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<JamesB192_> UDF of course is very bad.
<JamesB192_> although I'd jokingly call it CoasterFS-2
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<nicolas17> Juest: you can't mount your main macOS data partition from Linux, but you can create a new APFS volume without encryption
<Juest> nicolas17: even the data apfs volume and without filevault? how about mounting the linux part in macos?
<Juest> i understand its offtopic but it's slightly related
<nicolas17> fedora-asahi uses btrfs by default, I don't think there is anything that can mount that on macOS
<Juest> i dont remember if i picked ext4 in the installer
<Juest> maybe some fuse for brtfs in brew?
<Juest> or some kext
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<chadmed> kexts are going away and you shouldnt use/rely on existing ones
<chadmed> new stuff for macos should use driverkit
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<nicolas17> chadmed: I don't think driverkit supports filesystems
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<nicolas17> and FSKit (basically FUSE) appeared in Xcode betas and then was removed again
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<fl0_id> nicolas17 when is it going away? so far paragon stuff still works, but not sure what it uses
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