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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie f3b022f - jq: update to 1.7 (#9374)
<augiedoggie> bah, need to fix the gcc2 build
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie 401c7b4 - jq: fix secondary arch provides
* augiedoggie can't remember if that needs a revision bump
<augiedoggie> i'll give it a few minutes to see if the builder restarts it
* OscarL is now puzzled by cocobean closing his latest AGG PR.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie f33b543 - jq: update secondary arch provides (again)
<augiedoggie> i should've booted a gcc2 vm to check since i made significant changes to the recipe :/
<OscarL> I usually get yelled at by Begasus if I forget to check with GCC2 :-D
<augiedoggie> yeah, he likes to make sure things work on 32 bit systems
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<OscarL> 5 minutes to run "hp -c python3.12", sigh... why deleting files is sooo sloooow :-(
<zdykstra> because it'd be scary if they instantly deleted!
<OscarL> makes me wish I could just "dd if=/dev/zero" that part of the disk :-P
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<augiedoggie> you could use a drive without indexes to speed it up
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie ecaab46 - mercurial: update to 6.5.2 (#9376)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<erysdren> good morning Begasus
<Begasus> 'lo there erysdren
<andreasdr[m]> Hi Begasus and erysdren
<Begasus> g'morning andreasdr[m] :)
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<andreasdr[m]> :)
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<yann64[m]> hi, anybody knows ho to manage multiple git sources with a similar file name in a haikuport receipe?
<yann64[m]> I have the following lines
<yann64[m]> but they all end-up being downloaded as v2.067.tar.gz, so haikuporter does a mess overwritting files
<Begasus> you could use SOURCE_FILENAME= ...
<Begasus> like SOURCE_FILENAME="dmd-$portVersion.tar.gz"
<Begasus> same thing for the other 2 SOURCE_FILENAME_2= ... etc
<yann64[m]> OK, will try that
<yann64[m]> Thanks:
<yann64[m]> !
<Begasus> np :)
<Begasus> 9 crashes now with latest xmlsec ... wonders if it's related to nss :/
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 6856ac2 - libxdmcp, bump version, fix test (#9378)
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<Begasus> bah ... parse error on 32bit (gcc2) for libxdmcp :/
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<Begasus> Hi OscarL :)
<BiPolar> Hello Begasus :-)
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<BiPolar> Today on bare metal, to test some things on the Python 3.12 recipe / test-suite. Cleaning the work tree is just TOO slow on the VM (still slow on bare metal, but less so :-D).
<Begasus> installed 32bit bare today on the other laptop (had 64bit there before), should speed some things up too compared to running from external USB drive
<BiPolar> hope it goes well :-)
<Begasus> still has issues with heating, so not hoping for the best (but lucky at best) :)
<BiPolar> yesterday I made recipes for tzdata (python package) and also for "tzdb", then... after comparing with Gentoo's naming, I notice we already had "timezone_data" (which is exactly what I was doing with "tzdb" :-P)
<BiPolar> So I just updated timezone_data now (and split it in pure data, _devel, and _tools.
<BiPolar> Now about to see if "--with-tzpath=$dataDir/zoneinfo" makes Python finally find that data withouth needing to change path at runtime.
<BiPolar> (also want to see if it helps with some errors on the test-suite)
<Begasus> nice! (knew about the naming and Gentoo) :)
<BiPolar> Web+ back/forward buttons do not seem to work/show properly for me. (stop button never goes "dim" either). Known issue?
<BiPolar> ("back" from context menu works)
<BiPolar> forward too.
<Begasus> if you switch tab it should show up
<BiPolar> Yup!
<BiPolar> Can't find a ticket for this on Trac.
<Begasus> I tend to just disable gcc2 for libxau and libxdmcp
<Begasus> thought it was known, have seen it for a long time
<BiPolar> maaaaybe this one? (re: Web+ buttons)
<Begasus> doesn't realy mention the navigation button not working?
