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<Coldfirex> dumb question. Can Haiku compile the linux kernel?
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<erysdren> Coldfirex: i haven't tried, but since it has the full GCC suite it might be possible?
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<erysdren> good morning Begasus
<Begasus> hi erysdren :)
<Begasus> reboot, biab
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 9bff5f9 - stress_ng: update to version 0.16.05 (#9528)
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<Begasus> somethinng weird with webpositive :/
<andreasdr[m]> Good morning
<Begasus> moin andreasdr[m] :)
<Begasus> ok, must be the new curl
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL :)
<OscarL> hi Begasus.
<OscarL> darn power loss... now my internet works at 10x less speed, and had to reboot PC/VMs and router 3 times... just to get 20 KB/s whilt tying to update my 32 bits install :-(
<Begasus> jikes, and with the update on gcc13 that must have hurt :/
<Begasus> ow and llvm
<Begasus> on the upside, stress-ng seems to work ok :)
<OscarL> yeah... was trying to get fortran on 32 bits, to resume work on scipy/numpy... (need to do those on 32 bits first to avoid bad surprises)
<Begasus> like I had with curl, weird things happening ...
<Begasus> at least that's the one I suspect
<OscarL> updating intel_wifi_firmware (no wifi hardware here :-/)
<OscarL> But hey... speed is now at 40 KB/s :-D
<Begasus> yay :P
<Begasus> k, have to head out, cu later
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57300] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 9dc5767db619 - boot/atari_m68k: fix stack after toscallLLWWWWW
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<OscarL> Hit this bug with packagefs: If there's something state/config/info I should save to help reproduce it... please shout!
<OscarL> before I nuke it all trying to get my 32 bit install work well enough for haikuports work :-D
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<OscarL> saving syslog, activated_packages / activated_packages.tmp, and output of `ls -l1` for system/packages and the transaction-n folders. Hope that's enough.
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<matt3> hullo
<OscarL> hello Andrea
<matt3> xD thanks ...
<matt3> 2 name => mental game ...
<OscarL> yeah... my original "BeOS nick" is BiPolar, and I still use that on the forum and on the issue Tracker. Bet I confuse some people.
<matt3> np
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<matt3> doctors say I'm schizophrenic => but I'm not double, oh well
<Begasus> re
<matt3> I was simply bilocated in time => but no one believes me
<matt3> Begasus : what means re ? ;)
<OscarL> sort-hand for: "Behold! I'm back!" :-D
<Begasus> that :)
<matt3> thanks :)
<OscarL> Hit two bugs in a row trying to update. Reported them, now... time to nuke things back in order, while trying to avoid having to download anything again :-/
<matt3> cu, thanks ...
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<OscarL> Alright! Seems I'm getting better at fixing weird states without nuking everything from orbit :-D
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<Begasus> wtg OscarL :)
<OscarL> :-D Surely beats having to download things again when I was getting 900 bytes/s ! :O_O:
<Begasus> oh, there is a gui for doxygen ... :)
<OscarL> k. test fortram program works. Time to make some coffee, and see if I can tame scipy.
<Begasus> wohoo! :D
<Begasus> how do you run make on multiple cores again?
<Begasus> make -jn or something?
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<OscarL> make -j n (with n the num of jobs).
<Begasus> ah better thanks :)
<OscarL> hp's $jobArgs vs $jobs (the first is basically "-j $jobs")
<Begasus> thought so yes
<Begasus> but in Terminal I haven't used it that much (not really needed for small source archives)
<OscarL> yeah, for small things usually don't matter much, and for big things... it usually just kills my CPU :-D
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<Begasus> nice, and working also :P
<Begasus> Maybe should add it as a seperate package to the recipe :)
<OscarL> depends on its dependencies :-) (As in... don't drag GTK/Qt just to use doxygen from the CLI :-D)
<OscarL> yeah... separate package sounds good.
<OscarL> my scypy-1.11.1 is already out of date, and tarball is 50+ MB :-(
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<Begasus> heh
<matt3> hullo
<matt3> help ...
<OscarL> matt3: with what? (you problably should not tag people randomly, btw)
<matt3> ok
<matt3> a problem ... very sad ...
<matt3> a guy at university told me that he put some devil cameras in his house that were invisible
<matt3> i don't understand nothing
<matt3> i ask help to you => to go ok ... ;)
<OscarL> I gather you mean "hidden cameras", and that's just bad. Because there's no such thing as invisible cameras, nor devil ones.
