ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<OscarL> Heh. All well andreasdr[m]. Having "fun" trying my best at fixing TraX (really old code base from 1999/2000)
<iisi> Ah, that name. I vaguely remember using...whatever that was.
<iisi> File search utility?
<iisi> I keep thinking of the even older Macintosh MIDI program instead.
<iisi> Hmm, Kagi search is failing me for the second time. Can't coerce it to show my anything related to _both_ BeOS and TraX.
<OscarL> iisi: re: TraX. Yup. Kind of like a GUI for find/grep.
<iisi> ty. I just burned several Kagi searches, trying to find any reference to it. Kagi really wanted to show me US Defense Department programs and India government sites!
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<andreasdr[m]> OscarL: Nice.
<OscarL> Now we need somebody with actually proper skills to make it work properly :-) (hey... I made it build already... :-P).
<OscarL> (man.... my "English" sucks just about 2 points less than my "code" :-D)
<OscarL> anyway.... time for a movie or something. Later folks! Have a good night!
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* augiedoggie does some evil things to another one of humdinger's apps
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<zdykstra> oh that's really nice
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<Begas_VM> g'morning peeps
<nielx[m]> morning!
<Begas_VM> g'morgen nielx[m] :)
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<Begas_VM> moin humdinger
<humdinger> morning!
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<Begas_VM> Warning: skipping ipc_system_simple_x86-1.30, as it is unsupported on the target architecture.
<Begas_VM> I think this is because of an extra underscore?
<Begas_VM> yep, looks one can't have 2 underscores in a recipe name ...
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<Begas_VM> issue created :)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy a8b1c67 - VCMI: enable for 32biVCMI: enable for 32bitt
<Begas_VM> hi jmairboeck!
<jmairboeck> Hi Begas_VM!
<Begas_VM> almost there, building sdl_perl_x86 atm
<Begas_VM> bugger ...
<Begas_VM> ~> frozen-bubble
<Begas_VM> lib/SDL_perl.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got handshake key (nil), needed 0x1dff494)
<Begas_VM> --libs
<Begas_VM> -L/packages/libsdl-1.2.15-19/.self/develop/lib -lSDL
<jmairboeck> did you use $secondaryArchSuffix everywhere?
<Begas_VM> yep, heading out (dogschool), not sure what else I can do :/
<Begas_VM> bbl
<jmairboeck> could it be that some things still were built with gcc11 and need to be rebuilt?
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<brad0> hrmm. upgrading from beta4 to latest snap. seems to be more reliable.
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<Begas_VM> jmairboeck, already rebuild all here afaik
<Begas_VM> all aside from perl itself (but that shouldn't be needed (even did the module_build for _x86)
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<Begas_VM> rebooting to BM biab
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57263] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] dfc8e0741a5a - update bootstrap package versions for m68k
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<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 9 commits to master [+0/-0/±9]
<botifico> [haiku/website] korli 56efa79 - Update
<botifico> [haiku/website] korli 0539649 - Update
<botifico> [haiku/website] korli a16886a - Update _index.html
<botifico> [haiku/website] ... and 6 more commits.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 77d81cb - vcmi: disable pch headers build
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 05f767f88d0d - Debugger: add DWARFv5 constants to Dwarf.h
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] axeld pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57264] -
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<Begasus> re
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL!
<OscarL> Hola Begasus :-)
<OscarL> Cutter just went 100% CPU usage on one core... Seems I should stay away of its Graphviz functionality :-D
<Begasus> think I'm dropping 32bit for frozen_bubble for now
<Begasus> Tried Iaito?
<OscarL> all the talk about FrozenBubble reminds me of Bernd... he couldn't shut up about it for a while, back in the days :-D
<Begasus> lol
<OscarL> Begasus: re: iatio, not yet. First time using Cutter also.
<jmairboeck> Begasus: maybe I'll try it later when you publish the recipe
<Begasus> ah ok, I have no idea how to debug/reverse etc ...
<OscarL> too bad it seems to not have Ghidra (the decompiler) available :-)
<Begasus> jmairboeck, recipe is in my branches
<Begasus> tried that OscarL, couldn't get it build/packaged iirc
<OscarL> Begasus: seeing that it is a 300+ MB package.... maybe that was a good outcome :-D
<OscarL> Hi there jmairboeck, BTW!
