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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<erysdren> good morning
<erysdren> Begasus, how are the latest nightlies? any glaring bugs?
<erysdren> just asking cuz i wanna boot into one and play with it
<Begasus> g'morning erysdren
<Begasus> running R1B4 so not the nightly here
<erysdren> fair
<Begasus> need to have a build (stable) environment to build packages that is the same as the buildmasters
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly e69be84 - llvm16: fix build on 32-bit; fix deps for clang package (#9357)
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<aa72> hello from mattia tristo => my real name is andrea allegri =
<aa72> it is the true ... :)
<aa72> it is a problem of wrong identity card ...
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<Anarchos> :ignore aa72
<aa72> np
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<Begasus> hi matt
<Begasus> tl :P
<Anarchos> Begasus did'nt mean to be so efficient against a troll !!
<Begasus> He's not really a troll, I guess mostly lonely :)
<erysdren> he's been around before?
<Begasus> giving up on juliia for a while again ...
<Begasus> yep erysdren :)
<Begasus> at least this works :) grabbing libqt5pas-1.2.14-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/libqt5pas-1.2.14-1-x86_64.hpkg
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<erysdren> howdy oscar
<Begasus> Hola OscarL!
<OscarL> That was fast. Hello erysdren, Begasus :-)
<Begasus> fighting with cudatext again :)
<OscarL> Begasus: was thinking about that one the other day... (thinking on making it independent of any python version, as discussed over the forum). Didn't gathered the will to get all the dependencies :-) (One of these days!!! :-P)
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<Begasus> if there was a "" for the "default" python package that could work without much changes OscarL
<OscarL> Man... I got too late in to reply to matt / aa72 :-)
<Begasus> ;)
<OscarL> Was about to comment on his Tristo/Allegri (Sad/Cheerful)... reminds me of a bipolar person I know :-P
<Begasus> now that python2.7 is gone (with the others) can't you add a symlink in the default python version OscarL?
<Anarchos> OscarL i was first :)
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> yeah, your name came to mind here too OscarL
<OscarL> Anarchos: matt is just a lonely guy affected by MS (IIRC). He doesn't mean any harm, as far as I can tell. Certainly not more crazy than I am :-P
<Anarchos> OscarL sure but it only generates noise on irc.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 0b82c8a - libqt5pas, bump version (#9358)
<OscarL> if it is about noise/signal ratio.... I feel I should have been banned looong ago :-D
<OscarL> Begasus: was thinking about that, thing, yea.
<Begasus> Hey, I produce noice too (mostly without replies) :P
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<Begasus> think I did the same thing for cmd:lua, only provided in the default package
<Anarchos> strange behaviour of haikuporter : "ping" works , but hp gives "Downloading: ... --2023-09-05 12:12:38-- Résolution de… échec : Operation timed out."
* Anarchos advises others that "échec" means "failed" in french
<Begasus> now let's see if fpcupdeluxe has been updated too ...
<Begasus> gathered that Anarchos :)
<OscarL> Got a cool looking app that you might want to port Begasus (or maybe it needs 3dEyes' magic hands)
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<OscarL> (requires "python3-venv" /me doubts, as it is not needed on Win, seems it is only needed on linux to kind of get an isolated build env)
<Begasus> Seen it in some of the KDE recipes, during build I see it only being used to gather some version information?
<Begasus> OscarL, why not try it yourself, first do a testbuild in Terminal :)
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<Begasus> k, started clean fpc/lazarus build with fpcupdeluxe
<OscarL> venv (virtuial envs) are a way of having isolated environments for python projects, think of chroot, so "pip installs" only end up inside that "virtual env".
<Begasus> ah, deff not for me then :P
<OscarL> as hp already builds in a chroot, doens't sounds a hard requirement (and it isn't on win apparently).
<Anarchos> no idea on my error ?
<OscarL> any way... not really serious about you porting that one Begasus, just pulling your leg :-)
<OscarL> besides the time out... isn't ports-mirror only used if the main SOURCE_URI failed to download?
