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<Tenkawa> This machine Is not even 3 years old lol
<Tenkawa> but I do a "lot" of builds on it
<nicolas17> my crappy SSD on my crappy non-Mac laptop as I download gigabytes of iOS ipsws:
<nicolas17> Percentage Used: 17%
<nicolas17> Data Units Read: 106.871.749 [54,7 TB]
<nicolas17> Data Units Written: 87.504.117 [44,8 TB]
<quaff> what command is that you're running that shows "Data Units Read"?
<quaff> my duf doesn't format things like that haha
<nicolas17> smartctl
<nicolas17> (my current task would be best done on my desktop PC where an iOS ipsw can actually fit in RAM, but it seems lightning fried the NIC last week -_-)
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<quaff> Data Units Read: 1,139,365,137 [583 TB]
<quaff> Data Units Written: 761,885,967 [390 TB]
<quaff> 🤷‍♀️
<Tenkawa> nicolas17: ouch.. I had that happen to a RISC-V unit and a ARM CM while I was out of town a few months back
<Tenkawa> nicolas17: lightning got them in a bad storm
<Tenkawa> quaff: nice
<nicolas17> Tenkawa: lightning hit real close to home, tripped power breaker, after that my Internet no longer worked, I suspect there was a voltage spike in the coax and it damaged the modem, so having a good breaker *and* the modem behind a UPS didn't help
<chadmed_> m2 studio 60 TBW, 99% spare available
<nicolas17> ISP replaced the modem pretty quick
<nicolas17> then I realized ethernet on desktop PC still didn't work
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<topcat001> nicolas17: some surge strips have protection for network/phone/coax
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<nicolas17> my next purchase is more likely to be a PC motherboard :/
<chadmed_> topcat001: idk how the coax ones go for docsis 3.1 and above given the extended spectrum
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<topcat001> I think I'm going to put one of these in front of my router :)
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<bgtlover[mds]> hello there! is this the correct room for the main asahi linux chat?
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<j`ey> yup
<bgtlover[mds]> awesome! I'm not using an m1/m2/whatever it is these days, however I find this project fascinating, so I'm gonna lerk in here to see what's happening
<bgtlover[mds]> quite sad, btw, what's happening with the r4l project, it's a shame foss has such adamant gatekeepers still. I have no idea how y'all have the energy to go on battling in there, I know for a fact I would have quit trying to do that, luckily there are people out there with more patience than me. Either way, all respect for the people running this project, y'all are awesome!
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<fl0_id> bgtlover[mds] imo it's sad but it's not that one sided. A kernel maintainers job is also not easy, and they usually don't get their for their management or social skills :)
<bgtlover[mds]> true, but I'm mostly refering to the whole rust is a cancer, multiple programming language projects are a disaster take
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<leio> well, it should be just rust, not multi-language ;)
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<fl0_id> true to both haha :)
<bgtlover[mds]> <leio> "well, it should be just rust..." <- lol true that
<bgtlover[mds]> I wish
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<monthebiff> me
<monthebiff> shit wrong window sorry :P
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<leio> HDMI output put me to 720p max on a 4K screen after turning the screen back on, that's something new
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<jannau> leio: try resetting or replacing the cable. I had that a few weeks ago as well (with a full hd display)
<leio> just turning off the monitor and then back on fixed that
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<leio> set_active_lane_count: unexpected lane count:4 phy: 0 and such are in logs, not sure if relevant
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