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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<mr_lou> Is there any Wine for Haiku?
<Begasus> yeah, but not sure what the status is atm, never really played with it
<Begasus> pkgman search wine
<mr_lou> Thx
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b251e6e - test_requires, add perl module (#9392)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus d906093 - tie_simple, add perl module (#9393)
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<retropikzel> Is there any way to make Haiku focus window when switching to virtual desktop with keyboard shortcuts?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57261] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f4de95a66b7e - Update translations from Pootle
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b978327 - pathtools, add perl module (#9395)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 662498b - pathtools, use "all" for ARCHITECTURES (#9396)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 670f139 - compress_bzip2, use "all" for ARCHITECTURES (#9397)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 4513c72 - module_scandeps, add perl module (#9398)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 0526207 - alien_sdl, cleanup (#9399)
<Begasus> Hi there jmairboeck
<jmairboeck> hi Begasus
<Begasus> first real hurdle with the perl modules here :)
<Begasus> sdl-perl needs the headers for sdl_pango (which are not there for gcc2)
<jmairboeck> so we need to switch them to secondaryArch already?
<Begasus> trying to avoid it if possible
<Begasus> sdl_pango needs cairo (think that's blocking gcc2 build)
<Begasus> if that doesn't work I guess alien_sdl should move to secondary as well, as that is using sdl-config to detect the sdl installation
<jmairboeck> I also fear that I have to eat my own words here, concerning "portable" any-arch packages, because if we use that idea of "_x86" subpackages, they wouldn't be portable any more and could only be built on 32 bit ... which is not the idea of "any" ...
<jmairboeck> that is kind of a hard dilemma :(
<jmairboeck> I think, removing gcc2 perl is probably not an option either because of texinfo-6.1 on x86_gcc2
<Begasus> couldn't that still use cmd:perl from the perl_x86 package?
<jmairboeck> at least texlive_x86 7 didn't build with the gcc2 perl, I doubt that it would work the other way round
<Begasus> ps, on 64bit there isn't an issue so far with the modules, as we don't have secondary there
<jmairboeck> texinfo is implemented in perl and C and uses libraries that link against
<Begasus> as mentioned at the issue, the perl_x86 could supply cmd:perl (provided gcc2 is dropped)
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<jmairboeck> yes, for the command it wouldn't be a problem
<jmairboeck> but libperl is a problem
<jmairboeck> if we still need a gcc2 version of that
<Begasus> does texinfo need libperl?
<jmairboeck> yes
<Begasus> ah, right, that would be a problem then
<jmairboeck> at least texinfo-7 needs it, it didn't build with gcc2 perl
<Begasus> well texinfo-7 isn't the problem here :)
<Begasus> only one standing in the way is the old one I guess
<jmairboeck> but texinfo-6.1, which exists because it uses a primary arch awk, which is required for building Haiku
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<Begasus> k, no cairo with gcc2
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<Begasus> current xml_parser isn't complete too :) Warning: prerequisite LWP::UserAgent 0 not found.
<Begasus> not going there for the moment, trying to build that one reveals a "few" others missing :P
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<jmairboeck> yes, perl dependencies are a real rabbit hole
<jmairboeck> it is no coincidence that CPAN and CTAN are named similarly ;)
<jmairboeck> I don't remember which is named after which :)
<Begasus> started out fiddling with cpan, gave up quite quick :)
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<jmairboeck> for CTAN, we mostly use a single recipe called "texlive" (with some generated parts), but I guess that isn't an option for CPAN ;)
<Begasus> k, let's check this sdl_perl on 32bit ...
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<Begasus> ! Tie::Simple is not installed
<Begasus> should be around ...
<Begasus> Can't locate Class/ in @INC (finetuning what's needed or not) :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jmairboeck e6f51ab - antlr recipes: bump version to 4.13.1 (#9400)
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<Begasus> can't locate where frozen-bubble saves the user files ... end up in ~/.frozen-bubble for now
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<Begasus> nvm, found it :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 2b6971a - vcmi: update to version 1.3.1
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-1/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 3155607 - sdl_pango, use Debian patches, fixes frozen-bubble (#9402)
<jmairboeck> Begasus: did you check sdl_perl on 32 bit?
<jmairboeck> does this work with gcc2 perl despite being built with gcc13?
<Begasus> sdl_perl builds ok on 32bit
<jmairboeck> and does it work?