<BiPolar> "Observe the URL input and navigation buttons not updating"
<BiPolar> url seem to be working fine for me so far, only the buttons are off.
<BiPolar> thus, my "maaaybe" :-)
<Begasus> ... k, which one is the most recent one now? :P
<BiPolar> and you complain about python? psst! :-P
<BiPolar> can't deny it... at least it is colorful there with all those versions :-S
<Begasus> nah, at least with python it's clean what the versions are :P
<Begasus> clean/clear*
<BiPolar> "LuaJIT uses rolling releases. There are no release tarballs available for download."
<BiPolar> from
<BiPolar> Annnd... the URL didn't updated for me there after using a search engine. Looks like after all.
<Begasus> # LuaJIT uses rolling releases. The release version is based on the time of
<Begasus> # the latest git commit.
<Begasus> :/
<Begasus> with changing commit tags checksum will fail I guess
<BiPolar> in no uncertain terms, it tells packagers to just use git HEAD :-D
<Begasus> brings us back to the agg discussion :P
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<BiPolar> this one at least it is clear about NOT having releases.
<Begasus> hence the mess at repology :/
<Begasus> don't mind taking a look at updating, but this is scary ;)
<BiPolar> "grabbing python3.12-3.12.0-1-x86_64.hpkg", 28.4 minutes. Not thaaat bad (considering I'm using "make -j 1").
<Begasus> In Terminal or with hp?
<BiPolar> with hp. (I know I can just use "make" there, just made it ULTRA explicit on the recipe, because you get issues otherwise).
<BiPolar> "import zoneinfo; zi = zoneinfo.ZoneInfo("America/Catamarca")" <<< now this works on Py 3.12 out of the box. Noice!
<BiPolar> bbiab
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<zdykstra> LuaJIT is such a packaging nightmare these days
<zdykstra> I'm still baffled by the choices that the new maintainer is making
<kallisti5[m]> lol.. I tried to compile it once. It was a trip
<kallisti5[m]> Then again... it's Lua 😀
<BiPolar> <<< seems to suggest our recipe should do a "git clone" (otherwise we'll miss the "POSIX timestamp" of the newest commit, that's supposed to be part of your version number.
<BiPolar> ("git clone" vs getting a tarball from GH, as we do for some recipes with $srcGitVer, for example)
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<zdykstra> exactly - it actually needs metadata in the .git directory ... which is absolutely insane.
<Begasus> yeah, that was my thought too BiPolar
<BiPolar> zdykstra: to be fare, some odd python packages do too, but you can usually just override it with an ENV var.
<Begasus> BiPolar, python3.12 build failed here :)
<BiPolar> s/fare/fair/
<BiPolar> Begasus: works for me (TM)! :-P
<Begasus> or you got changes not pushed to your branch :P
<BiPolar> lemme check.
<Begasus> runtime_loader: Cannot open file (needed by /sources/Python-3.12.0rc2/python): No such file or directory
<BiPolar> Got that one 2 times only, in about 20 builds attempts since I'm testing 3.12, Begasus.
<Begasus> not reproducable?
<BiPolar> hp -c python3.12, and trying again solves it, AFAICT.
<BiPolar> (I've tested with both -G and without it, just in case too)
<Begasus> could be tricky on buildmaster :)
<BiPolar> Didn't manage to properly reproduce the error, yet, no.
<BiPolar> As it works after "hp -c", shouldn't have too much problems in buildmasters, I think.
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<BiPolar> regarding python packages "needed" .git metadata, that's why I had to patch that ugly "constantly" one needed by twisted.
<BiPolar> (the one that jmairboek suggested I should do on PATCH() instead of on INSTALL())
<Begasus> yeah, saw that
<Begasus> progressing ...
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> same thing (second run)
<BiPolar> :-/
<BiPolar> VM?
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<Begasus> BM
<BiPolar> Weird. One more reason to keep doing repeated builds here, then.
<BiPolar> (to see if I can find why it fails)
<Begasus> third run ...