<matt3> thanks, really thanks
<OscarL> I mean... that having "hidden cammeras" is a "bad/evil thing to do" (my English is bad, and my spelling/typing is worse, sorry).
<matt3> np
<matt3> i don't want hiden cameras ...
<matt3> i don't want hidden cameras ...
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<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> Warning: POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:doxywizard" for "bin/doxywizard"
<Begasus> almost there ... :)
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<OscarL> why we have git-2.30.0.recipe and also git-2.30.2.recipe? someone just forgot to remove the older one?
<OscarL> git is also missing bash-completions.
<Begasus> checked log?
* OscarL looks at Begasus with mean eyes.
<Begasus> me know nothing ... :P
<OscarL> mmm, got a shallow clone here, git log ain't helping much :-P
<Begasus> I'm not the last in line there :P
<OscarL> let's see if I can "unshallow" without touching the internet.
<Begasus> Hey, I'm not even invloved in the latest versions ;)
<OscarL> time to change that! look for "contrib/completion/git-completion.bash" :-P
<Begasus> heh, only found those out to be convenient not that long ago :)
<Begasus> grabbing doxygen_gui-1.9.8-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/doxygen_gui-1.9.8-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> k, time to add some rdef magic :)
<OscarL> surely after I fixed the bash-completion package, right? :P
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<Begasus> for doxygen? :P
<Begasus> ah, does that mean hp will pick up the path for it when it's needed?
<OscarL> Nice! was able to --unshallow from a local clone (internet still too slow here)
<OscarL> that fix was so bash actually would use what you put under "$dataDir/bash-completion/completions"
<Begasus> it did for the things I checked?
<OscarL> but also might be at play if you have an older "bash_completion" package installed before.
<Begasus> k, packages look fine :)
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<Begasus> I don't have "settings/etc/profile.d/" here?
<OscarL> for what it is worth... this was the original problem:
<OscarL> `pkgman install bash_completion` ?
<matt3> pkgman install pacman xD
<Begasus> that's already installed OscarL
<Begasus> maybe that's why it just "works" here? :P
<OscarL> I might have added a superfluous ".sh" when describing things on those tickets :-D
<matt3> don't hate me ... xD
<OscarL> Begasus: it is just "settings/etc/profile.d/bash_completion"
<Begasus> ~> ls /system/settings/profile.d/
<Begasus> gawk.csh
<OscarL> mmm, no .sh on this install, but the recipe clearly uses .sh. I might just have and older version here :-D
<Begasus> ah, there it is :)
<Begasus> system/settings/"etc"/profile.d
<Begasus> if shopt -q progcomp && [ -r /packages/bash_completion-2.11-2/.self/data/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
<Begasus> so, you are wright on the version included
<OscarL> heh, got really confused here too about "/system/settings/etc/profile.d/" vs "/system/data/bash-completion/bash_completion" :-D
<OscarL> too many completions!
<Begasus> it's all in the name :)
<OscarL> BTW, I need to fix pkgman bash_completion function someday... as it prevents autocompletion of local paths (as in "pkgman install ./foo/bar/some_local_.hpkg"
<OscarL> Drives me nuts. Tried to fix it once, but I don't know enough bash yet.
<Begasus> you will get there! (eventually) :)
<Begasus> could use SUPPLIMENTS here too I guess :)
<OscarL> WTF!?! is 432.82 KiB
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<Begasus> error: Problems running epstopdf. Check your TeX installation! lol
<Begasus> this could take a while to get in OscarL :)
* OscarL facepalms... ah.. used the wrong URL :-D
<Begasus> rofl
<OscarL> 80.52 KiB still :-D
<OscarL> re: epstopdf... /me wishes you well! :-P
<Begasus> error: Problems running latex. Check your installation or look for typos in _formulas.tex and check _formulas.log!
<Begasus> probably should leave the docs out then :P
<OscarL> yeah... who reads anything these days anyway?!
<Begasus> warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: /packages/texlive_core-2023-2/.self/data/texlive/texmf-dist/web2c:/boot/system/non-packaged/data/texmf-dist/web2c:/boot/home/config/settings/texmf-dist/web2c.
<Begasus> probably missing something in the recipe for that
<OscarL> (just in case... puting in $settingsDir/etc/profile.d/ works)
<OscarL> (mind the extension change: .bash -> .sh)
<Begasus> err ... too long to read now :P
<OscarL> don't read, just wget it in there! :-D
<Begasus> I take your word for it ;)
<OscarL> It makes git SO much more discoverable! (I should have done that many months ago... oh well)
<Begasus> not really sure what you mean by that ...
