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getting some incredibly nostalgic mails from historic pipelines tonight
I'm at least getting mail from new gitlab MR's now
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is it safe to create new MRs and merge now? or should I wait more?
I would hold on merging mesa MRs, but if you are OK with losing comments in your MR go ahead I would say
okay, I will wait, no probleΓΉ
thanks for all the work :)
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bentiss: set all gstreamer projects to 3month pipeline auto expire
bilboed: thanks!
"I have set..."
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how's the s3 mega-sync-from-hell coming along ?
globally on pause, still figuring out a plan
but I managed to get the amount of mesa data yesterday: 24.182 TB -> and it's relatively easy to prune because there is a "folder" per day
24TB :D
so my current plan is to manually purge everything older than 1 year, which should make S3 on euinix smaller and faster
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bentiss: should we still wait with releases as well? (mesa in my case)
if we have to go back to a backup, I can re-push the tag, nothing will be lost (it will be the same git object, same hash), and the tarballs are on another server (kemper iirc?)
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(ah no, the tarballs are uploaded to annarchy, but the point remains that it's on another server, so not affected by a potential gitlab rollback)
so I think it's safe, right?
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eric_engestrom: yeah, should be fine. We had a good day yesterday, so I don't think we'll need to rollback
glad to hear \o/
I'll make the release this afternoon (CET) then
thanks for everything!
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can we push stuff to git repos, or should they still be considered read-only?
git repos in gitlab, that is
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just labeled a new issue as spam and the spam bot is alive and well :)
jani: should be fine (see above)
bentiss: thanks!
27TB is pretty good, i'd have expected more lol
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hi all, I'm having some problem with I pushed a new version of my website (gitlab pages) and the CI didn't run for the "pages" task, it has apparently been skipped π
is that related to the unfinished migration to the nex datacenter? anything I can do to get the pages updated?
a user reported a bug because they had installed incorrectly my software, so I pushed a new version of the pages explaining how to install it properly and was hopinr the page to be updated, but I guess I'll just have to wait π€·
any idea what's missing or how people can help getting the migration along? π
MathieuBridon[m]: sleep(48h)
what's missing in on the status tracker (linked above, updated manually), can't really help
MathieuBridon[m]: not sure why the jobwas skipped. The runners are not impacting how the jobs are scheduled by gitlab
MathieuBridon[m]: you should try restating a pipeline on main
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Ford_Prefect: the pipeline in question had the "test" job which passed π
MathieuBridon[m]: yes, but you restarted it after gitlab marked the next job as skipped
how do I restart it now, then? π
and I guess there might be an upstream bug there where the job hasn't restarted or it could be that the gitlab instance is too busy cleaning up the old pipelines
MathieuBridon[m]: in the menu on the left Build->Pipelines then "new Pipeline" in the top right
select main and start
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ah, so start a new one rather than restart the existing one, I was searching for the latter and couldn"t find any way to do that ^^
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we've got a latency of 25s for the sidekiq jobs to run, so expect some delay between creation of pipeline and processing of the jobs
sure, no problem, I'm not in a hurry
I just want it to run again so the install page can be correct π
it's hard to tell users how to install my software if the install docs are wrong π
the pages job is now pending, so it should all work I suppose π
yep :)
it does, except I made a typo π€¦
stupid software that can't fix obvious typos, I thought this was all about AI, software ought to be interlligent π€ͺ
in its intelligence it has decided to give you an opportunity to learn from mistakes :)
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Except for another typo it's now all good, the doc is now fixed, thank you π
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daniels: BTW, I'm working on making fleeting working today... just in case you decided to work on that too :)
(should have probably told you that a few hours ago)
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bentiss: heh yeah, I saw you provisioned the server and went back to hacking on some other stuff I need to have done this week :\
daniels: heh :)
has whatever change needed to s3cp been figured out already?
eric_engestrom: yes, but I'm not sure we need s3cp instead
eric_engestrom: also in the sense that we kind of need to tweak a little bit the deployment because it accepts too much uploads ATM
I don't quite understand ^^' are you saying "instead of fixing s3cp we need to replace it with a better solution?"
so much simpler than having to replicate the S3 protocol from python
though I haven't tried with big files
I see
I'm mostly asking because mesa CI is currently broken because it can't upload build artifacts
so we should replace the s3cp command we have in there with that curl command, instead of waiting for an update that fixes s3cp, right?
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Just beware, it's abusing concurrency *A LOT*
not sure if it helps your current use case though
DragoonAethis: the thing is s3-proxy is not talking S3 anymore on the client side, you have to use multipart-upload with a PUT request
bentiss: ah, okay
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bentiss: I tested it, it does the double filename thing :/
if I understand correctly, that's something to fix on your side, right?
eric_engestrom: basically we need to remove the filename from the upload url, add the filename in the headers, and then in the policy I check for that
problem is, if people fake the filename, I have no way to know
because I don't have it in the request s3-proxy makes (thus the extra header)
"fake the filename", you mean if the header doesn't match the file uploaded? that sounds like a user error, not something to care about on the server side?
*or* if anyone knows about go, we can probably send a PR
if you know the codebase and can point me to the function, I can take a stab at it
well, problem is some buckets allow a strict filename (git-cache), so you could upload movie.mp4 but add x-fdo-file=awesome-project.tar.gz, and OPA will validate the "filename", but S3-proxy will upload movie.mp4
yeah, that was v1, I have a couple of local changes, but that's basically it
(mainly dropping `-v`)
maybe if you just drop the "results.tar.zst" from the URL that will be enough for most of the things that don't require filename validation
and if we can tweak s3-proxy, we can also drop the extra header "x-fdo-file"
actually the only problem is for git-cache, the easiest solution is to drop the requirement
we can always see if someone is doing bad things...
ack, I'll drop the filename from the url, and keep it only in the header
I have to go though, so -> tomorrow
sure, have a good one!
eric_engestrom: for tomorrow: but I think we should drop the name in the extra custom header too, so just keeping the --form and URL without the filename would be fine
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daniels, bentiss: the redirection seems to have been dropped, which means the release tarballs can't be fetched anymore :(
* bentiss
I just remembered we also have, which does work, so I'll tell people to use that in the meantime
I see, thanks daniels, I'll put that in place tomorrow :)
oh, if we can drop those from the main config that would be awesome ;)
daniels: so far, it would seem that we need to have the cloud runners in separate hcloud projects
I *think* this is fine with the credits, but we should try ;)
(separate projects because the x86 and arms are fighting each other with the autoscaler put in place by the fleeting plugin, which is always called "group=hetzner/fsn1/hetzner-docker-autoscaler"
hmm... I can try putting them in fsn and nbg
my bad... name: "Name of the fleeting plugin instance group. The created instance names will be prefixed using this name. " I guess I should give them different names
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daniels: it works! though I need to have one corrdinator per class of devices