<Begasus> atm FB runs fine on 64bit, next step is to make it run on 32bit
<Begasus> runs fine! :)
<Begasus> this one has been bugging me on and off for years! never knew how to get pass the error for alien_sdl ;)
<jmairboeck> ok, I wouldn't have expected that
<jmairboeck> after all, it is mixing gcc2 and gcc13 in the same program then
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<Begasus> never really played with perl :)
<Begasus> that I don't know yet, not checked for 32bit (frozen-bubble)
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<jmairboeck> ok. I suspect that it doesn't work
<Begasus> only thing that could be in the way would be the alien_sdl
<jmairboeck> what do you think of my proposal? (example)
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<Begasus> should be checked, is it really required?
<jmairboeck> if frozen-bubble works with gcc2 perl, then probably not, but I doubt that
<jmairboeck> archive_extract is just an example, I just tried with a random recipe
<Begasus> will know in a bit :)
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<Begasus> rebooting to virtual here ...
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<jmairboeck> I noticed some architecture-specific files in the perl packages: perllocal.pod and .packlist. Do we need them or should they be removed from the packages?
<jmairboeck> the openSUSE perl packages don't contain these, so I think they should be removed
<Begas_VM> ;) Can't load '/boot/system/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.32/BePC-haiku/auto/SDL_perl/' for module SDL_perl: Symbol not found at /boot/system/lib/perl5/5.32.1/BePC-haiku/ line 193.
<Begas_VM> not sure what the usage for those files are jmairboeck
<jmairboeck> perllocal.pod seems to be a kind of manpage that lists the locally installed packages, so it is package-specific anyway. The packlist is probably needed for make uninstall.
<jmairboeck> so we probably don't need or want both of them
<Begas_VM> Can't locate Alien/ in @INC (you may need to install the Alien::SDL module) (@INC contains: inc /packages/perl_x86-5.32.1-1/.self/non-packaged/lib/x86/perl5/site_perl/5.32/BePC-haiku /packages/perl_x86-5.32.1-1/.self/non-packaged/lib/x86/per
<Begas_VM> yep, so looks like we need secondary arch for those ...
<jmairboeck> perl_x86 just looks in lib/x86 etc.
<jmairboeck> I did this specifically to not have any conflicts with the gcc2 perl
<Begas_VM> for that matter, should be provide a gcc2 version for the newer ones then? (if we switch to secondary)
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<jmairboeck> if we drop the gcc2 perl, this could be changed so that perl-x86 uses the regular lib dirs
<Begas_VM> closing the other one ... getting to warm (heat issues)
<Begas_VM> yeah, was my idea earlier, but then we run into texinfo (old version)
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<jmairboeck> but as I said, the gcc2 perl is probably needed for texinfo-6.1
<Begas_VM> k, time for the dogs here, bbl
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<aa72[m]> hi
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<Begas_VM> 'lo humdinger :)
<humdinger> hullo!
<humdinger> now that you're through with python, you after perl, I see... :)
<Begas_VM> well frozen-bubble was around all the time, just didn't know how to tackle it untill I saw alien_svn :D
<humdinger> and so it started...
<Begas_VM> right, in no time about 15 (basic) recipes done :D
<Begas_VM> but soon found out it's a mess like python dependencies :P
<Begas_VM> k, heading out with the wife for a while, cu l8r!
<humdinger> cu!
<jmairboeck> and we have two versions of perl on x86, which makes it even more complicated than python (in a way)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 1af50cd - vcmi: depends on libstdc++
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<augiedoggie> hm, the filteredquery command needs some fixes in order to work right
<Begas_VM> time for some cleaning on this 32bit ...
<Begas_VM> is there is a reason Haiku still needs the (older) texinfo for 32bit?
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* augiedoggie debates whether to submit a patch for filteredquery
<waddlesplash> why not?
<augiedoggie> i don't like gerrit :P
<erysdren> i can't figure out how to get haiku to boot off this nvme drive
<erysdren> it installed all right, but i can't seem to boot from the partition
<erysdren> and i can't install haiku bootmanager on it, for some reason
<augiedoggie> EFI or MBR?
<erysdren> i believe it's EFI
<augiedoggie> did you partition it as GPT? with an EFI partition
<erysdren> it has grub on it, from an old linux install, but the linux install is gone
<erysdren> so grub just dies
<erysdren> i might've accidently overwritten the GRUB partition with the haiku install...
<erysdren> not sure what to do tbh
<augiedoggie> can you boot from USB and select the nvme drive in the bootloader?
