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Has there been any update on the instability of external monitors re: sleep and resume / connect and reconnect? (M2 Max, HDMI out)
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f10_id i read the logs :)
think i found the thing i dont like about the fedora distro... updating from 40 to 41. just did not enjoy :P
its not a bad complaint to have...
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monthebiff: did it go wrong?
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it did not, just not a fan of the reboot cycle
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j`ey: ah, thx
I actually wanted one Linux one OpenBSD, if that makes any difference
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doesss asahi work on the m4 pro yet
asahi doesn't work on m3 or newer
aw man
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Hello, I'm new here! Learned about Asahi in Micode Youtube video a few weeks ago. I was wondering if I could use my M2 Mini and install Talos on it. I'd like to make it a node on my k8s cluster. Especially to offload it the Plex server since my main server is a dell that dissipates too much heat when encoding with Plex. I noticed the mention "Video
Decoder WIP". Does it mean Asahi wouldn't be a right candidate for what I'm expecting to use it for?
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you will most likely not be able to install talos without a bunch of elbow grease on your part, as it is unlikely that they have a version with asahi kernel. As for video transcoding - do you use a gpu in your server?
(instead of using talos, you can install fedora and install the kubernetes components on top of it)
loderunner: the CPU is plenty fast enough to decode video in software, the hardware decoder is only needed for battery life or if you need to use 99% of the CPU for something else *while* decoding
since they mentioned plex, it is not only decode but encode too
and Asahi still has lower-hanging fruit to fix for battery life / power consumption, so the video decoder didn't get much priority
thanks for replying, it wouldn't be realistic to switch talos to something else at this time. I don't have a GPU in my server. it's a r730xd and there's not a lot of place in it. considering the size of a mac mini or a sfpc with intel igpu with quicksync I don't think it's viable to use my big server as the main instance for my plex server
afaik the driver for the hardware video encoder is even more of a WIP, right?
in that case you are moving from cpu encode to cpu encode, except the cpu is much faster now :P
just make sure to install whatever is the good codecs on fedora, cause due to legal reasons they can only ship horribly inefficient ones by default
okay let's forget talos for a few years.
If I install asahi with whatever compatible linux cli, I'm able to install plex server and make it a dedicated machine. the question now is would it work and be able to transcode? anyone here doing it with their mini?
`ffmpeg -c:v libx264 -crf 28 -preset medium` does 192-ish fps of 1080p video on m1 pro
you can extrapolate from there
loderunner for software decoding, sure. why wouldn't it? unless plex somehow got really weird extra requirements now
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chaos_princess: try "-profile:v slow" or "-profile:v veryslow" for better quality/bitrate
why, it is for live watching, you do not do that kind of stuff there
curious if the fps is still realtime-usable with that
veryslow is 30-ish
okay, that's borderline but tbh still impressive CPU performance
slow is 140+
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id say unless your device can't do it, instead of doing stuff like veryslow, use h265 instead, and drop the crf by approx 6 units
chaos_princess slightly OT, does someone know if ffmpeg installed from homebew has limited codecs?
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Most likely missing libfdk_aac at least
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thanks all for answering my questions, I got too much time to invest in talos right now, maybe later I'll consider asahi but I gotta be realistic!
have a good one
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