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Begasus: did you wrote the nightly image to a disk? just a simple double-click on the image hill attach only the main partition and wont allow you mount the efi one.
write the image to a disk.
Hey, I just stumbled upon the Software Heritage people. They provide mirrors to old Google Code copies in .tar.xz format. Are we aware of them?
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I know of them, anything special we need to be aware of?
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PulkoMandy, yes. They told me that Guix uses their repositories in order to download tars of old programs and ship them in the system
they have a full backup
so instead of removing recipes because google code is not available anymore, we could simply point to them
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problem: i have no idea how to track down which recipes got removed because of it in the tree
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I don't think we ever removed recipes because of that
we have a few things hosted on our own mirrors, and things we moved to haikuarchives
or sometimes we use debian's mirrors
the only thing that I remember we removed because of lost sources is xut (a "button football" simulation) that was an example of some 3d/gaming toolkit that no one else had packaged anywhere else
there is a convenient "export to github" button
so it's not really "not available anymore"
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the git repos are not available however, and that created problems with our old Go port which tries to do git checkouts from there
but the problem is not finding mirrors, it's hacking the go buildtools to use them
HaikuUser is now known as SamuraiCrow
PulkoMandy: hrev54422 broke youtube
yes, it was the most likely candidate in the commit range you had yesterday
I still don't know why however. It's supposed to affect only the encoding side of media kit
i used from hrev54418 and LD_PRELOAD it on hrev54428
Sorry to interrupt just as beta3 is about to branch but Clang can't find the "new" header aka new.h but GCC can. Where is it?
SamuraiCrow, that is part of gcc/libstdc++
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It was pulled in by os/app/Message.h
I think clang can reuse it somehow, or use another libc++ implementation (but in that case you would get ABI compatibility issues)
yes, it is a standard header from the C++ library
so it's provided by the compiler and we use it
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PulkoMandy: so.. revert?
I'm looking at the code, give me a few hours to see what's going on :)
ah, cool :) thanks!
it looks like get_next_file_format in media kit is looking only at writable formats for some reason
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ok, it turns out the media plugin system is quite badly designed. Apparently you can't have a plugin that is only a reader because only writers can register media formats
so write-only plugins (for encoding) are possible, but not read-only
I would have expected the two to be fully independant, or at least, for readers to be the primary thing (being only able to read a video format makes sense, but being able to write it and then not read your file back? what's the point?)
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PulkoMandy: the app_server crash is still there
Begasus, do we need to port librespot?
Don't know AlwaysLivid , busy with other things atm, if need be give a yell ;)
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I have once again a complicated haikuports question: is there a way to use haikuporter's variables, like $dataDir in a patchset, or in C code in general? or something similar to what $dataDir expands to (i.e. /packages/...) that is available inside the haikuporter chroot?
in C code you'd use find_directory or BPathFinder to locate various system directories
for some context: I tried adding the texlive-extra tarball to the package to have the "tlpostcode" (post-install scripts for some packages) available for install-tl
and for scripting there is a find_directory command, that works outside haikuports as well
does that return something that is available inside the chroot, or do I still get just "/boot/system/data"?
I need /packages/texlive-2021-1/.self/data or something like that
so that it can be used from the install section of a recipe
check "finddir -l" in Terminal
that should give you some pointers
err .. why am I Guest1 now?
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finddir B_SYSTEM_DATA_DIRECTORY just returns /boot/system/data, so I suppose it doesn't help
Begasus* here, did someone change something here on IRC?
I saw a system message earlier that you were renamed to Guest1, among a few others
wtf is going on here?
looks like the nickserv service had some problems and was restarted
I think you can rename yourself (with the /nick command) and maybe resend your password to nickserv
gonna close en re-enter
nick is in use it says :(
Guest1 has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
jmairboeck, why do you want to access /packages directly? The files are visible in /boot/system/data as well when the package is installed
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that being said, I think BPathFinder can give you the package specific path
but /boot/system/data is not available while a package is being built
-NickServ- Nickname Begasus_ is not registered. The nickname you specify must be a
-NickServ- registered nickname. See HELP REGISTER for more information.
it was? registered?
Begasus :Nickname is already in use.
or should I just add a symlink temporarily to $dataDir?
