that one ...
<OscarL> indeed. moving away some untracked files (none ".recipes" thou).
<Begasus> 75 repositories ... guess I should cleanup on github there too once ...
<OscarL> might want to run something like this after you do that:
<Begasus> 0_°
<OscarL> should get rid of stale things on your clone, and might help making git operations a bit faster.
<OscarL> last line not stricrly needed, just there to show that there are no more "unreachable" git objects.
<Begasus> is it safe to use? ;)
<OscarL> I have been using it quite frequently for at least 8 months.
<OscarL> guess you can always backup the "haikuports/.git" folder, just in case :-P
<Begasus> nothing fancy showing up at least :P
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<OscarL> for me, it usually reduces the size of .git folder by a couple of megabytes (after some time accumulating cruft)
<Begasus> +30MiB on the work repo
<Begasus> +121MiB on my fork
<OscarL> heh
<OscarL> 34.81 after pruning mine.
<Begasus> ... unreachable commit 59fc57840485798d1e73cd9214cdd4df64ad7589
<Begasus> one of many on the fork ...
<Begasus> +96MiB now
<OscarL> nice reduction.
<Begasus> probably due to the remotes too?
<OscarL> and commits on deleted branches.
<OscarL> (those "unreachable commits", if I'm not mistaken)
<Begasus> remotes ...
<OscarL> "The usual suspects"
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> so I don't mess up there :)
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<Begasus> hp --lint is clean :)
<OscarL> "git status | grep recipe" looks clean on my end now to, so... lets try "hp --lint" here before building importlib_metadata.
<OscarL> "Warning: Found old repository format - repopulating the repository ..." expected after nuking "haikuports/repository/" :-D
<Begasus> yay! :P
<OscarL> should have used "time" in front of it, just to laugh at my slow CPU :-D
<Begasus> not clean here (but quite some stuff that didn't make it (yet)) :)
<Begasus> There is TimeTracker(?) for it too? ;)
<Begasus> app-arch/lrzip/lrzip-0.651.recipe
<Begasus> not sure why that is still here ... :P
<Begasus> ah ... # error in build # 'PRIO_MIN' undeclared
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<Begasus> biab
<nerdistmonk> well basilisk II seems pretty unusable on 32bit
<nerdistmonk> right now the system is throughly stuck, basilisk 2 frozen, and the OS won't shutdown because basilisk aborted the shutdown.
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<OscarL> Alt+SysRq+D ?
<OscarL> seems the basillisk recipe was last updated 5 years ago. Might need an update to latest git commit from 2022?
<nerdistmonk> does haiku not have package maintainers?
<OscarL> Haiku dev team is FAR smaller that people think :-)
<OscarL> and, AFAIK, no, no package mantainers, just people that help with the ports over
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<Begasus> only volenteers :)
<Begasus> I'm not touching basiliskii ... saw the patchset?
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<OscarL> "hp --lint" finished. almost 18 minutes. Not sure I'll call it clean, but never ran it before so...
<nerdistmonk> wow I can't even play a NES game on this thing becuase the nes emulator installed but doesn't exist.
<Begasus> have been attempts for NES emulators, not sure 'bout the status there
<OscarL> patches welcomed :-)
<nerdistmonk> idk so far using Haiku can be described as "Tell what is you would like, and I will carefully explain to you why it cannot be" :D
<Begasus> or ... we are missing the people to fill the gaps? ;)
<OscarL> I guess it depends on what you expect from a non mainstream, hobby OS, run by few volunteers.
<Begasus> think most of that patch has been upstreamed (in 2015!) :)
<Begasus> not that much on repology too ...
<OscarL> nerdistmonk: lots of stuff that you see outdated, is because no one cared enough to keep it updated. I, for example, have little need/interest on emulation under Haiku, so I most likely never notice outdated stuff on that field.
<OscarL> nerdistmonk: for the things I need, I try to help where I can. Even on things I don't need, but people ask about them, either here or
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<OscarL> can't even parse that page (weak brain :-D)
<Begasus> only 134 packages in the last link, number has been higher in the past :)
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<OscarL> Begasus: this is the (cleaned up) output from "hp --lint" on my system (after nuking "repository"):
<OscarL> output "cleaned up" to only show the errors (and to be able to use, was too big otherwise :-D)
<OscarL> only unreferenced .patchset files or wrong licenses.
<OscarL> and some issue with a missing .sh for textlive, it seems.
<Begasus> still quite a list OscarL
<Begasus> I just ran "hp --lint | grep error"
<OscarL> will do next time :-)
<OscarL> "hp -c importlib_metadata" / "hp -G importlib_metadata"... lets see how this goes now. (will take a while "Fetching package for ...")
