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morning all o/
i know i've asked about power management before... but i just wanna make sure im not having some out there experience with battery drain
im having to charge my device daily or im hitting critical low power (kde plasma)
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like i fell asleep with my laptop lid open and even with it sleeping, it's still at sub 10% power
slightly concerned about recharge cycles on the battery is all
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monthebiff I cannot speak from asahi experience, but from other machines where suspend/sleep didn't work properly, seems about right. From what I read here, s2idle aka modern sleep does not work properly, especially not on m pro / max / ultra.
just wanted to check
maybe shutting down and automatically reopening things can be an interim measure to be nice to your battery
yeh im shutting down out of habit 90% of the time now
which i don't mind
but im still feeling it
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jannau: Sorry for late answer, yeah it outputs "GSK_RENDERER=ngl" if i do env | grep GSK
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