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karolherbst: fwiw, got in touch with the GNOME people, 90% reduction in system load on gitlab when it was added
bentiss, whot: ^^
(it = anubis)
would an RPM package help y'all?
it's all containers afaik
but bentiss knows what would help
but if that gives us fast and quick gitlab I'm all for it
just asking because I've been experimenting with building RPMs
i'm not the best at RPM builds, but it's been working on my aarch64 oracle linux 9 VM at least
(i have an amd64 RPM too)
FWIW, we are about to migrate the servers to Hetzner in a couple of weeks, and then we plan to make use of fastly as a CDN. So not sure I want to invest in anubis right now
Xe: gitlab is all containerized, so the k8s deployments instructions on your website should be sufficient (but again, -ETIME right now)
let me know what i can do to help
that's very nice of you :), but again, we should check what fastly already provides as they have bot protection
ah yeah fastly's bot stopping is gonna be infinitely better than what i've cooked up
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ohh didn't know about fastly, hopefully that helps a lot as well
that's bonkers
(need to bump up putting that in front of my mastodon instance then)
Ford_Prefect: TBH I'd suggest holding off on that until I test it with Mastodon in particular
IDK if it breaks federation or not
ah, gotcha
I'll test that after work
Great, will give it a whirl once that's done. We moved to a big fat serverz for our baby instance, so it's not pressing, just annoying.
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could probably write some special reverse proxy rules that bypass anubis for the federation endpoints
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