<Begasus> size doesn't realy scare me anymore OscarL :P
<Begasus> that one hasn't been updated for 32bit though jmairboeck
<Begasus> local one on disk is
<OscarL> There's Ghidra for Haiku 64 bits (, but not sure if it actually can do much for old BeOS executables, so... might not actually be of any use for me :-) (trying to gather a bit more info about TraX's missing pieces)
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<Begasus> OscarL, is just a fork from the original, nothing haiku related afaict
<OscarL> At least it has releases in .hpkg format at least (assuming I dare to try it :-D)
<Begasus> ah! didn't see that one :)
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<Begasus> downloading, let's see if Cutter can pick it up ...
<mactheknife> Will there be a vpn tool available in Haiku soon?
<Begasus> there is openvpn, but I don't know what the stats are on this one
<OscarL> mactheknife: OpenVPN part is already on the repos, but for it to be usable, a driver counterpart still needs to be merged into nightlies (currently under review process).
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<mactheknife> OscarL: Thanks for the info. What is nightlies?
<OscarL> Haiku is currently distributed in both a "stable" beta4 image, and more recent, but maybe not as stable, "nightly" images.
<Begasus> There is the official beta R1B4 and the ...
<Begasus> OscarL, any idea where I could set the path for ghidra in cutter?
<OscarL> Begasus: Nothing that I can find in Preferences, or the rest of the GUI, at least.
<Begasus> yeah same here
<Begasus> looks like plugins are not loaded ...
<OscarL> Apparently it should be already integrated (assuming it is part of the build process, instead of using a separate ghidra binary?)
<mactheknife> OK. beta R1B4 is already running
<OscarL> Begasus: seems this is the one it looks for:
<Begasus> yeah, that's the same as the fork is based on
<OscarL> Begasus: in any case, please don't spend time on it on my behalf, I'm not actually sure I could make tails or heads with it either way :-D
<Begasus> too late :P
<OscarL> heh
* OscarL just "nerd-snipped" Begasus yet again. (
<Begasus> Oh! I already got a recipe for it :P
<Begasus> /Opslag/haikuports/dev-util/rz-ghidra/rz_ghidra-0.6.0.recipe
<Begasus> grabbing rz_ghidra-0.6.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/rz_ghidra-0.6.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> still builds ok too :)
<OscarL> quck note: Cutter has ARGS_ONLY flag set.
<OscarL> *quick
* Begasus whistels ...
<OscarL> :-)
<Begasus> probably this is wrong ... -DRIZIN_INSTALL_PLUGDIR=$dataDir/rizin/cutter/plugins
<OscarL> just in case: currently UI says it looks for pluings under "/system/cache/rizin/cutter/plugins"
<Begasus> yeah saw that
<Begasus> but nothing fancy there and it still loads the rizin plugins
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<Begasus> cp'n it to those location doesn't do the trick ...
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<OscarL> :-(
<Begasus> package here is only +17MiB, beats the other one though ;)
<OscarL> Wonder why Cutter doesn't offers to demangle function names (c++filt works, but I can't even copy the names from Cutter's UI, sigh)
<Begasus> you could ask upstream? ;)
<OscarL> will probably be told to RTFM :-D
<OscarL> these lazy HaikuPorts guys again! :-P
<Begasus> can only blame myself ... and already added the "-L" option in the build
<botifico> [haiku/generate-download-pages] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/generate-download-pages] korli 3b57f2e - templates/root: bump gcc 11.2 to gcc 13.2 (#7)
<Begasus> Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Cutter" with any
<OscarL> So far... Cutter has allowed me to see that I was missing one method on my stubbed out ResultsHandler class for TraX.
<OscarL> I'm still messing it up with the globals/statics and the like but... oh well...
<Begasus> glad it is of any use :)
<OscarL> +1, just wish I was smart enough to make better use of it :-D
<Begasus> wish I was smart enough to get this plugin to build :)
<pairisto[m]> if I am writing documentation and want people to look at the draft of it, should I make an email to haiku-docs?
<nielx[m]> what are you documenting? and where do you think it should land?
<pairisto[m]> the TUN/TAP driver/interface and ideally in doc/develop/net
<pairisto[m]> within the source code
<pairisto[m]> it was either haiku-docs or the development mailing list
<x512[m]> pairisto: Maybe publish on GitHub etc?
<x512[m]> GitHub can preview adoc, rst, md.
<pairisto[m]> I can put it there but where should I post the link to be reviewed though? its a rough draft currently and I need some eyes on it ideally.
