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daniels: so far, I got the fleeting runners up, but I wonder, do we want them to be privileged? Do we want kvm support for them (I don't think we can actually)? How can we test them? (little help here) and Should we request for limit bump from Hetzner because we are already being capped by the server count and dedicated CPU count
For anyone will to test them (not privileged and no kvm ATM), use the tag 'hetzner-test-x86' and 'hetzner-test-aarch64'
For anyone *willing
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the window switcher on openbox and on rofi is not picking up the discord icon. I can see there is a 256x256 icon installed at /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/discord.png but that is not being used, I guess. Is there another size that xdg generally expects to have that the window switcher could be expecting and not finding?
the ci-fairy job in the same pipeline ran fine
pq: thanks for testing!
* bentiss
looks into that failure
should be easy enough to reproduce with just `podman login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD $CI_REGISTRY`
all that comes from ci-templates
I wonder if this is because the runner is not privileged
pq: so definitely making the runners privileged is much better for podman login
so I guess that solves my first question :)
pq: I've restarted your job to see if this goes further
haha, 'reuse' hilarity, but otherwise CI seems to work :-D
that is my problem
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yeah, I was starting to wonder if this was an issue on my side :)
MR page "checking pipeline status" is spinning a long time.
page reload made it appear fast
the whole pipeline passed now
yeah, the background jobs have a little bit of lag because we are pruning all the mesa pipelines older than a year
good good :-)
and there is a waiting queue of about 2 minutes from time to time
Once the dust settles, some summary guide on recommended clean-up settings and rules would be nice. Or is it enough to use ci-templates' FDO_EXPIRES_AFTER? I guess artifacts and(?) pipelines would need some clean-up settings?
artifacts will be purged after a year, no matter what (policy at the bucket level)
for pipelines, there is a settings you can set, but in the same way I'll probably just enforce it for any project (settings->ci/cd->general->Automatic pipeline cleanup)
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FDO_EXPIRES_AFTER for the container image is nice also but can't work for upstream projects pipelines (because you want to keep those around)
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daniels: we got our server limit upgraded from 20 to 50. Did you do anything?
bentiss: what is that supposed to mean?
mupuf: what's your question? what is what supposed to mean?
bentiss: "we got our server limit upgraded from 20 to 50"
well, hetzner cloud limits the number of servers you can request on the cloud (probably to prevent you to have a too big bill you can not pay)
and we were having a limit of 20, and now we are at 50
which is good, because then I can fire more servers for the runners (one per job, so I don't have to mess with the cpu map), instead of having bigger servers with multiple jobs on each
Ahhh, I see
nice, thanks
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bentiss: I put the request in when we first signed up, but nothing beyond that
eric_engestrom: yeah, I saw that... don't have an answer for it ATM
(I must confess that my brain disconnected since Wednesday when I realized the db was fine in the end)
ack; is that something you'll be able to look into? I'm really struggling for time and I want devs to be able to start using the CI again ASAP
re- "db is fine in the end", does that mean we are no longer in "might have to revert, consider it read-only" mode?
one thing we could do is use multipart archives
eric_engestrom: yeah
"multipart archives" -> that would require a lot of infra changes, I'd rather avoid that
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good news: must be coming from our settings: "The fact is that I upload files larger than 100GB, sometimes 300GB each." -> this seems possible
could be nginx related
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* bentiss
can't remember which settings we had in nginx to allow for bigger uploads :(
seems like it was in the ingress settings
bentiss: I started a new pipeline, should help with the missing images and it has some fixes I had locally
eric_engestrom: I'll be afk a bit (school pick up)
(I configured my registry to delete everything after one day, which is why your retry of a single job failed)
eric_engestrom: but I've copied the ingress settings we have in gitlab, that might help
thanks! I'll let you know if a bit if that worked :)
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bentiss: your fix worked!
I'll need to do a full check, but I think we're ready to re-enable mesa ci :)
* bentiss
just needs to update the deployment definition then
and done
thanks for your help!
is the plan to fix s3cp as well, or to drop it and have all projects move to using curl directly?
curl seems like a good option
if it works
yeah, imo it's simpler
plus s3-proxy has support for plain oidc, so you can even use your browser to download the file you're allowed to, while before you had to use token + PITA
the downside is that you have to copy/paste more everywhere, which is a hassle when you have to update it, but the upside is that there's no delay to fix things, no need to wait for one repo to have the fix so that other repos can update
so less technical debt is better ;)
yeah, plus the potential impact of bumping the ci-fairy include sha which may or may not break other ci-fairy commands depending on the branch
pipelines are not being created though, guessing the background tasks are busy deleting old pipelines instead? ^^
yeah... 4 min of queue
I've added one sidekiq worker, though I hope I won't have teh PG memory issues
and dropped it, now that the heat is gone
week end for me. If anything wrong happens with the runner I hope one gitlab admin will just pause the 2 new in the gitlab runner interface
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* mupuf
can be pinged if the above happens ^
thanks a lot for everything, bentiss:!
Enjoy your well-deserved weekend
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there is still 'consider this as read-only' - is it obsolate?
is it working: issue create/change label/close, addind a user as reporter/dev?
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kxkamil: Everything works except GitLab CI (runner setup in progress), some artifacts (releases, uploads, etc) and container registries
Git itself, issues, user management, etc works
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great, thx all, esp bentiss!
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placeholder-job jobs are all hitting "no space left on device"