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<mupuf> bentiss, daniels: I just want to tell you both good luck, we are all counting on you!
<mupuf> Jokes aside, ping me when you need help testing things (s3, registry, other) or communicating
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<bentiss> daniels, colinmarc: mind if I stop gitlab now or you still need a little bit of time to fetch locally and ?
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<bentiss> well, I'll shut it down now. Worse case I'll set up a mirror elsewhere if you need
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<vyivel> wow nice tracker
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<jadahl> hmm, is fdo gitlab expected to be unavailable until after the 22nd?
<bentiss> jadahl: hopefully the migration will be completed before the 22, but no hard guarantees
<jadahl> ok, went and disabled ci-templates container building for now. maybe something to look into in the future - not depending on pulling cbuild from fdo gitlab some how, at least when using a ci-templates mirror
<bentiss> oh, I haven't thought on that :/
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<ernstp> are there any up to date git mirrors somewhere? found three organizations on github that were not up to date
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<vyivel> ernstp: maybe some project-specific ones, depends on what you need
<DragoonAethis> ernstp: we have some up-to-date ones at but it's just what we need
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<bentiss> sigh... looks like it would have been faster to make use of the backup instead of streaming the output of pg_dump. 3h30 min in, and only 158 GB out of 350 copied, when restoring the backup file takes 4h
<bentiss> make it 4h21 min actually
<bl4ckb0ne> will there also be an attempt to split the DB like last time or it's strictly migration?
<bentiss> bl4ckb0ne: yeah point is to do the db split as well
<bl4ckb0ne> nice, good luck!
<bentiss> Now that I've tried it a couple of times as pre-tests, I suspposed what happened last time was not having enough space and probably an incomplete dump
<bentiss> because last week I did it once, and the leader disk got full and I still had "deduplication complete" (or something along those lines)
<bentiss> plus this time we stay on the same server, not a second server like last time
<bentiss> anyway
<mupuf> bentiss: that is a major facepalm moment for gitlab then...
<bentiss> I guess those script are not tested a lot
<bentiss> plus I had a look at the code, and all they do is pg_dump of {the current dabase}, then pg_restore on {the current databse}_ci, then done
<mupuf> makes sense, yeah
<mupuf> still could have expected better error checking :s
<bentiss> heh, yeah
<mupuf> how does it feel so far? not too stressed?
<bentiss> well except that I lost the whole afternoon looking at the db not filling fast enough
<bentiss> (not that I was in front of my computer0
* mupuf was hacking on mesa CI from 6 to 7:30am today. Trying to.squeeze more iterations until the very last moment 🤣
<bentiss> heh
<bentiss> well, nobody could have reviewed them :)
<bentiss> and there we go. I've restarted that db restore now, should be done in a littl ebit less than 4 hours
<mupuf> reviewed? no, but I just wanted to leave my draft branch in a state that is easy to pick up 🤣
<mupuf> it's a rewrite of the ci-tron integration in mesa ci, which hides pretty well the fact that we have the trampoline on the CI gateway. One more step and we'll say bye bye to the container running on the gateway altogether 😅
<bentiss> talking about CI, there is a high chance we need to amend `ci-fairy s3cp`, the uploads tests I've done are not working with s3-proxy
<bentiss> like wrong headers, or way of sending the file
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<mupuf> bentiss: will be fun updating all the projects making use of it 😅
<mupuf> I can take care of mesa, should be a good chunk of the branches needing updates
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