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<OscarL> it makes it easier to use commaands / options (as it only shows suggestions depending on context)
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<Begasus> I guess I'm still good there with about 4 commands I use ;)
<OscarL> also... autocompletes remotes/branch names, which is always a plus.
<Begasus> that could be handy indeed
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<OscarL> can we copy Clipdinger's favorites settings from 64 bits to 32 bits? /me goes to find out.
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<Begasus> heh
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<OscarL> yes, yes we can. I wasn't sure if you could move flattened BMessages between 32/64 bits.
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* OscarL is getting *this* close to becoming annoyed enough to patch hp to add a $portNameNoSuffix variable :-D
<OscarL> "$recipeName" might be better.
<Begasus> k, working fine here (tested on some other recipes creating documentation) :)
<OscarL> 53 MB... at < 100 KB/s plus unpacking + git init.. I should go for a nap :-D
<Begasus> just don't use $portName :P
<OscarL> I won't after I add $superDuperNeverChangingPortName ! :-D
<Begasus> it's fine for "any" packages
<Begasus> how do you get foo_x86 then?
<OscarL> I mean... I understand why it changes... I'm just pointing the need for one that does not.
<Begasus> even then, just use the name
<Begasus> I think it's pretty pointless either way
<OscarL> and you need to change that for each new recipe. more convenient to have a generic one.
<Begasus> that's only for new recipes
<Begasus> doesn't change for updating existing ones
<OscarL> I'm not the first, and not the last person to trip over that one. Evidently it "makes sense" for some of us.
<Begasus> have to step out in a bit ... again
<OscarL> later! (prolly going to sleep soon here)
<Begasus> if a port is called foo just use foo for it's name, why change that?
<Begasus> yeah, probably see you in the morning (for me)
<Begasus> sleep well later :)
<OscarL> I mean... I want a generic template, and not having to change that name, ever.
<OscarL> Anyway... don't worry, I won't force you to use $portNameButNotForBegasus :-P
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<zdykstra> happy Tuesday, everybody!
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<Begasus> re
<Begasus> howdy zdykstra :)
<zdykstra> is it time to go back to bed?
<Begasus> not for me (just passed 5PM)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e4034bb - doxygen, bump version, add gui (seperate package) (#9529)
<OscarL> got lucky for once. found an updated .patchset for scipy that applies cleanly (on a 3 months old branch :-D)
<Begasus> nice, at haikuports?
<OscarL> nah... one of my own previous attempts at updating it :-D
<Begasus> ah :)
<Begasus> upstream it? no worries afterwords or just minor fixes ...
<OscarL> too bad I need an updated numpy, and last time it failed on buildmasters :-D
<Begasus> yeah, that's a nasty one :/
<Begasus> iirc it required some rust magic in the newer versions ...
<OscarL> Failed on 32 bits with a weird: "[Errno -2147459064] Read-only file system: '.self'" ouch.
<Begasus> heh
<OscarL> a simple rev-bump might be enough, assuming it doesn't still has those files lying around.
<Begasus> checking out of the box ...
<Begasus> Fetching package for cmd:cython3.9 ...
<Begasus> nah ...
<Begasus> ah right, it's still for both .. ;)
<Begasus> cc1: all warnings being treated as errors :/
<OscarL> yeah, last change was on the "bulk-update" when removing 3.8. Tested locally on 64 and 32 bits. worked here, but 32 buildmaster choked on it.
<Begasus> INFO: CCompilerOpt._parse_target_tokens[2044] : policy 'WERROR' is ON
<Begasus> that should be disabled/patched
<Begasus> can't we find a whl archive for that? ;)
<OscarL> re WERROR... /me nods, pretending to understand what Begasus is talking about.
<OscarL> no usable .whl for these (for us, at least), sadly, they ain't "any" :-/
<Begasus> err ... you never encountered those?