<OscarL> I mean... if you only case about getting that build running, *right now*, maybe the SOURCE_URI needs fixing?
<OscarL> s/only case/only care/
<Anarchos> OscarL yes , i am aware of that : wget the original .tar.bz2 works, but hp is unable to do it....
<OscarL> name of the recipe?
<Anarchos> libxft-2.3.3.recipe
<Anarchos> i modified the "?all" -> "all" , or else hp won't compile it
<OscarL> I'll try here in a moment (slow PC)
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<Begasus> *** Failed to find a match for "devel:libx11_xcb": Name not found
<Begasus> probably won't work for libxft ...
<Anarchos> Begasus oh you need to install a bunch of x11 libs before...
<Begasus> yeah, had been importing quite a lot of them back then Anarchos :)
<OscarL> "SECONDARY_ARCHITECTURES="?x86_gcc2 ?x86" :-D
<Begasus> with xlibe most are "broken" atm
<Begasus> biab
<Anarchos> what puzzles me is the 'impossible to resolve : operation timed out'
<OscarL> Anarchos: for what is worth, I had no problems running "hp -G -b libxft" (it just downloads and unpacks the SOURCE_URI that way).
<OscarL> network glitching somewhere around your region perhaps?
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<Anarchos> OscarL must be !
<Anarchos> OscarL if i download it by hand, what is the flag.XXX to touch for hp not to download it again
<OscarL> I think it is not one of the flag.XXX, but download/*.uri
<OscarL> removing "flag.unpack" too perhaps?
<OscarL> (but that's just to make sure it unpacks it again :-D)
<Anarchos> OscarL well i have no flag in my work directory
<Anarchos> not sure there is one for the download ?
<OscarL> "rm -rf download/" then :-D
<Anarchos> OscarL no, cause the download folder is where i put the archive i got by hand ?
<OscarL> Anarchos: ah... sorry.. I mis-read you!
<OscarL> if you download the tarball by hand.. and you want to trick HP into thinking it already downladed the file...
<OscarL> you just need to add a file under "download/"
<OscarL> named the same as the filename in the SOURCE_URI... but end in ".uri"...
<OscarL> "libXft-2.3.3.tar.bz2.uri" in this case..
<Anarchos> will try
<OscarL> and inside it, just one line with the full URI: ""
<OscarL> I've done that a few times, it works.
<Anarchos> yes it worked
<Anarchos> OscarL thanks !
* OscarL either needs to use a bigger font, or get new glasses :-/
<Anarchos> time to go eating
<OscarL> enjoy!
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<Begasus> Bigger screen OscarL? ;)
<Begasus> iconv fix not in fpc upstream yet :/
<OscarL> That too, or a big magnifier glass in front! :-) (remember seeing that on very old TVs :-D)
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<OscarL> "pkgman search" needs a switch to do exact matches (instead of just partial ones).
<OscarL> trying to do "pkgman search -D cmd:pip3" (returns Python 3.9 / 3.10 / 3.11). but I only care about exact "pip3", not "pip3*"
<Begasus> fix it? ;)
<OscarL> somehow got caught doing HP work... not sure how that happened :-P
<OscarL> (reminds me that I have some unsent pkgman patch already on the queue)
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<Begasus> hitting this one again OscarL :/
<Begasus> with LD_PRELOAD ... it works, so seems it can't find the library again :/
<OscarL> already applied the patch from the last time? RTC_LOCAL or something like that? /me goes hunting for it.
<Begasus> ah oh .. no :)
<Begasus> yep! working again!
<Begasus> should write that down ... ;) (and see to switch to python3.10 now) :)
<OscarL> For the record: CudaText works just fine with Python 3.11 (after adding `"pylib__haiku": "/system/develop/lib/",` on the user.json config file.
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<OscarL> so, we just need to fix how it detects the python libs on Haiku to make it version independent (at least with the versions we currently support). Too bad I'm so lazy :-P
<Begasus> ah, I switch this in the default.json file when building for now
<Begasus> or provide a user.json file to go with the package?