<erysdren> in my BIOS? no
<erysdren> if i selected the nvme drive, it boots the messed up grub
<augiedoggie> no, hold the space key while booting from usb
<erysdren> lemme try
<erysdren> if i can get into haiku that way, what should i do?
<augiedoggie> then it's probably something wrong with the EFI partition/layout
<augiedoggie> maybe a screenshot from DriveSetup would help
<jmairboeck> Begas_VM: I don't know exactly what the reason is for texinfo-6.1, but texinfo-7 needs gawk specifically (doesn't work with mawk), and gawk is only available as a secondaryArch package, which is a problem for building Haiku, apparently. So it seems to be an indirect dependency of some kind.
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<Begas_VM> jmairboeck, will be for another round tomorrow :)
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<Begas_VM> closing down, g'night peeps
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<OscarL> My face when I find a BeOS app that uses B_FILE_NOT_FOUND, and that got deprecated in
<OscarL> :-/
<OscarL> Guess the correct replacement would be B_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ?
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<OscarL> Would be cool if merged commits on Gerrit added the hrev (along with the SHA1, in the "submitted as" message).
<OscarL> (using "" + SHA1 to find that, for now)
<augiedoggie> git describe --tags eb1d596ff6bbe81d5828f6a3881e82b7ebc4255f
<OscarL> augiedoggie: lazy me has a shallow clone :-P
<OscarL> but thanks for the tip!
<OscarL> btw, nice to read you fixed filteredquery.
<OscarL> hoping you submit that one :-D
<augiedoggie> i'll look into it later, i need to find the gerrit instructions again
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<zdykstra> I just got back from a classic/vintage computer show featuring computers from the 80's up into the early/mid 90's
<zdykstra> now I'm sitting down at my Haiku workstation to tinker on some code - it's like I've time warped
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<OscarL> zdykstra: forwards, I hope :-P
<zdykstra> yes, Haiku might have some 90's look to it - but it's a fair bit more modern than Mac System 6, or Amiga OS :)
<zdykstra> or a C64, heh
<OscarL> good, good. :)
<augiedoggie> heh, gerrit won't let me log in with my github account
<augiedoggie> i don't feel like fighting with it
<OscarL> push your commit somewhere, and one of us can push it?
<OscarL> Man... TraX sources are just incomplete :-(. 3rd time I give it a try. This time... getting "this" close to compile/link it. Wish I was smarter.
<augiedoggie> i looked at it and decided it wasn't worth the effort
<augiedoggie> it == TraX
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<OscarL> See, if I was smarter, either I'd have it ready by now... or I would have ended up with your same conclusion :-D
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* augiedoggie attempts a push
* OscarL crosses fingers.
<augiedoggie> bah, it's unhappy because i used a different email address
<OscarL> :-(
<augiedoggie> there, i hope you're happy :P
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57262] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 49f7074b659b - filteredquery: miscellaneous fixes
<augiedoggie> heh
<waddlesplash> :)
<augiedoggie> i think that's technically my first haiku commit since all my other stuff was submitted as diffs to trac before gerrit was in use
<OscarL> Weee! :-D
<OscarL> Thanks augiedoggie!
<OscarL> pairisto[m]: Hey! Congrats on the +1 on Gerrit! (by korli, no less :-D)
<OscarL> So... GCC2 perl can't be dropped because every other platform except x86_64 uses an older texinfo package. Is that just because no one updated them yet, or we really need old texinfo versions?
<augiedoggie> i know nothing about texinfo on Haiku
<OscarL> neither I do, but sounds a weird reason to cling on perl compiled with GCC2 :-D
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<OscarL> meanwhile.... TraX didn't liked the BarberPole.{h,cpp} I used :-/
<augiedoggie> i think beezer has one
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<OscarL> Will take a look, thanks.
<OscarL> (albeit it better be from 1999 :-D)
<OscarL> Santa's Gift Bag, maybe?
<augiedoggie> prossibly
<OscarL> Noup, no BP on Santa's bag... plenty other on HaikuArchive, thou!
* OscarL takes a closer look.
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<OscarL> Welp, TraX / FastTraX build now. Both crash on startup, but... oh well... progress ?! :-D
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<OscarL> Just in case someone else wants to give fixing TraX a go...
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<andreasdr[m]> Arrrrrrrrr.
<OscarL> mighty pirate you are!
<andreasdr[m]> Aye!
<andreasdr[m]> How is it going? Here its 2am. Need to go to bed. But couldnt resist to leave a Arrrrrr.
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