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theres a 100GB difference between whats being reported in storage manager and what the installer sees....
anyone ever run into that before?
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well..i found an old photos library using omnidisksweeper and deleted that... pretty sure that was it cause I was messin around with it a couple months ago...
really hate voodoo shit like this where the OS is lying to you
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Tramtrist: i suppose you're talking about osx storage manager?
the way disk space is handled on osx is rainbow magic, you can't even trust `df`. but you can get a decent clue by checking the reclaimable space in the little report (don't remember the exact word but you should see it)
if you try and occupy that space (e.g. dd if=/dev/zero of=bla) osx will actually free it up
crazy crazy crazy
not sure to what extent that's a problem on osx, but there's also the common problem of software often using proper base2 units to measure computer storage capacity, while hardware manufacturers like to use base10
it was 100GB off...
i have a NAS (a few years old by now) where the difference between base2 units and base10 units amounts to 7 "T(i)B"
ya i get it. this is a 256gb macbook
macos is lame
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ar: criminy
* Halian
regrets giving as much space to Asahi ALARM as he did lol
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Tramtrist: Lying to you is what operating systems are for, it's much better than having an expensive box that mostly goes bing.
a good bit of the reason behind lack of some support is that the lies (abstractions) are not ready yet,(/cynic)
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Halian why do you regret it?
fl0_id: because Mac OS needs the space more
ngl, that's why I got a bigger ssd in the mbp, the price hurts, but always having to free up space will hurt more...
Unfortunately mine has unupgradable storage
Halian well yeah mine too. I mean I got it when I ordered it
Halian though there are these ppl on yt that show how you can upgrade it... though not sure if getting these chips from china is that much cheaper, esp once you add labor...
Which labor is beyond my ability :(
(assuming you don't do that kinda soldering yourself...)
ssd taped to the back of the display? :)
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Tempting… maybe if I had more than two USB ports lol
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is there a way to hide the asahi and uboot logo displayed during boot?
if i configure the following CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN=n and CONFIG_VIDEO_LOGO=n it seems to work
wondering if this is the right approach, or i am missing something?
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in fact, CONFIG_VIDEO_LOGO suffices to disable the uboot logo
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so is everyone using rpmfusion and ffmpeg ?
without it i couldnt smoothly play any mp4 videos
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i keep meaning to do it..
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just installed Asahi linux on a m1 this Sunday, and what's puzzling me is how the right click / context menu works. I'm using Hyprland btw.
try 2 fingers
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did m1 macs get mic support ?
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Tramtrist: afaik some code is there, but not enabled yet
Ya thats what it looks like
I have M2 air .. looked like M1 was enabled based on github comment but maybe not
ahhhhh i read it wrong.. it says M1 iMacs
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anyone else get their screen doing an occasional flash of light purple? Im on an m1 air and running gnome
doesnt really bother me but I wanna make sure its not a hardware issue
something tried to render an uninitialized texture
ah i see
whatever software you are using most likely has the same bug everywhere, but x86 treat an all-zero texture as transparent, while agx treats it as magenta
ive never seen it on my normal x86 machines though
oh thats interesting
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Seti__: does `env | grep GSK` output "GSK_RENDERER=ngl"?
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