<OscarL> any of those workarounds should work for now, I think.
<Begasus> will just switch to the default for packaging for now, time to update CudaText to ;)
<OscarL> ("pylib__haiku": "/system/lib/", works too darn .so versioning!)
<OscarL> we should stick to /system/lib/ (and not system/develop/) here, I think.
<Begasus> been thinking there too, atm doesn't really matter as both are supplied in the base package
<OscarL> Just in case, remember that the "RTLD_GLOBAL + RTLD_NOW" patch you had here will be needed either way (unless that got fixed upstream).
<Begasus> works also without the path in front :)
<OscarL> must be picking up the one on /system/lib then. Good.
<Begasus> "pylib__haiku": "",
<OscarL> listimage CudaText | grep python: --> "13139 0x000000656fcb2000 0x000000657008a000 0 0 /boot/system/lib/" for me.
<OscarL> cool.
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<erysdren> good morning
<Begasus> output here OscarL:
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<Begasus> g'afternoon erysdren :)
<OscarL> morning. (8:30 am here... why I'm up this early?)
<Begasus> I'm mostly up between 5 and 6 AM :P
<OscarL> Begasus: looks correct :-)
<erysdren> 6:30am here!
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<OscarL> Well... to be sincere... my sleep schedule is as crazy as I am, so... I'm just too sleepy today :-D
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* OscarL makes some coffee.
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<erysdren> hmm, looks like QuakeSpasm finally got bumped up a release
<erysdren> how would i go about updating the HaikuPorts version?
* OscarL suspects a double-free on CudaText (on 64 bits). Everytime you close it, it ends ups with exceptions: EAccessViolation / EObjectCheck.
<Begasus> update recipe version, update SOURCE_URI and CHECKSUM...
<Begasus> and then see if it needs patching
<erysdren> hopefully doesn't
<Begasus> yeah, those were reported upstream OscarL
<OscarL> "git mv portname-old_version.recipe portname-new_version.recipe"
<OscarL> Begasus: good thing it doesn't seems to affect normal usage at all.
<Begasus> yeah, I find it quite usefull as an alternative editor
<erysdren> is quakespasm-0.96.0~git.recipe --> quakespasm-0.96.0.recipe ok?
<erysdren> they finally released 0.96.0 as an official version, instead of just a work-in-progress git version
<Begasus> if 0.96.0 is the official release yes :)
<erysdren> kewl
<OscarL> (once the new clang thing lands... we should be able to use clangd with CudaText, I think.)
<Begasus> for the record, I pull the sources for CudaText with script, so it's kinda a git checkout too (can't build it standalone yet) :)
* OscarL needs all the autocomplete help he can get with C/C++ :-D
<Begasus> D also? :P
<OscarL> I can handle the D by myself.
<OscarL> wait...
<Begasus> OK, looks fine so far ... time to grab the new files (first on 64bit)
<Begasus> hmm ... first update on fpcupdeluxe
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<erysdren> hmm
<erysdren> "sha1 information is lacking or useless"
<erysdren> what does this error mean?
<erysdren> error noted when trying to apply patchset
<Begasus> doesn't apply cleanly?
<Begasus> eg, changes from upstream standing in the way
<erysdren> damb
<erysdren> that's annoying
<Begasus> yep :P
<Begasus> if it's a small patch it's not that bad, otherwise ... ;)
<erysdren> i never got those particular changes merged upstream because i didn't handle it right
<erysdren> i'm still new to git magic
<Begasus> no guru here either
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<OscarL> Imaging silly my trying to apply python's patches to 3.11 without even knowing that a .patchset even was :-D
<Begasus> try that with gcc one ;)
<Begasus> kudos to nielx[m] for that!
<OscarL> indeed :-)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly 1bcb38f - wireshark: update to 4.0.8 (#9359)
<Begasus> reboot ... biab
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<OscarL> Speaking of patches... seems I can safely delete my "Subject: Ensure "static_assert" is defined." patch for older Python 3.11.x (.5 has a better check for it already).
<Begasus> some network issues ... fine again now :)
<Begasus> you can drop it for python3.12 then :)
<OscarL> I already had it left-out for both, but kept a local copy, until I got around to read that part of the upstream code again, to make sure :-)
<OscarL> now I can just nuke it :-)
<Begasus> nice ... packaging is fine already for 64bit :D
<OscarL> finally my dev-lang/python folder is looking clean again (has been a mess since last october, when I first tried 3.11 :-D)
<Begasus> know the feeling, got about 5 recipes/copies for julia already ;)
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<Begasus> probably should publish the PR for gpart ....
<OscarL> "rm $libDir/" <<< on the 3.10 :-D Should comment that line out, explaining that only "make altinstall"s need to remove it.
<Begasus> and close the 2 old (unmaintained) ones ...
<OscarL> if it works ok... +2 :-D
<Begasus> it works as good as explained on the other PR's
<OscarL> +1 then (just because I haven't paid much attention there) :-P
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> only wonder if it's a plus to have it in, and wether to enable/disable it
<OscarL> leave it until it gets some testing? I mean... it can be destructive (same with any partitioning software, but... at least we trust DriveSetup enough :-D)
<OscarL> *leave it "?"
<Begasus> right, my thoughts to, only checked for disk information, didn't do any disk actions with it
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<Begasus> biab
<Begasus> forgot how slow things are on the other laptop :P
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<Anarchos> Is there a trick in Makefiles to add «-lnetwork» only if platform is Haiku ?
<Begasus> should be ...
<Begasus> no other libraries involved?
* Begasus wonders if that's even possible :)
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<Begasus> LDFLAGS? ;)
<Begasus> LIBS?
<OscarL> "export CXXFLAGS="-lgnu -lnetwork"" from VLC recipe
<Begasus> export LDFLAGS="-lbsd -lconv" got the build for julia up
<Begasus> closed the PR for julia for now, won't be fixed any time soon I guess
<OscarL> not many julia programmers around, I guess :-)
<Begasus> given the age of the current recipe in the tree I guess not :)
<OscarL> BTW. about the patchset for kraptor... I think it is just missing a final ".patchset" in that PATCHES line.
<Begasus> could be, PulkoMandy would give it a look when time permits I guess
<OscarL> maybe you can just add that in, so hp -lint stops complaining about it, but leave it disabled?
<Begasus> the one for openexr should be fine, it's an older one and on 64bit superseded
<OscarL> regarding the Python symlinks for the libraries ("/system/lib/" and "/system/lib/"). Already made the changes, and stashed them. I think it makes sense to wait for the next version update to add those changes.
<OscarL> (I'd hate to make people update 18/20 MB just for an added symlink :-D)
<Begasus> yeah :)
<Begasus> you did this for all versions or just the default one?
<Begasus> can't have in devel package for each version :)
<OscarL> only for the default one, the rest for all.
<OscarL> (well, for 3.11/3.12... starting to not care too much about 3.9 already :-D)
<Begasus> right ;)
<Begasus> moving forward! :)
<Begasus> have to go out for a bit, wife got an appointment with the doc
<Begasus> removing the first line of stitches ;)
<Begasus> cu l8r
<OscarL> later! good luck!
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<Anarchos> Is there a trick in Makefiles to add '-lnetwork' only if platform is haiku ?
<erysdren> i think was addressed above
<erysdren> ah, i see you left before it was sent
<erysdren> OscarL suggested "export CXXFLAGS="-lgnu -lnetwork""
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<OscarL> And Begasus suggested "export LDFLAGS="-lnetwork", Anarchos.
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<Anarchos> OscarL: i want to use something like : ifeq(platform, haiku) -lnetwork else ""
<erysdren> $(shell uname) can be used to retrieve the system name
<erysdren> will be "Haiku" on haikuy
<erysdren> haiku*
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<OscarL> is that using some sort of autoconf tool, or just plain makefiles? (I see lots of "AM_LDFLAGS = $(CAIRO_LDFLAGS) -lnetwork" in our HaikuPorts patches, for example).
