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Fl0_id, makes sense I interpreted it a little differently when I read it. That said it was my understanding kmsgrab was zero-copy
Makes sense, *
That said, *
Man I guess I’m not words today
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Ok after reading I’m more confused
spuostheterrible[m] if I understand it correctly, it is technically zero copy, but it does not share it optimally. But they description (to me) is not complete/detailed enough without more prior knowledge, agreed
you can as around here for more detail or maybe on an asahilina stream, but could take a while to get a good answer
It’s been so long since I’ve interacted with anything else asahi community related that I don’t think I know the up to date info anymore, I was last around when speakers were locked and now apparently there’s cyberpunk on the m1
At any rate, thanks asahi, now my MacBook is a super cool conversation starter with the computer majors at my college
And better yet, works perfectly with all my workflows
Alright now for questions involving making my workflow harder,
Is it possible to cross compile packages for gentoo so I’m not compiling on my MacBook?
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spuostheterrible[m]: hop on #asahi-alt but yeah its easiest if you set up clang as your system toolchain, set up distcc for portage and then just add "-target=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" to your COMMON_FLAGS in make.conf
otherwise you have to set up crossdev on your compilation host and do a bunch of symlinking and stuff on it, its a pain
what machine are you planning to use to do the actual builds? are you sure it won't be slower and more power hungry than the macbook? :P
my MBP is the fastest machine I own, I think due largely to the memory bandwidth since I have a M1 Max
it's continuously surprising
I compile the GCC toolchain semi-regularly for work and it beats the crap out of everything at work and even beats my gaming machine by around 35%
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Double xeon, I forget the exact model.
It’s more that it doesn’t feel right to cook the battery than anything else
all the machines in my house are now apple silicon running gentoo so im spoilt for compiler host choice :p
That’s gotta be sweet
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irc > matrix but man do I need to set up a bouncer for when I'm not home
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spuostheterrible: its pretty neat although i do kinda get a bit miffed sometimes that my second monitor is sitting there on the arm doing absolutely nothing
chadmed: you could try finding the largest prime number, or something similar. That way you can do nothing faster!
chadmed: use distcc or icecream so you can compile on *all of them* :D
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i do for my macbook air :)
the server and studio are fast enough that the overhead from network traffic actually makes compiling slower
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spuostheterrible: as a mathematician that largest prime number joke makes me cringe ;P
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last digit of pi while you're at it
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Looking at the feature matrix for M2, I see that "Video Decoder" is WIP, does this mean that there's no hardware accel (vaapi, vdpau),and its all done on CPU?
Yes but CPU is fast and efficient so it doesn't matter much in practice.
Good to know, I would have never known it was missing had I not seen it in the feature matrix
if youre using fedora you need to install some stuff from rpmfusion, since fedora strips out some stuff from ffmpeg
Calandracas hw video might use less power maybe
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