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if you connect an Apple Silicon Mac to another machine via USB, does the Mac always report the same USB PID, or does it differ per model?
iPhones stuck to PID 05ac:12a8 since the iPhone 5
my J493 Mac is 05ac:1905, is it the same for all M2 or all MBPs or all Apple Silicon?
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hello – is anyone aware of any cloud or vps providers which will let me rent a mini running asahi?
to my knowledge those do not exist
what do you need it for?
hosting a ctf challenge that uses amx instructions – I get SIGILL running amx instructions inside linux vms on mac, and i'd rather it be a linux challenge than a macos one to avoid adding an extra layer of unfamiliarity (and PAC etc) to a challenge that's already pushing the difficulty limits for this ctf
amx instructions are not supported under linux
ah lol i just saw that
is this supported as in "we don't support running x11" or "it doesnt work"?
due to arm politics they will never be able to be upstreamed, and newer chips have SME anyway
ah right yeah save/restore stuff isn't implemented
yeah cool
guess i gotta figure out how to disable all the macos userland security features to make this solvable on there haha
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Guest2761 gl with that, imagine that's ... challenging or even disallowed on a hosted machine
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