<erysdren> so maybe: ifeq ($(shell uname),Haiku)
<OscarL> I see "ifeq ($(shell uname),SunOS)" in the libvterm recipe patchset, so I think erysdren's suggestion is on point.
<Anarchos> it is a plain old makefile
<OscarL> then go with erysdren's "ifeq ($(shell uname),Haiku)" I'd say :-)
<OscarL> "LDFLAGS += -lnetwork" (just in case?)
<Anarchos> Other question : how to get the 'TLS' option in the mail settings ? I only have SSL
<OscarL> No idea there, sorry. Haven't used native mail clients in ages.
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<x512[m]> Matrix bridge test.
<erysdren> seems like its working x512[m]
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<x512[m]> "OFTC IRC Bridge status" sometimes report errors.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 3a14347 - fpcupdeluxe, bump version (#9361)
<Begasus> that takes care of it :)
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<zdykstra> mornin' all
<Begasus> Hi zdykstra
<zdykstra> how's everybody doing this fine Tuesday?
<Begasus> warm :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 50e4b46 - opusfile: add missing devel dependency
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<andreasdr[m]> Hi there. Someone from Haiku crowd suggested to get QNX by requesting a academic license. It worked!!!! Thank you.
<andreasdr[m]> Now I can port our engine also to QNX. Very cool.
<andreasdr[m]> I am now a academic :DDD
<andreasdr[m]> Even a professor :DDD
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly 67e1806 - wireshark: use python3 (#9364)
<tqh> very good professoring so far!
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<Anarchos> hello
<OscarL> Good afternoon Anarchos.
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<Anarchos> OscarL it is night here lol
<OscarL> UTC-3 down here :-)
* Anarchos successfully runs the 'hello world' demo from (in terminal, so without the awful graphics)
<OscarL> Nice. "A RISC computer for the new millennium". This Donald Knuth might become famous one day! :-P
<Habbie> i have his books in the book case behind me
<Habbie> just in case a computer acts up
<Habbie> i'll grab one and threaten the computer with it
<Habbie> "i'm going to replace you with a shell script implementation of MMIX"
<Anarchos> sourceforge is down : error 503 :)
<Anarchos> Habbie believe it or not, i find MMIX really cool :)
<OscarL> Habbie: heh, nothing like treatening people with TAOCP!
<OscarL> (or machines in your case)
<Habbie> :)
<Anarchos> OscarL the division algorithm in§4.3.1D is really cool : the only exact division algorithm with (possibly) 2 correcting pass . To give headache to school teacher :)
<OscarL> meanwhile lowly me fixing recipe for crappy, unmaintained python packages, sigh....
<Anarchos> OscarL don't worry, i just made an unmaintained unix version of vmb to compile...
<Guest1127> has anyone tried to boot (64-bit UEFI) haiku on a chromebook running coreboot from ?
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Guest1961 is now known as moparisthebest
<moparisthebest> it's getting to the logo and then crashing with a "can't find root partition" error
<Anarchos> moparisthebest root partition ? or boot partition ?
<OscarL> moparisthebest: sounds better than this kernel panic at least. Progress?! :-)
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<moparisthebest> Oops I was going to take a picture but that's indeed it OscarL
<moparisthebest> "PANIC: did not find any boot partitions!" is the first line
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<OscarL> :-(
<moparisthebest> this is a lenovo thinkpad yoga 11e (codename glimmer), you can buy them for $27 on ebay now, free shipping, figured it was worth a shot
<OscarL> Maybe you could add info about your hardware on that ticket, at least for future reference?
<OscarL> Ok. Enough of me spamming HaikuPorts for one day. Off to do something else. See you all later!
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<Anarchos> bemail is a pain to configure to use an outlook account
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<zdykstra> There's a java bridge that exposes an imap inbox for exchange accounts
<zdykstra> It works pretty well, though I have no idea if it'll run on Haiku
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