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<pinchartl> Consolatis: I find it hard to disagree
<pinchartl> would it be worth warning people, when they register an account, to not reuse an existing password ?
<pinchartl> even then, does this mean that in theory fastly could impersonate any user ?
<psykose> reminds me of the funny 'tls added and removed here :-)' graphic
<Consolatis> > even then, does this mean that in theory fastly could impersonate any user ?
<Consolatis> i don't see why it shouldn't be able to
<Consolatis> session cookie is available + fdo trusts the stated remote ip header of fastly
<Consolatis> so it wouldn't even leave a login log entry anywhere
<pinchartl> git should give us some protection against some malicious actions, but other features offered by gitlab can be more problematic
<Consolatis> in my opinion, use of CDNs to speed up dynamic pages can mostly be better implemented with own caches in front, close to the actual target app server. the question also is if it *actually* speeds up dynamic pages, from memory most of the gitlab pages do a dozen of XHR requests anyway for everything "dynamic"
<pinchartl> one of the reasons for using fastly is protection against AI bots
<pinchartl> it's not just speeding up delivery of content
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<colinmarc> honestly, that's like saying "we shouldn't user hetzner because they will have root access to our servers". that logic could also be used to rule out hosted databases, managed certs (letsencrypt), and a host of other technologies that make it possible to run a website and also get some sleep sometimes. I'm a big fan of running owned hardware, but it's not practical for everyone
<colinmarc> I don't know gitlab's query/web patterns, but rails/activerecord are extremely slow and usually expect you to do caching on top
<dwfreed> every non-trivial webapp is slow as balls and needs a caching layer over it
<dwfreed> "every" may be a little harsh, "most" might be better
<colinmarc> every ruby on rails webapp is slow as balls :)
<dwfreed> you're not wrong
<colinmarc> lack of any real concurrency strategy outside "run a bunch of processes" is the real killer (my information might be out of date - I worked on a huge ruby deployment ten years ago)
<dwfreed> what keeps fastly from stealing your login information: they'd like to continue to make money for shareholders
<dwfreed> if anybody had any serious inkling that fastly was abusing their CDN to steal login information, fastly would be bankrupt by the end of the month
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<emersion> btw, we have a legal contract with fastly, it's not just yolo
<emersion> stealing info would be a breach of contract
<emersion> also pretty much all websites use fastly or similar
<emersion> (not that I like this)
<dwfreed> "sued into the ground" is not a state any public company wants to be in
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<pinchartl> another question on the same topic: does "handle TLS termination" mean traffic will be unencrypted between fastly and hetzner ?
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<Consolatis> based on !2076 its client->TLS->fastly->TLS->hetzner
<Consolatis> > each of those services needs to have a let's encrypt certificate so we can have TLS between fastly and the service
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<daniels> yeah
<daniels> the contract + reputation is why I’m personally very relaxed about fastly - as well as one of our long-term admins having previously worked there for years and having good things to say for it - even if you don’t trust their motives, pragmatically, spying on fd.o would be an utterly idiotic move in terms of risk:reward
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<mupuf> daniels, bentiss: How about: will be unavailable for up to a week starting March 16th, due to our ongoing infrastructure move. You can follow our planning tracker at
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<pinchartl> do you plan to report on the status of the migration somewhere ? I'm sure lots of people will be curious
<mupuf> irc, mastodon
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<bentiss> pinchartl: I'll also try to set up a static HTML page with the status
<bentiss> I did that in the last migration and it seemed appreciated
<pinchartl> yes, kudos for that
<pinchartl> it looked nice too :-)
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<sergi> Hi Mesa developers,
<sergi> I forgot to mention by the end the week (the working days I mean). Tomorrow Monday, we have scheduled a Collabora farm maintenance. See
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