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afk, but i'll check the logs if there are any answers
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Hi. I'm using Asahi Linux on a macbook pro m1 and am quite happy with it. However recently I've noticed a performance regression with the mesa-vulkan-drivers when playing Factorio (launched with box64): starting with mesa-vulkan-drivers-25.0.0~asahipre20241202.2-1.fc40.aarch64 the game runs at <20 FPS. I've downgraded the package to
mesa-vulkan-drivers-24.3.0~asahipre20241111-2.fc40.aarch64 and it's back to 60FPS.
Where should I report this problem? What can I do to help debugging/fixing it?
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if i want to arbitrarily a command in muvm/ wine... is there a doc for how to do that? im thinking of running wow just with wine and seeing if anything get spat out other than failed.
wine from fedora doesnt work yet
vague memory of this conversation...
wine from arch works
yes... i remember this conversation from last month. something about an overlay of the files from arch?
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oh it was you j`ey
we had this conversation :P
yes :)
currently googling 'tar to erofs' stuff... feel free to short cut me :{
oh before i do this, did wine defintely not get fixed as part of the asahi/fedora 41 release?
the erofs command isnt in my history :/
but I untarred it and used mkfs.erofs
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slightly confused by this erofs volume im mounting with muvm - doesn't seem to be doing anything
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specifically, the wine binary doesn't appear to have been mapped to /usr/bin which i assume is what should happen?
only when inside fex
and if you run a windows binary... muvm is configured to use fex automatically?
but i can't run a windows binary without wine?
so... manually run fex?
we do not configure binfmt_misc for windows exes, you need to manually run wine with fex
makes sense
kinda, im aware im garbling stuff together
imo, don't bother with erofs for your own stuff, just put it somewhere on the host fs, and run it from there
that thought had occurred to me
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Hello everyone, I'd like to poke at and learn about the m4 hardware, but when I install m1n1 as custom kernel my device bootloops *before* loading m1n1. I know that because I replaced the first instruction with a "b ." instruction. So I'm just trying to get the mac to load anything at all. Anyone have any pointers? My base is an install of 15.2 and I'm basically just booting into
recovery and executing kmutil, that should work or am I misunderstanding something?
arryn: my thoughts which are not necessarily the thoughts of the group or any reasonable member thereof are that at this point no work has been done porting Linux to that SOC, so you can probably only use it for remote debug of macOS, reverse engineering, or possibly working on bootloaders.
not sure how much work was even done in porting m1n1 to that SoC
Which is exactly what I am looking to do. I am aware of this and am looking to work on gaining knowledge about the platform so that I can possibly help out
is the watchdog enabled maybe?
so b. will eventually reset
nicolas17: It's not been ported at all yet. But here that shouldn't matter too much here because I'm just looking to first boot the thing.
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j`ey: yes could be but it chimes and immediately resets which strikes me as a very short watchdog timer if that's the case
watchdog timer was a few minutes (2 iirc) by default on m1/m2
I don't even get early UART even after plugging in the EARLY_UART address
arryn: ok yes doesnt sound like it then
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Hmmm, how frustrating. The only things that come to mind is: Either I misunderstood/am missing something | Something changed on 15.2 that makes it not work | My mac is weird. You guys reckon a DFU restore would be worth a try?
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* JamesB192
thinks it might require two copies of the same m1n1 (w/ diff payloads) and udev rules not generally available/installed.
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arryn: on m4 (t8132) the unconditional register accesses in cpu_init() causes reboots
jannau: I saw that in the chat logs here, but that is not the case here because it reboots way before it even gets to that point
I patched the first instruction at 0x800 (the mov x19, x0) to be a "b .", and even that reboots
I've got the same address for EARLY_UART, at least that seems to check out then... Maybe 15.2 is really the issue here then? I guess I'll try to go back to 15.1 and see what happens
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still not ruling out me doing something weird that I was not supposed to do: What I did was I installed a 2nd MacOS partition and then booted into 1TR on that partition and used the kmutil command as in the wiki with -v being the "Data" partition that has a folder on Preboot and has the "OS Can Be Installed:" flag set to Yes
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which ends up being something like "kmutil configure-boot -c m1n1.bin --raw --entry-point 2048 --lowest-virtual-address 0 -v /Volumes/Asahi\ -\ Data"
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arryn: did you change the boot policy with bputil? it's not the data partition (not sure if that matters)
jannau: still same behaviour, chime starts rining and then it reboots immediately after
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And using the the non Data partition as argument for kmutil also does not help
I'm going to try 15.1 and see what happens
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arryn: reproduced with macos 15.2
So macOS 15.2 is really the problem. That's good to know. At least now I can rest knowing that I (probably) can read. I spent the past 3 days doing nothing but reading the wiki and IRC logs trying to figure this out...
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bug in 15.2 kmutil?
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