<Begasus> yeah, gathered that
<Begasus> -werror (tried warnings as errors)
<Begasus> tried/tread/* :)
<Begasus> despite that it's still building ? :P
<OscarL> know about -Werror, but got confused by "CCompilerOpt._parse_target_tokens" :)
<Begasus> one of the source files I presume ;)
<Begasus> WARN: CCompilerOpt.dist_test[630] : CCompilerOpt._dist_test_spawn[764] : Command (gcc -D_BSD_SOURCE -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -fPIC -Inumpy/core/src/common -Inumpy/core/src -Inumpy/core -Inumpy/core/src/npymath -Inumpy/core/src/multiarray -Inumpy/core/src/umath -Inumpy/core/src/npysort -Inumpy/core/src/_simd -I/packages/python3.10-3.10.13-1/.self/develop/headers/python3.10
<Begasus> -mno-mmx -mavx512cd -mavx512er -mavx512pf -Werror) failed with exit status 1 output ->
<Begasus> -Ibuild/src.haiku-1-x86_64-3.10/numpy/core/src/common -Ibuild/src.haiku-1-x86_64-3.10/numpy/core/src/npymath -c /sources/numpy-1.23.3/numpy/distutils/checks/cpu_avx512_knl.c -o /tmp/tmpjlc442mg/sources/numpy-1.23.3/numpy/distutils/checks/cpu_avx512_knl.o -MMD -MF /tmp/tmpjlc442mg/sources/numpy-1.23.3/numpy/distutils/checks/cpu_avx512_knl.o.d -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mssse3 -msse4.1 -mpopcnt -msse4.2 -mavx -mf16c -mfma -mavx2 -mavx512f
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<Begasus> and still packaged ...
<Begasus> maybe python is just skipping the error?
<OscarL> what it said after: "status 1 output ->" ?
<OscarL> it might have just been compiling something to see what CPU instructions were available? (stab in the dark here, but considering that gcc command line...)
<OscarL> and considering the "checks" in the path
<OscarL> "WARN: CCompilerOpt.feature_test[1563] : testing failed
<OscarL> " looks like it will just disable that "compiler opt", as that test failed.
<Begasus> yeah, but with gcc it would error out and not complete
<OscarL> doesn't CMakes does similar things? try to compile little things to see if a feature is avaiable or not, and adjusting...
<OscarL> the compile flags for the rest of the project that way?
<OscarL> Here looks like one test failed, and the build system just disabled that, thus... the rest completes/packages, no?
<Begasus> I've got a thing with werror :)
<Begasus> but yes, probably the like, but those don't mention them as errors
<OscarL> maybe this particular verision of numpy is just too old for gcc 13. Be glad it compiles at all :-D
<Begasus> gave me enough headache back then ;)
<OscarL> I can imagine!
<OscarL> wish there was a way to force the buildmaster to try again on 32bits (without doing a rev-bump to avoid rebuilding on 64 bits)
<Begasus> small change in description or so?
<OscarL> Mmm, perhaps.
<OscarL> meanwhile... I try a build against numpy_x86_python39 1.23.3-2
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<Begasus> doing a quick check on 1.26.0 ;)
<OscarL> oh my I sill have numpy_x86_python38 installed, LOL.
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<OscarL> heh, still 22 _python38 packages here, hahaha.
<Begasus> tss
<Begasus> pkgman uninstall *_python38 :P
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<OscarL> scypy seems to have pretty specific version requirements for numpy, depending on which Python version you use:
<OscarL> 1.26.0 might be just too new for scipy :-/
<Begasus> now you tell me!! :P
<OscarL> why do you think I was blabling about the one we have already on depot :-P
<Begasus> doesn't scipy follow numpy?
<OscarL> seems to follow... from behind? :-D
<Begasus> well ... upstream could have merged patches for the newest :P
<Begasus> grabbing numpy_python310-1.26.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/numpy_python310-1.26.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> grabbing numpy_python39-1.26.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/numpy_python39-1.26.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> out of the box! :D
<OscarL> noice.
<Begasus> patch was upstreamed from current version ;)
<Begasus> think this "Haiku defines neither __STDC_NO_THREADS__ nor __GLIBC__" was fixed in the meantime though?
<Begasus> nice noice OscarL, could push the new version and let you deal with scipy a bit longer?
* Begasus ducks
<OscarL> only 7 packages require numpy_python3xx, so.... why not?
<Begasus> scipy?
<OscarL> I rather try to fix new shiny things, than patch old ones :-D
<OscarL> only one asks for scipy.
<OscarL> I say... go for it!
<OscarL> (and when Blender breaks... YOU deal with it :-P)
<Begasus> no numpy patch for scipy at gentoo
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<Begasus> I think it's already borked on 32bit?
<OscarL> one less thing to worry about then!
