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<beviu> Hi! I lost my password, 2FA, recovery codes and SSH private keys for my account... Is there a way to recover it? It doesn't have much on it, but I would like to change the email address or delete it because I plan to get rid of the email address I used to register.
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<mupuf> beviu: can you send me via a private message any information that would allow me to authenticate you?
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<mupuf> bentiss, daniels: what do you think about this banner message: Equinix is shutting down its operations with us on April 30, 2025. We will start migrating to our new sponsors, Hetzner and Fastly, on March 16th with an expected downtime of up to 1 week. Our progress tracker can be found at
<emersion> do we want to use GitLab to track progress? :P
<pinchartl> it's a binary tracker
<mupuf> lol, yeah, I should be a bit more specific here that this is tracking progress of the pre-transition phase ;)
<pinchartl> if the page can be loaded, it means migration is complete
<mupuf> Our **planning** progress tracker
<pinchartl> "fastly will handle the per-domain TLS termination" that's putting lots of trust on them
<emersion> yeah
<emersion> i've voiced concerns on the board and voted -1 on this
<emersion> but rest of the board voted +1
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<daniels> mupuf: I think something like ‘gitlab.fd.o will be unavailable for a week between March 16th-23rd, as part of our ongoing infrastructure move; more information can be found in #1234’ puts the emphasis on the right place
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<mupuf> daniels: works for me! I'll make a new attempt in a bit
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<Consolatis> that sounds like fastly would transparently reverse proxy all the HTTP traffic. I'd love to hear the arguments for fastly that outweigh it being a MITM with full plaintext access to login credentials of all users. I see the point of CDNs for static files but why the complete reverse proxying?
<pinchartl> a good reminder, if needed, to never use the same credentials for different services
<emersion> Consolatis: benjamin explained it should speedup gitlab and allow for better monitoring
<Consolatis> raises the question of who "the better monitoring" is for, especially for fastly being a company under US law. Services like fastly or cloudflare which reverse proxy all the HTTP traffic are completely bypassing TLS and the amount of websites using them is worrying to me.
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