<pairisto[m]> I am making a blog post tomorrow so I guess I could ask people there?
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<nielx[m]> I'd say change on Gerrit, mark as WIP
<x512[m]> WIP can't be reviewed.
<x512[m]> Some strange Gerrit restriction.
<pairisto[m]> that is a really weird restriction
<x512[m]> But it is possible to put "[wip]" prefix on patch title.
<pairisto[m]> fair, might just do that
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<botifico> [haiku/generate-download-pages] nielx pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haiku/generate-download-pages] n0toose ed0af9c - Typo fix (#6)
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* OscarL desists on TraX. Think augiedoggie was right on it not being worth the effort. Anyone up for adding a glob filter to TextSearch instead? :-D
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<jmairboeck> Begasus: I added some comments on your frozen_bubble commit. Not sure if you already tried this before.
<jmairboeck> And yes, everything needs $secondaryArchSuffix for perl, including vendor_perl and cmd:perl
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<aa72[m]> the trick is a blast ... ;)
* OscarL notices that matt now hails from "inside The Matrix" :-P
<aa72[m]> my real name is andrea ... check it please ...
<OscarL> Ok Andrea Allegri :-)
<aa72[m]> thanks ... yehaaaaaa => i love you :)
<aa72[m]> mattia = a joke by Italian politicians ...
<aa72[m]> check it if you want ;)
<OscarL> I thought the joke was on "Tristo vs Allegri" :-D
<aa72[m]> maybe ...
<aa72[m]> thanks thanks thanks 4 andrea and i prefer andrea allegri ...
<aa72[m]> dinner time
<aa72[m]> cu later
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<aa72[m]> why lazarus ide ? why name lazarus ? i apologize ...
<Begasus> you'r name isn't lazarus :P
<aa72[m]> xD
<aa72[m]> I spent years thinking of Lazarus as the healed disabled man => that was Jericho
<aa72[m]> thanks Begasus
<OscarL> aa72[m]: pretty easy to find/understand why it is called that.
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<aa72[m]> ok, OscarL : read ... fine but too strong ... i don't know ...
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<OscarL> Sometimes a name is just that... a name. No need to look for deeper meaning, and less so to apply our own biases to its interpretation.
<aa72[m]> fine
<augiedoggie> reminds me of the guy that wanted all operating systems to stop using 'daemon' to refer to background processes
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<aa72[m]> xD ... me too => use software servers ...
<OscarL> surelly not a fan of the Slayer app, I pressume.
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<amirmomp> hi
<augiedoggie> i don't think he actually tried Haiku, he just emailed every OS mailing list to complain
<aa72[m]> software servers running over hardware servers ... xD
<OscarL> hey there amirmomp.
<phschafft> the only result this had so far over here is that I try very hard to find things I can call daemon, Master, slave, or whatever.
<phschafft> let's run a Master daemon that forks a slave child.
<OscarL> \m/
<amirmomp> does any of you guys runs haiku as the daily driver?
<augiedoggie> i have haiku constantly running in a VM. does that count? :P
<erysdren> i tried to install it on my internal NVME drive (which wasnt being used otherwise) and i couldn't get it to boot :/
<aa72[m]> I started thinking like this when psychologists told me to think about positive names and contents
<erysdren> i even tried pointing QEMU at the partition, just for fun, and it said No Bootable OS Found
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<erysdren> definitely agree that daemon is fine, but you won't see me naming stuff master/slave.
<OscarL> aa72[m]: you being on a diet, doesn't means everybody else have to follow it too, right?
<aa72[m]> doctors also want positive names...
<aa72[m]> ok
<aa72[m]> np
<aa72[m]> just to xplain why
<erysdren> OscarL: i don't think he was pushing it on anyone, but ok
<OscarL> Maybe my poor command of the English language makes me sound more harsh than intended. If that's the case, I apologizes, and warn that will happen again sooner than later :-D
<erysdren> ah, no problem
<aa72[m]> cu tomorrow
<_Dario_> I use Haiku on a daily basis. On real hardware
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<erysdren> awesome. i really wanna use it daily, but there's too much crap i need on the modern web
<erysdren> and Qt-based software
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<_Dario_> well, at least in theory, Qt software must be easy to port
<erysdren> i haven't tried to port the main one i use yet. i remember reading that the Qt port was unfinished
<erysdren> so i didn't try yet
<_Dario_> Can I ask what software is?