<Begasus> I don't even know how to check if it works in blender :P
<OscarL> And people on the forum talk about "setting rules to never break installed packages", ha. I too would like to believe in magic.
<Begasus> Blender requires the empty numpy package too it seems :P
<Begasus> jike no, numpy_python310 does ... requires: numpy>=1.26.0
<OscarL> one day I'll patch hp for that too! (or I'll dream about it at least :-P)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> it still launches ok though :P
<Begasus> k, out again ... :/
<Begasus> kids ... :P
<OscarL> enjoy!
<OscarL> crap. lost my scipy recipe that used mesonpy, heh. That's why I get for having branches open for too long :-/
* OscarL calls it quits for today. Later folks!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57301] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 493d3c69f334 - GLTeapot: Add setting to limit FPS
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57302] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c9afad22682e - HaikuBook: Improve documentation of AddDynamicItem
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<Coldfirex> @Waddlesplash: FYI realized I have a different host that I can swing Haiku over to later on that would let me allocate 96 cores instead of just 64.
<waddlesplash> won't do anything atm
<waddlesplash> kernel is hard-locked to 64 cores max
<waddlesplash> you could compile a custom build with that #define changed to be 96
<waddlesplash> but I suspect it would lock up the same way
<Coldfirex> Ya, I meant for whenever this issue is figured out. Didnt realize we had a coded limit. Good to know
<Coldfirex> Do we have a limit on memory too?
<tqh> I think the UEFI bootloader has issues with > 128GB if it wasn't fixed
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<nagerst> I have been nostaliclly going in sites.
<nagerst> The internet was at it's peak at 2001 in my view
<nagerst> however, does not save images and i was trying to find the cute bear that judgen used everywhere in his software.
<matt3> nagerst : i suggest
<nagerst> it used to be the top left image of a long since dead site.
<nagerst> malt how does that help? i was asking for a cute svg bear image
<nagerst> and i can not ask the dead, so getting it from the source is out of the question
<matt3> i apologize : just to share together :)
<erysdren> nagerst: is there an archive anywhere of BeOS branding graphics and posters?
<erysdren> after you mentioned the poster you were looking for, i got curious
<erysdren> but i couldn't find anything even like it
<matt3> irc is ok to stay together ...
<nagerst> erysdren: Yes i have both posters, but only one is really well made, the other one is more a pucnh at apple.
<erysdren> physical posters?
<nagerst> If you google "BeOS" "gold is still the standard" you can find the poster.
<nagerst> yes
<nagerst> got it a nb-bug in 2001
<nagerst> nope not selling it
<erysdren> heh, i'm not asking to buy it, i just wanna see a picture :P
<erysdren> google isn't helping sadly
<matt3> I don't want money/businesses => just retirement :)
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<nagerst> yeah, another reason i want the old resources back.... no longer available on qwant or google
<nagerst> has removed the image so it is just my single poster left in the world afaik.
<erysdren> what are the dimensions? it might be cheap to scan
<nagerst> naah i bet geist or lab has their own
<nagerst> 45cm x 90cm
<erysdren> nice, pretty big
<erysdren> i've been thinking about buying some reproduction BeOS logo stickers to put on stuff
<nagerst> i mean you could just slap any Be logo onto an anime background and just be as fine.
<zdykstra> I bought a couple, erysdren
<zdykstra> they turned out really nice
<nagerst> but this one is from menlo park =P
<nagerst> like it matters today
<erysdren> i wasn't around when BeOS was in existence
<erysdren> so i'm playing catch up
<erysdren> awesome
<nagerst> listen to the song Virtual Void from beshare and you get it pretty soon.
<zdykstra> they're on top of the computer that can't actually boot Haiku, heh
<erysdren> yeah, those BeOS stickers are the ones i was thinking about getting. i think someone is selling them on eBay
<zdykstra> that's where I got mine!
<waddlesplash> zdykstra: what happens when you do try to boot haiku on it?
<nagerst> listen to the real version and not the version on the BE cd
<zdykstra> I'd have to try again to see what happens, I forget the exact crash
<zdykstra> it's a Threadripper Pro workstation with about 9 quadrillion devices on the PCIe bus
<waddlesplash> ah, interesting
<waddlesplash> the PCI refactors may affect something here
<erysdren> does the Haiku bootloader not recognize NVME boot partitions?