<OscarL> Mmm, I wonder if my use of "-G" is the difference?
<OscarL> build went just fine. Trying without -G now.
<Begasus> that's it!
<Begasus> builds now with "-G"
<Begasus> you broke the G-spot? :P
<OscarL> fails without it, yes-
<OscarL> LOL
<OscarL> at least I found it! yay me! :-P
<Begasus> could have saved you a lot of time :)
<Begasus> Successfully built importlib_metadata-6.8.0-py3-none-any.whl
<Begasus> also without weird git tag in there
<Begasus> is there something hardcoded to git in the python versions?
<OscarL> Not sure. For now, adding "rm -rf dist" seems reasonable.
<OscarL> At least now we know where to look.
<Begasus> could be python, could be haikuporter ...
<OscarL> I'm suspecting some of the python build stuff not expecting the "weird" Haiku chroot + presence of an unrelated .git folder.
<OscarL> they find ".git", and assume that's from the project repo.
<OscarL> no way they'll think: "ah.. that must be Haikuporter's work repo!"
<Begasus> yeah
<OscarL> and if it worked for you without setuptools_scm... that one is using actual /bin/git so... most likely where the problem lies.
<OscarL> maybe there was some sort of fallback to get the correct version when setuptools_scm and/or git is not available.
<OscarL> on the other hand... I've seen some recipes tha need rm -rf dist, that don't use setuptools_scm, so... might affect other python packages as well.
<Begasus> ah!
<OscarL> another reason for using -G by default on build masters.
<Begasus> nah ... removing cmd:git from setuptools_scm doesn''t change it
<OscarL> no point in having a work repo there, IMO, and it helps to find problems with patch that might not apply cleanly otherwise.
<Begasus> well, in this case it reveals an error in the build process that should be fixed?
<OscarL> setuptols_scm calls "/bin/git", so we need to keep that one there (I almost delete it yesterday, before double checking that :-D)
<Begasus> ;)
<OscarL> I think I might actually need to rise this one up to HaikuPorter, yes.
<OscarL> With "rm -rf dist": "importlib_metadata-0.1.dev1+gd4e04b5.dist-info" yikes. Let's see if the PRETENDS env-var fixes it.
<jmairboeck> OscarL: that texlive error you saw in the "hp --lint" output is because that recipe includes a generated part, and the root cause of the error is this issue:
<OscarL> Good to know, jmairboeck. Can scratch that from the list of things to check then :-)
<OscarL> Begasus: with PRETENDS... "importlib_metadata-6.8.0.dist-info"
<jmairboeck> I'll see if I can extend the workaround in the recipe for that.
<Begasus> _listImE16__stl_prime_listE' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
<Begasus> stupid thing ...
<OscarL> So... seems we have been dealing with issues related to that work .git repo for loooong now.
<Begasus> it's been around for a while yes
<Begasus> korli wasn't a big fan of it iirc
<OscarL> might need to revive jmairboeck's for this one too :-P
<OscarL> we where right all along! :-P
<jmairboeck> OscarL: using -G on the buildmasters is probably not so easy, there are kinds of patches that don't work without git (I think binaries maybe?)
<jmairboeck> so we would need a recipe variable for that probably
<OscarL> jmairboeck: yup, dealt with a few recipes where patches do not applied cleanly without git doing its magic. In that case, patches need fixing anyway, IMO. No idea about binary patches.
<OscarL> seems git is smarter than patch at updating patches just enough to apply on slightly modified files.
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<OscarL> letting git apply them, then "hp -e", and updating the patchset solved the issue for me every time I ran into that.
<PulkoMandy> I think Korli already replaced all the binary patches with files in additional-files
<jmairboeck> OscarL: I just tried "hp --lint texlive" and didn't get an error.
<OscarL> jmairboeck: maybe is from an older version of the (port) recipe on my system? Pretty sure I've never even touched it :-)
<OscarL> Begasus: nth time's the charm?
<Begasus> jikes ... read the source Luke ... read the source!!!
<Begasus> talking to myself here OscarL :)
<jmairboeck> OscarL: your report says texlive-2023, so it must be the same version. The sourcing of the subpackage infos or the $portDir stuff didn't change since then.
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<OscarL> jmairboeck: texlive-2023.recipe and its port.recipe do not match here, only difference: `REVISION="2"; updateRevisionVariables ` appears in port.recipe
<OscarL> other than that... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<OscarL> and "hp --lint texlive" doesn't complains here either.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 0be177f - importlib_metadata: hopefully fix the build for good this time. (#9338)
* Begasus slaps those setting CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE to ON ...
