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<eric_engestrom> sergi (or someone else working on lava): I think there are mesa/lava commits that need to be backported to 25.0 to be able to continue having these jobs in CI, could you help me figure out which commits were missing `cc: mesa-stable`? eg. -> `/ not found`
<daniels> eric_engestrom: 02a86b328420ffbf0ce00510fd53af979869ed00
<daniels> you'll also want 1169f704d33dfe7781e7044b2dde2bc523e7dad3 and 1dbebd2619a498b6e5ea726dae65c6621c8fe1c8
<eric_engestrom> thanks! trying now
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<eric_engestrom> that seems to have done the trick, thanks a lot daniels 🙏
<daniels> np!
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<DragoonAethis> Looks like Patchwork stopped accepting new patches from MLs, could someone with server access take a look at it?
<DragoonAethis> Ex. on intel-xe@lists.fd.o the last series accepted was yesterday
<daniels> hmm, I can see some from today e.g. from ~3h ago
<daniels> given how horrendously slow the web UI is, I wouldn't be surprised if some deliveries were hitting a timeout
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<svuorela> is the 'down for a week' the likely amount or have you added sufficient buffer to avoid getting yelled at for at least some divergences from the plan ?
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<bentiss> svuorela: see my answer in the planning issue. Hopefully enough to do everything without being yelled at because we took a couple of hours to sleep
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<svuorela> bentiss: great. you have said a week but hopefully expect a couple of days. That's kind of what I was hoping you would do :)
<bentiss> svuorela: but I will try to do my best, but we got a few tests to run, so plan for a week of downtime, and maybe we'll have a good surprise
<daniels> DragoonAethis: please ping karolkro/pkira about - that was what was DoSing patchwork, and I've had to temporarily just drop all outbound email from pw until it's fixed
<DragoonAethis> daniels: okay, notified them
<daniels> (every pw HTTP request would generate two emails out to Intel, both of which would get bounced and pulled back into patchwork which would fail to parse them)
<daniels> thanks!
<daniels> also, re-landing has to be quite important as 3.2 has been out of LTS for a year now, and 4.2 is even going out of LTS in a year ...
<DragoonAethis> daniels: could you grant me access to the PW server?
<daniels> DragoonAethis: to inspect the runtime stuff? the deployment is all automatic by containers, including the config which is committed through .gitlab-ci/
<DragoonAethis> daniels: ah, okay, let me just send a PR that removes them from ADMINS
<daniels> that works, although it looks like the deploy hook has also been failing for a while :\
<DragoonAethis> Is the SSH_PRIVATE_KEY set correctly in that repo?
<daniels> yeah, certainly appears to be
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<DragoonAethis> Okay, the MR went through, could you deploy it manually this time?
<daniels> yeah I will :)
<daniels> thanks!
<DragoonAethis> thanks too, and sorry for the trouble ^^'
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<__tim> bentiss, have you done all the image cleanups you were going to do?
<__tim> (just looking at some gstreamer legacy git repos which have artifacts and ci images and wondering if those need to be kept around)
<bentiss> __tim: I think so but I confess I switched to something else the past week :(
<__tim> right, of course :)
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<Ford_Prefect> Is there a recommended way to clean up artifacts? For PipeWire I see: Total artifacts size 49.35 GiB
<bl4ckb0ne> heh we're at 140 on monado
<bl4ckb0ne> i think there's a way to bulk delete with the API and a token
<bentiss> bl4ckb0ne, Ford_Prefect: been added as an UI option in 17.9:
<bl4ckb0ne> nice!
<bl4ckb0ne> i can try to wipe our artifacts with the API in the meantime so you dont get those 140G to move
<Ford_Prefect> drat, wish I'd set an expire_in on those artifacts
<bl4ckb0ne> set it to 3 months in our repo, thanks bentiss
<bl4ckb0ne> dunno if a cleanup will kick in
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<Ford_Prefect> nice, did that here too
<bentiss> thanks!
<bentiss> maybe we should do the same for mesa: -> 25 TB of artifacts :)
<bl4ckb0ne> oh boy
<bl4ckb0ne> now i feel a bit less bad for letting those pile up
<Ford_Prefect> man, I was feeling so pleased about those 50 GB until that point :)
<bentiss> that might shrink the size of the artifacts we have to move forward :)
<bentiss> yeah, even a 100 GB is peanuts
<bentiss> but those 25TB... that's roughly most of the artifacts TBH
<bentiss> (ceph gives me a total of 52TB, with a duplication factor of 2, even if it's not entirely 2 in the end)
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<mupuf> bentiss: t
<mupuf> yeah, we should clean mesa artifacts :o
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<alanc> makes our 17Gb for xserver look tiny
<pinchartl> bentiss: is setting the option enough to trigger deletion of old pipelines, or will it only affect newly created ones ?
<bentiss> pinchartl: it seems to be enough to trigger deletion of old pipelines. There are a lot of background jobs "Ci::DestroyOldPipelinesWorker" now
<bentiss> I've started one on my kernel repo, I'll check tomorrow if that helps
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<__tim> and I guess most are in people's forks anyway because that's where the mr pipelines run?
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<alanc> it would be nice if people could set a global timeout for all our personal projects - don't want to go through each one to set it
<pinchartl> does gitlab support an instance-wide default ?
<bentiss> of course not.... (I should really be in bed)
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