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pakupaku: using fedora asahi remix? please provide the output of `cat /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,m1n1-stage2-version`, `ls -ld /boot/dtb` and `ls /proc/device-tree/reserved-memory/uat*`
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i'll try to repro
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hi, how to enable mics? I've installed kernel 6.17.3 and set snd_soc_apple_aop.mic_check_123=1, but nothing happend. the machine is j414(macbook pro 14" m2 max)
I think the kernel option is only necessary for the 13" MBP
are you running the Asahi Fedora Remix? As far as I'm aware it should just require an update to the latest version and a reboot
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yes, I'm using the Fedora Asahi remix, all updates installed
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evil_king_8791: M2 Pro/Max seems to behave slightly different and was not tested. if you're comfortable with building your own kernel there is a patch you could try
if you're not comfortable with building your own kernel we can trigger a build in copr
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I would like (a link to) the steps to prepare to build
JamesB192 afaik it's not different from building any other kernel
so just google for that and you should be good
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jannau: nice, give me a link to the patch
I'm currently on a bit patched asahi-wip kernel, so it will do fast)
don't bother at this point, it is not the issue we were thinking about
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fl0_id, thank you.
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chaos_princess: patched bootargs differ, EC0p is 0x100_00000000. what is aop-target? it differs between laptops and desktops
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No idea what it means but it comes from the device tree
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hi! got a quick question: should I expect the mic to work on an M2 air (j413) on FAR41 or is the upgrade to 42 beta required for that?
jannau: maybe there is something with what I can help on my machine?
evil_king_8791: no need to, I'll have a patch to try in a few minutes
nice :)
thasti_: no, mic works on f40 and f41
Just did a zoom call, and the mic update works great! Thanks guys!
jannau: hmm, okay - anything you would recommend to debug why it doesn't?
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in what way it doesn't
thasti_: I suppose that we disscussing the same problem now
doesn't show up or too quiet
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evil_king_8791: no, that problem seems to be m2pro/max specific, vanilla m2 confirmed works
i see a MacBook Air J413 Microphone input device, but cannot get any audio from it (all-zero, e.g. when recording with audacity, webrtc etc)
all zero would be strange, but try opening the kde volume control panel, making some noise and look if the meters move
uhhh wait, that's embarrassing. i was checking only pavucontrol (since i'm generally using sway) and made sure nothing was muted there .. just logged into plasma and found the mic muted there, now the meters move
thanks for the hint
check audacity first
there is another issue that you may or may not run into
yet, it appears that it stops working as soon (and for as long) as I open pavucontrol
jannau: should i revert the first patch you shared?
evil_king_8791: keep it for now since I see an endpoint #0x2d
not sure if we need the unnamed endpoints
you need to start all endpoints, otherwise it just sits there doing nothing
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this seems to reproduce: when pavucontrol is open, recording in audacity only gives a repeated short 'loop' of some very quiet samples (not just very quiet audio afaict) - after closing pavucontrol and starting a new recording, the mic works perfectly fine
similarly, the meters in the plasma audio widget stays pinned at 0 when pavucontrol is open
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jannau: module loaded, but there is still no capture devices in ALSA. logs: "[ 1.343850] apple_aop 2a6c00000.aop: Adding to iommu group 1
[ 1.345158] apple_aop 2a6c00000.aop: AOP probe() data
chaos_princess: pushed to asahi-wip. inits aop up to "syslog message: SPU_init.cpp:320: ===( AOP IS READY )==="
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good night
Yea, probably try bumping up the endpoint count, or get a m1n1 trace to figure out how many there is
<jannau> is somewhat broken though
I'll upload my tracer tomorrow then
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jannau: sorry for confusing, after installing the second patch i occasionally reverted first, so AFK_ENDPOINT_COUNT was 0xc. i've changed it to 0xf and now see new capture device! now i'm gonna check it
looks like something wrong with pipewire/wireplumber configs, i see no mics in the GNOME settings, and arecord gives empty file. in telegram there is no sound too
will try remove mic_check_123
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nope, still slience
try clearing the wireplumbler state in ~/.local/state/wireplumber (resets audio settings)
updating asahi-audio to 3.2 would be worth a shot as well
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