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<Vidrep_64> Could someone please add this task to Hacktoberfest -
<Vidrep_64> Thanks in advance
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<HaikuUser> How can i make a circle with a hole in the middle in icon-o-matic?
<HaikuUser> I built digger for Haiku, and i am trying to make an icon for it
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<zdykstra> hah, nice
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<zdykstra> HaikuUser: take a look at the QuickLaunch icon, might have some hints in it
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<humdinger> morning!
<Begasus> Moin humdinger!
* humdinger waves
<Begasus> long time no see (here) :)
<humdinger> only quick visits from time to time. :)
<Begasus> got a look at what we could add for hactoberfest? ;)
<humdinger> nah, only added Vidrep's suggestion when reading the log.
<humdinger> Was there ever a hacktoberfest ticket that got solved for Haiku/ports/archive/etc. ?
<Begasus> I think so, at least on haikuports
<humdinger> OK then. :)
<Begasus> But I never got that t-shirt :P
<humdinger> at least if they were done by outsiders, not our regular contributers and the hacktoberfest tag was coincidental.
<Begasus> well, still a few open that should fix some things :)
<Begasus> should/could*
<Begasus> export CPPFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated-declarations" (much nicer output in Terminal) :)
<Begasus> time to move out djvulibre to djvu as Gentoo does and move it to app-text
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<Begasus> korli is collecting :)
<Begasus> biab
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57304] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4f0173cdb012 - kernel/x86_64: align the stack before calling the function
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57305] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 908afdaae407 - m68k: update linker script for kernel
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<Begasus> 32bit buildmaster still stuck on numpy, could someone have a look (poke) there?
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<Begasus> k, djvu still fine on both arch's :)
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<andreasdr[m]> Good morning
<erysdren> hello
<andreasdr[m]> Hi erysdren!
<Begasus> 'lo andreasdr[m] erysdren
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus!
<Begasus> Something to check if djvu is working correctly ;)
<Begasus> for the record, we already have a djvu translator in haikuports (to view djvu files in ShowImage)
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<andreasdr[m]> Begasus: That looks nice.
<Begasus> all possible by those provided us the Qt packages (and other packages) :)
<andreasdr[m]> Nice
<Begasus> almost there with djvu, 2 targets on 32bit, only one needs a tools package :)
<andreasdr[m]> Wow. Didnt know you have OBS in HaikuPorts.
<andreasdr[m]> Nice.
<Begasus> OBS?
<erysdren> huh, i didnt know it was there either, that's cool
<erysdren> Open Broadcaster Software
<Begasus> if you find somehting missing just file an issue at haikuports (or mention it here) andreasdr[m] :)
<Begasus> can't see anything with pkgman or inrecipe ...
<erysdren> oh lol
<erysdren> it's not there
<erysdren> in that video, he's overlaying OBS overtop of a Haiku VM
<andreasdr[m]> But the window has Haiku Tab Decoration and stuff. Confusing.
<Begasus> can't play it here atm
<erysdren> it's just lined up with an underlying Haiku window
<erysdren> look closer, it's just hovering above
<andreasdr[m]> Ok
<andreasdr[m]> Thank you. Didnt see that.
<andreasdr[m]> Would have been cool though.
<erysdren> yeah i don't think Haiku has any electron apps yet
<erysdren> but i hope one day
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<matt3> peace ... ;)
<matt3> by making peace, anger and bad things go away :)
<andreasdr[m]> peace!
<matt3> peace!
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<matt3> cu ;)
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<matt3> is haiku name ok ?
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<Begasus> yes matt3, nothing wrong with it
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<matt3> ok, np
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<Begasus> assimp upstream patch merged :)
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<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 561b9e4 - deployments/gemini: Bump container version for devel docs
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 e7a2c61 - docs/concourse-worker: Add to worker documentation based on Ryan's troubleshooting sessions
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<Begasus> now there a 2 scripts in there that I can't leave in the tools package for the debug package ... any ideas?
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<matt3> could i a joke in italian ?
<Begasus> you could, but I doubt many will understand it :)
<matt3> ok, nobody from italy ? in private ?
<Begasus> I'm not from Italy too (and no private please)
<matt3> ok
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<augiedoggie_> there are several ways to filter those scripts out
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<augiedoggie_> you could mark the entries you don't want with a comment like 'cmd:foo #no_debug' then change the the echo line further down to a grep command
<augiedoggie_> like 'grep -v no-debug $PROVIDES_tools | sed ....'
<augiedoggie_> er
<augiedoggie_> no_debug
<augiedoggie_> just as long as they're the same :P
<augiedoggie_> actually, you'd still need the echo there and pipe that into the grep
<Begasus> just posted at the forum and added a comment on the PR
<augiedoggie_> unless you change a couple other lines
<Begasus> total noob at sed here :)
<augiedoggie_> you shouldn't need to change the sed command
<Begasus> right, just find a way to exclude those 2 cmd's
<augiedoggie_> change the line to: echo "$PROVIDES_tools" | grep -v no_debug | sed -n -e "s/^\s*cmd://p"
<augiedoggie_> and mark the two commands with a #no_debug
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<Begasus> that worked on 64bit, checking on 32bit ...
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<augiedoggie_> hm, now that i think about it, i'm surprised that worked
<augiedoggie_> i'll have to look into it after work
<Begasus> ok, but thanks!!! saves about 3MiB on the x86 package now too :)
<augiedoggie_> it worked on 32 bit also?
<Begasus> yep
<augiedoggie_> nice
<augiedoggie_> i just wasn't sure if the comments would be preserved for the echo command or if the shell would remove them
<Begasus> base package now -1MiB (compared to +6MiB current)
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<Begasus> k, doing clean build for all to check
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<Begasus> all good now, million thanks augiedoggie_!
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<Begasus> k, should be good to go, I'll leave it open for reviews, cu later/tomorrow :)
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<jmairboeck> augiedoggie_: comments in REQUIRES, PROVIDES even end up in the final .PackageInfo, I think, at least they still show up in the output of haikuporter at the end.
<jmairboeck> nice trick for filtering the debuginfo though :)
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<BlueSky76> humdinger: yes, my initial work on ffmpeg gui was done because I wanted to participate in Hacktoberfest
<BlueSky76> Begasus: regarding the Hacktoberfest T-Shirt, I didn´t get one either because instead I opted for a tree to be planted in my name. Now I´ve actually got a tree somewhere in California :-)
<matt3> to coldfirex when returns :
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<thaflo> Hello! MessageReceived handles all Key Messages ... And MouseDown should receive all mouse movements ( I need specifically clicks on a view).
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<thaflo> I addded a View to a Window, but clicking on it it does not call Window::MouseDown() ...
<HaikuUser> Hi
<thaflo> hi
<HaikuUser> how do I change username?
<thaflo> slash nick NICK
HaikuUser is now known as yetanothernewbie
<kona> try /nick newname
<yetanothernewbie> thanks!
<thaflo> you're welcome
<yetanothernewbie> I'm talking to a guy on the Italian HUG (Haiku User Group) who's trying to port Xonotic to Haiku!
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<yetanothernewbie> ultrachad
<yetanothernewbie> wat
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<andreasdr[m]> Nice
<Begasus> nice on you BlueSky76 :)
<Begasus> no news :) closing down here, cu peeps!
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<BlueSky76> thaflo: it´s the BView`s MouseDown method that is called, not in the BWindow. And to receive all mouse updates you have to call SetMouseEventMask(B_FULL_POINTER_HISTORY)
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