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<mupuf> beer shower!
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<bentiss> daniels: ok, fair enough. Have fun!
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<zmike> is it expected that gitlab is insanely slow right now?
<daniels> it's pretty snappy here tbf
<zmike> shit did you put a tariff on gitlab ?
<DragoonAethis> 50% extra latency for non-EU visitors, starting next week
<zmike> I'm talking like pages don't even load
<DragoonAethis> Works as usual here as well, it looks healthy
<zmike> so like immediately loads all the pipelines for you?
<DragoonAethis> Initial page load takes like a second, then pipelines themselves take a long while
<zmike> yeah okay, so it's definitely not just me
<DragoonAethis> But it's about what I'd expect
<zmike> what
<zmike> no, that used to load in finite time
<DragoonAethis> Uhhh, 52s for pipelines.json on that
<DragoonAethis> Yeah okay a bit long
<DragoonAethis> Subsequent refreshes also 52-54s
<DragoonAethis> Even the sidebar data graphql query (that fills in issue/MR counts, etc) took 10s
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<zmike> yeah seems like user pipelines just don't load for whatever reason
<zmike> main branch is fine
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<mupuf> zmike: this happened to me too some time ago, so it's not new...
<zmike> I remember being able to use this last year
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<daniels> yeah it’s got much worse over time but will improve again
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