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<Begasus> complete now OscarL ::)
<OscarL> at last! :-D
* OscarL shakes fist in the air against unneded work git repo!
<OscarL> what's with cocobean and AGG ? :-) (reading his post on the forum).
<Begasus> you should ask him :P
<OscarL> he reads the logs too.
<Begasus> yep
<red1> yeah the behaviour i told you about with the usb mouse keyboard thing isnt there with other devices,
<red1> i will look on my linux box see what drivers and what is going on
<red1> perhaps duplicate that with the haiku box
<red1> otherwise i cant use file edit bar unless i open mouse preferences first!
<Begasus> 1 crash on glog-0.4.0 (no test case provided in that recipe), 3 crashes on version 0.6.0 ...
<OscarL> red1: if it works for you on Linux, I think opening a ticket over would be sensible then. (remember to attach that "listusb" output :-D)
<red1> OscarL, i feel tell you guys the above is useless information, do you have a faq or information on how i can provide meaningful information?
<red1> t hank you
<red1> :)
<OscarL> np! happy "Haikuing"!
<red1> iv only been using your os for a day, im really happy to see arduino ide and audacious
<red1> haiku kinda reminds me of riscos
<red1> im british im referring to Acorn Riscos
<red1> my daughter composed a simple composition in lmms, she is musically trained and she said its impressive to see lmms on somewhat so different :)
<Begasus> glad she liked it :)
<OscarL> Nice to see people discovering and enjoying Haiku :-) (greeting from Argentina, BTW!)
<Begasus> Greetings from the other side of the watter (Belgium) :)
<red1> i used to have a real bebox years ago
<red1> i dare not think what its worth now :(
<OscarL> Blinkenlights!
<red1> i remember it having diagnostic lights yes
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<red1> urgh i think nfs flaked out :P
<red1> lol
<red1> are you guys using haiku with nfs?
<OscarL> not me.
<red1> ill get haiku to write logs to my usb drive to see whats going down
<OscarL> (not much use for nfs on any system for me)
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<red1> oh i assumed you all worked on everything
<OscarL> only one usable (old) PC :-D
<red1> what haiku needs is a few years of google summer of code
<Begasus> has been part for quite some years already (even GCI)
<red1> oh that explains why haiku getting so many ports and fix's
<red1> ports as in software ported to it
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<Begasus> the masters provided the tools, the students doing the rest :)
<red1> haha
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<red1> i might play with the nfs code later
<red1> i see its mostly based off bsd stuff right?
<Begasus> help is always welcome :)
<red1> sigh its so freaking unstable, i just want the haiku box to play mp3's off my nfs nas
<red1> who here is the nfs person?
<Begasus> no idea here, OscarL maybe knows?
<Begasus> [ PASSED ] 1082 tests. ;)
<red1> ah thanks OscarL
<waddlesplash> red1: nfs2 is not very stable yes
<waddlesplash> nfs4 is much better
<red1> nfs4 what im having issues with
<red1> i got everything setup to capture logs waddlesplash soon as i hit the bug ill put it online
<waddlesplash> also note if you want to work on filesystem code we have userlandfs, you can build any kernel filesystem driver for it and then debug it in userland
<waddlesplash> red1: the above link OscarL gave is to NFS2 driver
<OscarL> ah, my bad. missed the nts4 vs nfs :-)
<waddlesplash> the nfs4 driver is in a different directory
<waddlesplash> yep
<red1> i found it
<red1> lol
<waddlesplash> :)
<red1> this is all very interesting guys
<waddlesplash> nfs4 code is a fully native implementation
<red1> yes i can see that
<red1> lol
<waddlesplash> and our native code tends to be very clean, there may be bugs but they hopefully won't be too hard to find and fix
<red1> your code layout is very easy on my eyes
<waddlesplash> :)
<waddlesplash> we try hard to have readable code
<red1> omg nfs4 so huge
<red1> :O
<waddlesplash> Haiku is one of the few projects where I actually like reading code, honestly
<red1> urgh!
<waddlesplash> it doesn't feel like a chore
<red1> so many headers and source files lol!
<waddlesplash> yes, not a small protocol
<red1> another project that i like the look of the code is the linux subset elks
<red1> unfortunately i dont think haiku will like my ibm xt
<red1> :P
<Begasus> Google Logging Library ... should we bump it? :P
<red1> lol rewrite the kernel for 16bit 8086's
<red1> lol
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<waddlesplash> we definitely don't do well with under 512MB RAM :p
<waddlesplash> 384MB works but non ideal
<waddlesplash> less than that and you have to make nondefault custom builds to get it to work right
<waddlesplash> but it is possible
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f11d07c - glog, bump version (#9339)
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<Begasus> OscarL, no changes on the open PR's yet?