I don't understand what you're trying to do, I think
either your code is meant to run inside haikuporter environment only, in that case, just use getenv("dataDir") from C code if you need to access $dataDir
or, your code is meant to run after the package is installed, and in that case, use find_directory/BPathFinder
I suppose this is supposed to run in both cases
also, I already checked that haikuporter doesn't export its variables, at least envsubst doesn't work
so I suppose getenv wouldn't either
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you could export them from inside the recipe if needed?
but as I said, the code must be able to run on the installed system as well. This is one of the core parts of the TeX system, how it finds its stuff
maybe the easiest would be to just create temporary symlinks in the recipe
the /system directory is readonly during build so I'm not sure what symlinks you want to create. I also don't understand why the original code in texlive wouldn't work (it looks like it should self-locate everything from the executable path?)
so maybe I should try ditching that patch altogether? I have reused that from the texlive 2014
I don't know, maybe some changes are needed because we move a few thigns around but the idea of "let's locate everything relative to the executable path" should still work
I'm not sure, because in native (i.e. not distro-packaged installations) the binaries are actually in a different location relative to the data direcctory
yes, sure, but you can still write some kind of expression ("../../data/texlive/") that gets you from one to the other?
yes, that would be possible
let's see if I understand that code ...
Freenode numbers just keep getting worse and worse
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they just deleted the network and started a new one (dropping all channel and nickname registrations)
I guess that convinced people who hadn't moved elsewhere yet because of the previous events
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[haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
[haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 ba585e5 - concourse: Pipeline preperation for r1beta3
PulkoMandy: I was curious so I tried BPathFinder in a small test program. Unfortunately it only gives me /boot/system/data as well and no /packages path. But that wouldn't work in libkpathsea anyway because it is written in C and not C++.
view->FontHeight() is not integral that's a problem but there is a bigger problem
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Some hard-line "Don't Repeat Yourfelf!" advocates I worked with would insist that things like the following duplication be broken out into tiny do-almost-nothing methods:
floorf(view->FontHeight()) gets me the closest to working but still messes up on 21pt
He had some screenshots of Windows (with and without ClearType), MacOS X, unmodified FreeType, and a modified FreeType that used 1/3.
Ack, how'd I get scrolled up?
* iisi
reads Skipps last 3 lines...
the off-by-one problem is consistent across icon, mini-icon, and list modes and varies with font face and size
I'm guessing that the font (typeface+size) outlines are being hinted+smoothed differently.
does that work horizontally?
or vertically?
the problem here is vertical
I think FreeType will hint and smooth in both directions unless configured differently.
leading is 0 so that's not it
Wasn't intending 'leading', but rather how Foo 20pt vs Foo 21pt are grid-aligned and smoothed.
yeah but how do I fix that?
and does that affect the font height?
Actually, there's a thought: does the result change when hinting and/or smoothing are toggled?
12pt noto sans is 16.344 12pt deja vu sans is 13.96875 21pt not sands font height is 28.602 and 21pt deja vu is 24.445313
Hmm, you have subpixel heights, to fit in a set number of pixels. Trying to place an already rendered text into vertical center of a fixed size box seems somehow wrong?
If the font renderer can be told to vertically center into a known height, it could possibly adjust hinting+smoothing to create the appearance of 'center'.
Or maybe render into a higher resolution, and scale down to the target size (but could lose sharpness). This could allow using higher subpixel precision, though.
* iisi
reads more related code
I don't think it has to do with sub pixel precision it has to be a mismatch
Let me check my assumptions. This is for icons' text labels in Tracker, right? Is the problem that text is not always vertically centered?
* iisi
goes to install latest
yes, the problem is most visible in mini-icon mode
oh... you have to edit the name to see the problem
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Grr, now I'm "yak shaving". Logged into my Solus Linux box, and saw my 'panel' settings reverted.
Got frustrated trying to save my settings and not have some or all of them not actually went to take a shower.
Even trying to save a new preset lies. "iisi2 saved!" "iisi3 saved!", but selecting iisi2 uses values saved years ago, and iisi3 doesn't show in the list, and... *defenstrates Linux* (-:
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iisi you there?
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Yeah. Colour me "distracted".
* iisi
sets aside various weird Solus issues that never happen in Haiku, takes a calming breath
you update to latest haiku?
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(^o^) I forgot to attach a USB cable after changing monitors, so /no wonder/ the drive doesn't show up. -10 XP
I changed monitor, 1080p out 1440p in
Added a 1440p to the machine I'm about to boot, moved a 1200p to this machine, and moved a 1280p to a 1990s Mac.
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Bizarre. This USB stick not only still prevents POST, but if I insert it at any time while BIOS has control of the system (including when viewing BIOS setup), the machine halts.
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* iisi
shaves more yaks by switching to another USB stick
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Well, I did get to futz around with the text issue a bit, before I noticed that Haiku can ping and traceroute but can't load any IRC or HTTP connections.
I noticed this with my old hrevs that I still have, too, and with my Raspberry Pi-s.
But no issue in Solus Linux or Windows.
I had thought updating would help. Though maybe I just needed newer encryption algorithms or something.
But the only thing Haiku-latest will load is the nearest router's config page.
In lieu of continued yak shaving and troubleshooting my network config, I'm having dinner. (-: