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<fl0_id> if anyone is interested in potentially using the DMA for asahi's advantage, FSFE is holding an online workshp today on this topic
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<zanfix> Hello, has anybody tried using the microphone with xfreerdp? Does not appear to be working. Works fine with bluetooth headphones
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<nicolas17> zanfix: what do you mean xfreerdp? which machine is connecting to which?
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<nicolas17> zanfix: you're trying to use the local Mac's microphone with software on a remote system you connect to via RDP?
<zanfix> M1 air is local machine, win11 is remote machine
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<nicolas17> did you test if the microphone works with local software?
<zanfix> yes, it does
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<nicolas17> hmm might be the alsa issues that chadmed was investigating
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<zanfix> tried with /microphone:sys:pulse,format:1,quality:high
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<zanfix> works with bluetooth earphones
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