<BiPolar> after "hp -c" or just repeated runs?
<Begasus> always after hp -c
<yann64[m]> Haikuporter is not generating patch files for source sub-directories :(
<yann64[m]> haikuporter -e "portname" should do it (even for additional sources) right?
<Begasus> do you link/copy them to $sourceDir?
<BiPolar> yann64[m]: did you "git commit" your changes inside the work dir before using "haikuporter -e" ?
<Begasus> if you commit the changes it should
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<yann64[m]> will try again, I probably have missed something obvious
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<Begasus> running the tests now BiPolar, didn't do that with the other attempts
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<BiPolar> Begasus: attempting a build again (after uninstalling my test py3.12, `query -a` return nothing), this one with -G. Lets see how it goes.
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<Begasus> BiPolar ... :)
<yann64[m]> indeed I got mixed up with commit, thx
<Begasus> np, I gather the SOUCE_FILENAME worked earlier yann64[m] ;)
<yann64[m]> Indeed :D
<BiPolar> Begasus: Nice. I can't see much (uncommited) changes, besides adding "--with-tzpath=" (just today). Wonder what the issue is.
<Begasus> yeah, and it worked now on the third run, not something you want to see happening at buildmasters
<BiPolar> bad timing bewteen linking the libs and running the "bootstrap" python, I guess, but no idea how to debug it.
<Begasus> no $jobArgs, so that shouldn't interfere with it
<BiPolar> exactly.
<BiPolar> Running the test part of the build here, so I guess it will work OK.
<Begasus> yeah, didn't get that far on the earlier attempts
<BiPolar> (as we're using profile-guided optimizations, it runs parts of the test suite to gather the needed info, before rebuilding all using that)
<BiPolar> at least we can cut down the search for the bug up to that part of the makefile then :-)
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<Begasus> gentoo's ebuild is a bit complex too :)
<BiPolar> Still running the build... `find . -name` returns nothing on the work dir :-/ (guess I should try finding that file before the test part ends).
<BiPolar> now it appears (right in the root of the work dir)
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<BiPolar> Wonder if it is just a search path issue.
<Begasus> saw the fedora recipe? me happy ours is not that complicated! :)
<BiPolar> I think I read it (and the gentoo one) when trying to filter out tests that hang. Got a trick from the gentoo one, and bailed out of them :-D
<Begasus> heh
<BiPolar> Build OK: real 28m37,284s
<Begasus> I think on the other laptop it would take several hours to builld here ;)
<BiPolar> Takes about 45/50 on VirtualBox for me (I/O seems to be the bottleneck there).
<BiPolar> k, "--with-tzpath=" works nicely. Trying to enable the test_zoneinfo didn't worked. goes to read again how to enable test resources for the nth time.
<Begasus> good luck hunting ;)
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<BiPolar> Web+ scrolling stopped for a solid 2 minutes (some high activity in some WebSocket threads). Notice that It has *a whole lot* of CryptoQueue (inactive?) ones.
<Begasus> why am I getting "fatal: not in a git directory" when checking up on the recipe for git?
<Begasus> yeah, mentioned that one here also BiPolar
<Begasus> annoying :/
<BiPolar> Other than that.. feels quire snappier than older versions :-)
<BiPolar> *quite
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<Begasus> lol ... DESCRIPTION="Stupid content tracker: distributed VCS designed for speed and efficiency"
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<erysdren> Begasus, i have seen you come online every day for the last 4 months and do nothing except work on Haiku ports
<erysdren> what do you do for a living? :P
<zdykstra> he's a professional hand model
<BiPolar> :-)
<Begasus> on sickleave erysdren :)
<Begasus> working up to retirement :P
<erysdren> nice :D
<Begasus> situation not that good (it isn't as bad as it was), otherwise I would still be at work during the day ;)
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<Begasus> k, don't know what's up with this git recipe, keep hitting "fatal: not in a git directory" ...
<BiPolar> try with -G? /me ducks.
