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one day, I'll finally take the time to upgrade to python3
mupuf: k, thanks. I had an issue with a secret but it was because bitnami charts have been bumped on the new servers (the ones here do not exist anymore)
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Would manually cleaning up a few containers be a bad idea at this point?
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Ford_Prefect: feel free to do that, we haven't started syncing the registry (still waiting on SFC to sign the contract)
Cool, thx!
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mupuf: can you check if you put "" in your /etc/hosts if works as expected?
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bentiss: sure! On it
bentiss: The Celery task scheduler does not seem to be running. This means that email sending and periodic tasks such as event reminders do not work.
everything else looks good
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celery definitely is running, so there might be some configuration issue
I'll push my changes later
ack :)
it's pushed, but I don't see a conf related to celery
anyway, dinner time here
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gitlab cricital security upgrade in progress (to 17.9.2)
(it's a matter of restarting all pods)
(and it's done now)
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bentiss: sorry, I'm at a trade show so the earliest I could get to it would be Friday afternoon, if the connection on the train isn't too bad
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bentiss: nice :-)
I like the first task in that list :-)
you missed one item at the very end though
getting beers (or your favourite drink) bought for you next time we meet