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Hi all, yesterday I upgraded my ashi ubuntu on a M1 MBP. No the external HDMI display feels very sluggish. It is 4k and now runs at 30fps. I'm pretty sure it was at 60fps before the update (unfortunately I didn't log what exacty got updated). Are there any known changes in that area?
sklug: yes, a regression caused dcp to default to two dp lanes instead of 4. this has been fixed and will be released soon
chadmed: jannau: Wheew, that was fast. Thanks a lot!
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quick question (i hope), just ran df -h and noticed i have the same device mounted twice, once at / and also at /home. Is that something i should be familiar with or is that an asahi thing?
are you sure it's not like nvmen0p1 vs nvmen0p2?
same size, used available use%
That's a fedora thing, it uses separate subvolumes for / and /home
just different mounted on
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ill take a look around their docs then, cheers
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