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<bentiss> sigh... not sure who also added the magic "pipeline expiration" rule, but the 8 sidekiq pods are now full, and we've got background tasks piling up :(
<bentiss> I'll have to dig in the logs and manually remove the latest ones. We don't have any connections to the db left
<bentiss> but not right now
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<bilboed> gosh, that's hilarious (in a sad way)
<mupuf> bentiss, FD.o's most powerful influencer!
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<bentiss> FWIW, I'm forced to reduce the number of webservice pods to leave room to the sidekiq ones
<bentiss> finally... 0 enqueued, 0 retried, 0 dead, but 86% of utilisation of sidekiq threads (152/180)
<bentiss> It seems the new parameters are good enough
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<svuorela> hopefully it makes migration easier
<bentiss> honestly, we should have started that months ago. At the current rate, we won't notice any difference. Though in the long run this will certainly help
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<mripard> I get a 'error: dst ref refs/heads/drm-misc-next receives from more than one src' when pushing to drm-misc-next, is it expected+
<mripard> s/+/?/
<mupuf> mripard: does it work now?
<mripard> mupuf: nope, I still get the same error
<mupuf> ack. Then sorry, I can't help "s
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<mripard> nvm, I'm an idiot
<mripard> I was using dim push instead of push-branch
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<kxkamil> pipeline is not running for igt, did something broke?
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<bentiss> FWIW, background jobs are piling up again: latency of 970s, because of the old pipeline cleanup (not sure if someone decided it would be smart to do or if it just split the jobs by itself). In other words: gitlab is screwed up for the night
<bentiss> I traded one webservice for one sidekiq pod, but we are already down to 3 webservice pods... which doesn't make a lot of web connections
<bentiss> make it 2 webservice pods now, got db traffic jam again
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<bentiss> and now gitlab is unusable
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<bentiss> OK, back to where we were 10 minutes ago, and I'll be in my bed in case this happens again, so don't worry if pipelines are not started/finished or if emails are not sent, or with a long delay
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