<Begasus> reminds me to try to get back to rav1 ...
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<OscarL> on the ones I have as Draft? no. Waiting for a fix on that thing first.
<Begasus> k :)
<Begasus> meanwhile 32bit buildmaster still stuck on numpy :/
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<Begasus> waddlesplash, no button there to reboot it? ;)
<OscarL> Opened for the things hp --lint reported down here. (should be easier on the eyes than the full log at least :-D)
<Begasus> can you strip lint output for something like packageEntries?
<OscarL> not sure what you mean.
<Begasus> packageEntries: warning: "tools" doesn't seem to be a valid package suffix.
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<Begasus> these messages are useless
<OscarL> ah, yes. Did it "manually" with just a search/replace now.
<OscarL> guess that "| grep -i error" works too :-)
<Begasus> there's a difference with Error and error :)
<OscarL> "-i" ?
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<Begasus> hp --lint | grep Error > /boot/home/Desktop/lint
<Begasus> this filters out the packageEntries mentions too :)
<OscarL> k. lets see what can we rev-bump to trigger new builds.
<Begasus> added function lintErrors() :)
<Begasus> done for today, time to close down
<OscarL> take care!
<Begasus> same there, cu peeps!
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<red1> waddlesplash, what about just the raw kernel with just a framebuffer with say hello world on the display
<red1> i mean really really slim things down
<red1> how small could it go?
<red1> im just curious now
<PulkoMandy> Well, you can, but what's the point? If you just want to print hello world, you can remove the kernel as well
<PulkoMandy> At which point, all code from haiku isremoved :)
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<OscarL> I wish I had kept that eary Haiku image from before app_server was functional. My first trying it on bare metal.
<OscarL> s/eary/early/
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<OscarL> hrev11387 (from 2005-02-16) sounds about right. boot image good enough to run my saa731x driver and listen to some FM analog audio :-D
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<zdykstra> OscarL: that's an ancient hrev!
<OscarL> hey now!
<OscarL> time flies :-)
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<pucker> hello
<pucker> is it normal for ram usage to skyrocket
<OscarL> pucker: hi. never happend to me, but heard some folks say that (usually when using Epiphany browser)
<OscarL> pucker: where you using any app in particular, or system was just idling and went nuts? :-D
<pucker> browsing with epiphany
<pucker> i'll avoid it for now
<OscarL> where / were --- excuse my broken "English" :-)
<pucker> your english is fine
<pucker> mixing up where and were is common even along native speakers
<OscarL> Thanks! And I'm a lousy typist on top so... beware! :-D
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<red1> pucker, okay you have a fair point
<red1> i mean PulkoMandy
<red1> why why isnt haiku being used on infotainment systems like qnx?
<OscarL> qnx is specialized in embedded system from comercial company. Auto makers more likely to deal with that and not with a desktop oriented OS run by a bunch of crazy folks all over the world :-P
<OscarL> *desktop oriented *hobby* OS.
<OscarL> anyway... enough of HaikuPorter recipes for one day for me. Off to play some Quake II :-P
<OscarL> Later folks!
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<Guest1127> Yea the answer is "what large corporate business can you pay for haiku support" and if the answer is "none" then huge companies will ignore it
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<pucker> is it difficult to write a haikuports recipe?
<pucker> i want to port mnemosyne
<pucker> it's a flash card program built with qt5 and python3
<PulkoMandy> red1: Haiku is beta quality software. No one should use it in serious production projects for now
<red1> iv actually managed to get my fathers qnx software in his car to crash
<red1> only 1 time
<red1> but i did it
<red1> ;)
<red1> problem was the speedometer and everything is a display in his 2 week old vehicle and i had nothing!
<red1> PulkoMandy, have faith!
<Guest1127> PulkoMandy: to be fair all software is beta and none of it should be used in life or death projects lol
<PulkoMandy> Some software teams are ready to provide support and fix bugs, we are not. This would be frustrating to everyone involved
<pucker> wouldn't call MS DOS beta
<pucker> it's pretty finished
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<red1> PulkoMandy, is there any forks of haiku?
<red1> for example where one mad scientist has made it qt-haiku and integrated qt or that other one i cant remember its name right now into the system
<red1> lol just use motif
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<PulkoMandy> No active ones at the moment I think
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