<Begasus> buildmaster doesn't work that way :P
<Begasus> but could try just to check out ...
<Begasus> works as expected ...
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<Begasus> grabbing git-2.42.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/git-2.42.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
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<Begasus> previous update there was last year, so shouldn't interfere with this (checked with previous tar version also)
<Begasus> anyway ... heading of to the dogschool
<Begasus> cu later peeps!
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<BiPolar> later Begasus!
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie 1aebc29 - mercurial: update copyright
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<hightower4> Do I see it right that when I run Haiku under Xen it doesn't recognize the disk?
<hightower4> (the virtual hard disk I mean, for installation)
<hightower4> is that possible or I'm doing something wrong?
<hightower4> other than that question, I did play with what was visible in the haiku that runs from the install image, and was quite pleased, nice work
<zdykstra> it's pretty darn nice, isn't it?
<hightower4> yes, pretty charming/captivating, while being unassuming :)
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<mfny> Hello,
<mfny> last time i tried Haiku the ability to change refresh rate was not working, has this been fixed as i belive it was a known bug at the time
<mfny> if it has been fixed would that be in nightlys or via a updated post install normal image
<augiedoggie> what graphics chip? it's unlikely to have changed if you're using AMD or Nvidia
<mfny> Intel
<augiedoggie> probably best to try a nightly but i don't recall very many changes to the graphics drivers since beta 4
<mfny> i see
<mfny> i have a high refresh rate display, up to 144hz and i use that all the time, 60hz just does not cut it any more
<mfny> so not being able to switch is a bit of a problem for me and i had the issue on nvidia and on intel as i recall
<mfny> but this was around release of beta 4
<mfny> so was hoping something had changed in the mean time
<augiedoggie> yeah, i don't pay attention to those types of changes so it's possible that it's been fixed
<zdykstra> it depends on which driver you're using - the intel_extreme driver supports changing the refresh rate, but the VESA driver will just use whatever your initial efifb is set to
<zdykstra> but take that with a grain of salt, 144hz might not be possible on Haiku due to <some limitation>
<mfny> as i recall i did see at least 120hz in the menu but when clicking apply it was not being applyed
<mfny> that was the bug, refresh rate not being applyed regardless of what it was set to
<mfny> will try a nightly image tho and see what happens
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<mfny> no luck, still same issue
<mfny> with nightly
<waddlesplash> i don't think anyone has changed anything here recently
<waddlesplash> so yes refresh rate hasn't been worked on
<jmairboeck> win8linux[m]: you asked yesterday about the HVIF format on other platforms. I wrote an HVIF renderer for WPF, just for fun (and to see if VB.NET is good for anything): - so Windows is covered as well. Beware that it is not very polished and not feature complete though.
<BiPolar> timezone handling in our Python's time module is kaput :-/ (we also seem to not define the TZ envar as apparently other *nixes do?)
<augiedoggie> i don't have TZ in my env on linux
<BiPolar> good to know, augiedoggie, thanks! Maybe it is just my poor reading comprehension again (while reading Python's time docs).
<BiPolar> yeah.. that might be it... "On many Unix systems (including *BSD, Linux, Solaris, and Darwin), it is more convenient ..." and then talks about setting that TZ var.
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<Begasus> closing down here, cu peeps!
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<kallisti5[m]> I've come to the conclusion that Thunderbolt 3 + external GPU's suck
<kallisti5[m]> pretty much, if CPU is high (80%+), GPU rendering lags hard
<kallisti5[m]> guessing the CPU (or something) has a hand in making calls to the GPU over Thunderbolt resulting in lovely GpuWatchdog segfaults.
<bitigchi[m]> kallisti5: how does your framework fare with Haiku lately
<bitigchi[m]> Thinking of getting one
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<hightower4> Zach: btw, the haiku look somehow reminded me of Qnx's GUI as well
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<hightower4> Is Haiku default font one of the fonts available in linux as well, or it's a custom font somewhere?
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