<erysdren> i'm still having issues there
<waddlesplash> yes
<erysdren> ah, crap
<waddlesplash> I boot from NVMe on bare metal and also in VMware
<erysdren> oh
<zdykstra> I boot a Haiku machine from an NVMe drive in UEFI mode
<nagerst> I think your motherboard is having issues, i tried "my" 256core AMD system yesterday and it runs just fine.
<waddlesplash> the NVMe driver is solid, probably the most performant of our drivers
<waddlesplash> nagerst: probably limited to 64 cores tho
<erysdren> last week i installed Haiku on a 512gb NVME SSD on my motherboard, and when i booted from it, the haiku bootloader said it couldn't find any bootable partitions
<waddlesplash> our kernel currently has #define SMP_MAX_CPUS 64
<nagerst> waddlesplash: might be but working
<nagerst> 44 cores works just fine in haiku
<nagerst> on the intel side
<nagerst> i can not wait to get my hands on the dual 56 core mobos.
<zdykstra> 44 is less than 64, so the math checks out
<nagerst> epyc is faster as of now in all tasks.. but the new winged xeons can maytbe close the gab
<nagerst> intel's IPC has not really increased by much since core2
<nagerst> in cost/performance metrics per ipc that is
<nagerst> zdykstra: The threadripper had very few manufacturers. Have you updated the AGESIA
<nagerst> socket TR has cost problems
<nagerst> tr4
<nagerst> it costs the same as a server part, but most enthusiast does not want to pay that much.
<nagerst> supernerds will pay for a 128 core 4ghz cpu, but then they only game on it, using four to 8 cores.
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<OscarL> nagerst: Hi. Are you the same NaGERST that had some work in progress audio driver for Aureal sound cards? (from IRC some months ago)
<OscarL> If so... /me still interested in trying the out some day... just saying :-P
<OscarL> s/the out/them out/
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<zdykstra> oh man, I had an Aureal soundcard 'back in the day'
<OscarL> AU8820 here (the "el cheapo" version, but considering I got it down here in Argentina in the late 90s... can't complain much :-D)
<OscarL> OSS used to have drivers for it, but they got "moved to the attic" at some point in time, so no Aureal on Haiku since.
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<OscarL> erysdren: did you used DriveSetup to create and initialize the partitions? or you "reused" a parition created with GParted, or something like that?
<erysdren> used DriveSetup
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* OscarL ran out of ideas then :-)
<zdykstra> UEFI or BIOS mode? At least on a few Thinkpads I've seen, the BIOS mode firmware can't even see the NVMe, only UEFI can.
<OscarL> Note to Begasus: managed to make scipy advance a bit further... just to find out this version requires Cython 0.29.35 (we have .32 :-D)
<erysdren> it's my desktop rig, UEFI
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie 0962f15 - astyle: update to 3.4.8 (#9530)
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<OscarL> I have a soft spot for "Turbo Vision" software:
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<zdykstra> oh man does that bring back memories
<zdykstra> awesome link OscarL !
<OscarL> Looks like it might be for more than just nostalgia: Scintilla based editor in TVision clothes? Hell yeah!:
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<Coldfirex> booo, newest stress-ng causing new KDLs
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<zdykstra> dang OscarL, good finds
<OscarL> zdykstra: :-) easy... had them starred already, and both from the same author, heh.
<OscarL> Coldfirex: 64 bits?
<matt3> cu tomorrow ... cheers ;)
<Luca91> Hi all, I need an hand to sort this issue: I'm porting an app that is looking for "" but the sdl2 package installs "". On linux i would have just create a symlink, but how should I handle this situation on Haiku? please keep in mind that I'm going to write a recipe for this software
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<OscarL> Coldfirex: asking because I had to make some changes on the 32 bits patchset... and I might just have screwed it up there :-P
<zdykstra> a user-land application shouldn't be able to cause a KDL :P
<augiedoggie> Luca91: the devel package should have the .so
<Luca91> augiedoggie thank you for your reply, let me check
<OscarL> zdykstra: you underestimates my power to bork things up! muahahaha!
<Luca91> augiedoggie you are actually right, but that .so is then installed in /boot/system/develop/lib. The game I'm porting is searching it in /boot/system/lib.
<Luca91> how should I handle this case from a "recipe" perspective?
<augiedoggie> what is the build system of the app? cmake?
<Luca91> augiedoggie saldy no, it is written in nim language....
