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FWIW, the situation was too bad. I disabled all ci_delete_pipelines_in_seconds settings, and I'll re-add them one by one as the sidekiq runners permit. So no surprises if the settings disappeared
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bentiss: I'm impressed by the fallout (and by all your hard work to recover from this, of course). was the feature implemented so badly by gitlab ?
pinchartl: yeah, there is a limit to the number of jobs the worker starts, but AFAICT it doesn't account for the currently existing workers. So if it takes ages to clean up one repo (like we have because we never did this), they just pile up
we had a grand total of 10 repos with the settings, and we had up to 200 workers working on them
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oh boy, the value needs to be between 1 second and 1 year... that's way too much for mesa and others (ideally I need to put 6 years first)
maybe i'll try to migrate wayland-devel to the new ML this w-e
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FWIW, the starving of delete old pipeline jobs is now fixed thanks to a suggestion from daniels. Though PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE SETTINGS OF YOUR PROJECTS, I'll enable back the ones I've removed as the jobs permit
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