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looking for some docs on power management and scheduler profiles. i use the powersaving profile for light work usually, not sure if it's actually the best idea
Have anyone had much luck with usb/usbc hubs/docks? I've been using one for macOS but it doesn't function on asahi, which has become my daily driver
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evening, is there a way to make apple_dcp.show_notch=1 apply to all kernels on update?
is grubby's --make-default safe and do what I hope it does?
although, looking at the output from grubby --info=DEFAULT it looks like show_notch is already a parameter on that entry
but it never got applied to the new kernel when m1n1 did its update after dnf update
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seeing touchbar/ butterfly keyboard chat in the logs. having terrible flashbacks
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Hi, I've noticed that the steam overlay for windows games running through proton only works if PROTON_USE_WINED3D is set. Is this known/expected behaviour?
Stray for example only works with DXVK, but the steam overlay doesn't show. Overcooked works with both options, but the overlay only works with PROTON_USE_WINED3D
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oh I googled steam overlay, just thought you meant steam in general
if i asahi a mac mini m1 (first gen, 8Gi ram, 512Gi SSD) and use it for building linux docker images targeted at people not using asahi, would I run into any potential compatibility issues?
Xe: from what i've seen, only with software that hardcodes page size at build time, and examples of that are getting more rare
ar: so Go is probably fine?
Xe: probably
fair, does the curl2bash let you set up a system without a GUI?
yes there's a minimal one
perfect, thanks
Isn't the other way around (compiling on asahi for using elsewhere) fine anyways, as if anything hardcodes 16k page sizes, it would still work due to alignment being fine?
just curious and wondering, please don't this as fact from me
take this*
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Never underestimate programmer's ability to accidentally depend on some random non-portable behavior.
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chaos_princess but that's how it'S supposed to be!
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Hi, just curious if there´s any guides on installing/booting Asahi from an external SSD drive?
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Boot: afaik noone made a guide
you still need the stub on the harddrive, so ~3G of space is neede
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