<augiedoggie> hm, well you could try to use pkg-config
<augiedoggie> to get the right path for the build system
<Coldfirex> Yes, 64bit
<augiedoggie> it's hard to say without knowing more about how the build works
<Luca91> augiedoggie yeah. I know 0 about nim, but I managed to port this software using a couple of hacks. Now that I'm writing a recipe I have to get rid of these hacks..
<Luca91> augiedoggie thank you for your time anyway :)
<augiedoggie> there must be some point where you can edit the library paths
<OscarL> Luca91: look at the "shockolate-0.7.7.recipe" for some ideas? (plus what augiedoggie said)
<Luca91> augiedoggie yes, I'm going to give a closer look at the source code (and build system)
<Luca91> OscarL ok thanks I'm going to give it a look, thanks
<OscarL> np. the "-DSDL2_LIBRARY=$(findir..." line in particular.
<Luca91> OscarL yeah, I'm giving it a look right now, the point is that recipe uses cmake, while here I'm messing with nim
<Luca91> the idea is right tho. If I find a way to pass the correct path to the nim compiler then it should be good. I'll do some experiments.
<OscarL> that's the spirit!
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<OscarL> Reminds me of a similar thing with our Pythons not providing "".
<OscarL> I think I'll add that to the recipe for our current default Python version next time I update it.
<OscarL> (at least, I'll put that up on the PR, and see what korli shouts at me :-D)
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<tqh> erysdren, the most common problem is having the wrong haiku partition uuid on the partition. If you havn't set the partition uuid it might not be right. And even if it was set to haiku long ago, the haiku uuid changed.
<erysdren> hmm, i don't know how to set that
<erysdren> tqh: how to set that?
<tqh> I do it when I setup partitions in linux? But I guess you can change partitiontype in haiku.
<erysdren> ah, you don't use DriveSetup?
<tqh> no I develop in linux and use a VM for haiku
<Coldfirex> Is there a way to increase the size of the syslog? It appears it might cutoff around 512kb and create a new one.
<tqh> But DriveSetup should show what partitiontype your haiku partition is I think
<tqh> probably can edit it as well.
<tqh> also I am talking about GPT partitioned disks.
<tqh> Don't remember the ancient stuff
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e729a56 - doxygen, fix 32bit build (#9531)
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<Begasus> Closing down, g'night peeps
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 0ec5be0 - gloox: implement tls-exporter channel binding type
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<OscarL> just change the one under ~/config/settings/kernel/drivers/kernel
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<Coldfirex> @OscarL: Thanks, just ran across a forum posting on that too.
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<Luca91> augiedoggie I've just fixed it ;)
<Luca91> it is possible to override the path using something like: --dynlibOverride:libSDL2 --passL:/boot/system/develop/lib/
<augiedoggie> that path is probably going to change on a 32 bit build though
<augiedoggie> it's have x86 i it
<augiedoggie> it'''*
<augiedoggie> it'll
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<augiedoggie> it'd be best if you could run pkg-config to get the library path or be able to specify it at configure time with a command line argument
<augiedoggie> even something like LD_FLAGS=`pkg-config libsdl2 --libs`
<augiedoggie> that's untested, i don't remember the pkg-config syntax offhand
<erysdren> that's about right, except i think it'd be `pkg-config sdl2 --libs`
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrr.
<andreasdr[m]> You are mighty pirates.
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<augiedoggie> could probably try --passL:`pkg-config sdl2 --libs-only-L`
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<Helvedeshunden[m]> Huh. My little post about Haiku ended up with 50 boosts and 60 favorites and the notifications keep trickling in.
<Helvedeshunden[m]> usually don't get near that many interactions
<waddlesplash> Coldfirex: the commands you listed for reproducing 18601 and 18602 are identical...?
<waddlesplash> Helvedeshunden[m]: which post?
<Coldfirex> Yes. This one I did in my vmware environment and was able to grab the external serial log. Not sure why I got a different issue this on that one
<waddlesplash> ah, that one got boosted by the official Haiku account, so that'd be why :)
<Helvedeshunden[m]> I am sure it helped. It was pretty instant and constant before the boost, though. anyway, made me happy that more people were inspired to get back to Haiku.
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<zdykstra> does anybody have a screenshot of Mail-It ? I was super active with BeOS in the R4/R5 era, and I've never even heard of it. I used Beam back then.
<zdykstra> Nice, thank you
<zdykstra> there's some real CDE vibes from that image
<Diver> I couldn't find Mail-it 3.0 screenshots, I think it looked more modern
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