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<jani> is this the place to follow on news of the migration?
<airlied> there is also a status page on the frontpage
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<jani> so there is, thanks!
<tintou> Thank you for the state tracker in front page! 💪
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<svuorela> oh man there is a lot of green checkmarks already.
<jani> pat yourself on the shoulder <- this is the important one :)
<svuorela> but not yet green. Sholud be a repeated task
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<pinchartl> jani: I proposed adding "buy bentiss and daniels drinks of their choice next time we meet them face to face" to the list
<bentiss> pinchartl: add colinmarc to the list, he's helping in the back :)
<bentiss> daniels: what do we want to do with the current equinix runners: cut them off now or do we wait a bit?
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<mupuf> bentiss: I would suggest keeping them for as long as we can, at least until we can figure out nested kvm on Hetzner VMs
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<bentiss> yeah, it's just that I'd like to evenutally show equinix we are downsizing, and we probably need to keep the k8s cluster around for accessing some data until we are sure we are fine
<mupuf> bentiss: oh, did they ask for this? I would have assumed they basically don't care until it is time to take the servers offline
<bentiss> no but I'd just like to show this. They have been nice to us, so we can be nice to them
<mupuf> +1
<bentiss> Once the migration is done I'll notify them
<mupuf> What was the deadline for migrating again? Was it the end of the month?
<bentiss> April 30
<mupuf> sweet, maybe we can target being done a month before the deadline
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<mupuf> so, assuming that everything works aside from runners, this would give us a solid week to figure out the situation with runners
<bentiss> yeah, sure
<bentiss> the only thing is egress traffic from hetzner, but this will be a nice way to measure how much they "cost"
<bentiss> anyway, lunch time
<mupuf> wait, no, I was just suggesting that they should be kept up but not pickup untagged jobs :D
<mupuf> I don't think there are a lot of jobs that require the `kvm` tag
<mupuf> bentiss: enjoy your lunch, and thanks a lot for everything
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<Caterpillar> 6 days of downtime ???
<Caterpillar> Currently planned outage: 2025-03-16 -> 2025-03-22
<svuorela> Caterpillar: yep. what's the question ?
<MrCooper> Caterpillar: that's the worst-case estimate
<jrayhawk> I just re-enabled git://anongit cgit url reporting.
<jrayhawk> it would be prudent to mention on the status tracker that read-only mirrors of gitlab are available via cgit.
<jrayhawk> and anongit
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<pendingchaos> I think (gitlab section) and (both sections) need updating
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<daniels> bentiss: should I be looking at fleeting atm?
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<bentiss> daniels: if you want/can
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<bentiss> mupuf: I've resync-ed the db and data of indico, and changed the DNS for it, if you don't get a 503, you are on the new server
<bentiss> mupuf: it would be nice if you could give me a hint on why you didn't see celery
<mupuf> bentiss: seems like celery is running now
<mupuf> I am on my phone, but I don't have a red banner anymore saying celery was not running
<mupuf> it may have been a DNS issue
<bentiss> probably
<bentiss> so one thing migrated 100% :)
<mupuf> so, I think you can tick it green
<bentiss> \o/
<mupuf> yep 🥳
<mupuf> I'll be browsing more to look for problems, but so far so good
<bentiss> great
<bentiss> FWIW, I seem to be done with the gitlab database, but I still need to wait for the sync of the s3 artifacts. I can not spin up gitlab if the artifacts are not synced, because this will mess with the data with the expiring artifacts :/
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<mupuf> fantastic
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