<erysdren> TrenchBroom level design software
<_Dario_> sorry, curiosity is strong on me
<erysdren> the best level editor for videogames ever made
<augiedoggie> the qt stuff should be fine, but it builds its own ports using vcpkg which might cause trouble
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<augiedoggie> looks like it also wants pandoc which isn't available iirc
<erysdren> damn
<erysdren> if i could use TrenchBroom on Haiku, that'd be a big push
<erysdren> it will take time i suppose
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* OscarL looked at shellcheck... sounded awesome! Needs haskell /me sad.
<_Dario_> looking at the dependences, and knowing next to none about the application, do not look like a hard one
<_Dario_> i mean, a hard one to port
<erysdren> well, i hope you're right. i'll give it a shot today, why not
<_Dario_> however, not sure about the 3D performance, if you take into consideration the lack of 3d acceleration
<erysdren> yea
<erysdren> llvmpipe works well enough if you have a high performance PC
<_Dario_> not my case, I am afraid :D
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* OscarL ponders on the feasibility to run shellcheck.exe on Haiku via WINE.
<OscarL> s/to run/of running/, or something like that :-D
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<amirmomp> does anyone know how to install pip on haiku and why networks do not work on virtual box?
<augiedoggie> networking is probably because of the upgrade to gcc13, you should be able to choose a different chipset and have it work
<augiedoggie> pip should be available with pkgman install pip_python310
<OscarL> it installs as pip.3
<OscarL> sorry... pip3.10
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<OscarL> speaking of Python... Pe's could use a refresh.
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<Begasus> put it on your list OscarL :)
<OscarL> Already on it :-D
<OscarL> (I mean... already updating that file)
<Begasus> :)
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<OscarL> keywords, built-in functions, exceptions, module names on the stdlib... that should be enough for now.
<Begasus> rizin, cutter, ghidra ...
<OscarL> just In case... I gave up on TraX, so, you lost a "customer" for those :-D (at least for now)
<OscarL> k, lets see how long it takes for humdinger to notice this one:
<OscarL> mmm "/boot/home/.wine/" :-/
<_Dario_> TraX is an old app from BeOS time, isn't_
<_Dario_> ?
<OscarL> _Dario_: yup! and, AFAIK, all source archives for it are sadly incomplete.
<_Dario_> I have that app in some old ZIP files
<_Dario_> but do not remember about the sources. Can I check them if you want.
<erysdren> OscarL: any idea how that slipped through? lol
<erysdren> for wine, i mean
<OscarL> <<< there is a list of the missing source files, just in case you find them.
<OscarL> erysdren: nobody noticed/cared/had time for it (as usual, I guess :-D)
<_Dario_> Great! I will check. Thanks for the list, OscarL
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<OscarL> np _Dario_, but unless you have some rare archives... most likely you'll be missing those too :-(
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<OscarL> `wine64 shellcheck.exe` seems to SLOOOOWLY work. Nice, now I might get a chance at getting working bash scripts :-P
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<Begasus> closing down here
<OscarL> see you Begasus!
<Begasus> enough cutter for one day :P
<Begasus> cu OscarL, enjoy hunting bugs :)
<Begasus> cya peeps!
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<OscarL> from a shellcheck "testimonial": "At first you're like "shellcheck is awesome" but then you're like "wtf are we still using bash"" :-D
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* augiedoggie still hates gerrit
<zdykstra> does Haiku support USB DVD/CD drives?
<OscarL> re: Gerrit. It ain't pretty. Not being able to edit comments on it... with MY spelling/typing skills? :-/
<OscarL> I can't recall if I used Haiku to dd images directly from my old BeOS backup CDs.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57265] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] d351cd366fc2 - filteredquery: link against libstdc++
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2435c1bd28d6 - filteredquery: whitespace cleanup
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<augiedoggie> thanks waddlesplash
<waddlesplash> no problem
<waddlesplash> I don't mind gerrit. Not a huge fan but I can deal with it
<waddlesplash> I don't have any of the local scripts installed though
<waddlesplash> just manually copy changeids etc.
<augiedoggie> heh
<augiedoggie> i haven't had to mess with that stuff yet
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<augiedoggie> hm, i wasn't planning on doing any more with filteredquery but i see there is a ticket about it that mentions live query support
* augiedoggie ponders how much work that would be
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