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<nicolas17> if you connect an Apple Silicon Mac to another machine via USB, does the Mac always report the same USB PID, or does it differ per model?
<nicolas17> iPhones stuck to PID 05ac:12a8 since the iPhone 5
<nicolas17> my J493 Mac is 05ac:1905, is it the same for all M2 or all MBPs or all Apple Silicon?
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<Guest2761> hello – is anyone aware of any cloud or vps providers which will let me rent a mini running asahi?
<chaos_princess> to my knowledge those do not exist
<chaos_princess> what do you need it for?
<Guest2761> hosting a ctf challenge that uses amx instructions – I get SIGILL running amx instructions inside linux vms on mac, and i'd rather it be a linux challenge than a macos one to avoid adding an extra layer of unfamiliarity (and PAC etc) to a challenge that's already pushing the difficulty limits for this ctf
<chaos_princess> amx instructions are not supported under linux
<Guest2761> ah lol i just saw that
<Guest2761> is this supported as in "we don't support running x11" or "it doesnt work"?
<chaos_princess> due to arm politics they will never be able to be upstreamed, and newer chips have SME anyway
<Guest2761> ah right yeah save/restore stuff isn't implemented
<Guest2761> yeah cool
<Guest2761> guess i gotta figure out how to disable all the macos userland security features to make this solvable on there haha
<Guest2761> thanks
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<fl0_id> Guest2761 gl with that, imagine that's ... challenging or even disallowed on a hosted machine
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<Juest> hey, so how would other distros make use of asahi boot and m1n1 for spinning up other distros than asahi?
<j`ey> they would just package them!
<j`ey> nothing about m1n1 or tools around that are fedora specific
<Juest> i see
<Juest> are there like kernel patches?
<Juest> or the installer something?
<j`ey> yes you have to use the asahi kernel tree
<Juest> ah i see
<j`ey> the installer is generic, and you just provide an image that it copies to the disk
<Juest> didnt seem to have an option in the interactive thing by default
<j`ey> oh yeah there's not an interactive way to install other distros, but you can host the installer easily with a .json file that it uses
<j`ey> or you can use the uefi and install "manually"
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<Juest> oh interesting
<Juest> thanks j`ey
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<arthurmeade12> Can I run the install script from Recovery
<tpw_rules> yes
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