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<zdykstra> can anybody else confirm that the Colors... menu option in Terminal on a recent nightly is non-functional?
<augiedoggie> what do you mean by non-functional?
<zdykstra> it doesn't show a window
<augiedoggie> mine does
<zdykstra> hrm
<augiedoggie> hrev57045+14
<zdykstra> hrev57038 here - I trashed /boot/home/config/settings/Terminal to no effect
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<zdykstra> jessicah: any thoughts on what might be cattywompus here?
<jessicah> No idea, hasn't been any changes
* zdykstra blames ionizing radiation due to an increase in 5G usage by leprechauns
<jessicah> Haha
<jessicah> Probably need to compile and add some debug logging
<jessicah> `syslog` is best for that
<jessicah> And then the problem will probably disappear :p
<zdykstra> 100% exactly what will happen
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<erysdren> i really really appreciate how nice-to-use Haiku's API is for creating a GUI application
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<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus ada885a - xorgproto, bump version (#8741)
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<erysdren> good morning
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<Begasus> hi erysdren
<erysdren> i'm sitting here tinkering with the Be API for Haiku
<erysdren> quite impressed with how clean and nice it is, especially compared to something like Win32 or X
<Begasus> whell, they must have done something good, we're still here :)
<erysdren> i guess that's what happens you focus on usability instead of legacy compatibility
<Begasus> still some BeOS legacy left I think
<erysdren> oh i was referring to BeOS itself
<erysdren> i've seen it said in a few places that BeOS was written with no legacy compatibility in mind
<erysdren> or something like that
<erysdren> my actual knowledge of BeOS is still pretty limited, i haven't read up on it extensively yet
<Begas_VM> only came in with the PE version (before updating to the Pro version)
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<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus bcfb403 - imagesize, bump version (#8761)
<jessicah> yay, no more broken pci in vbox :)
<Begas_VM> wouldn't know, running VMWare now :)
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<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b0a3254 - docutils, bump version (#8762)
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<Begasus> OscarL, speed up on python3.11 (if you read this) :)
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* OscarL is against introducing yet another Python version while already having 5 different ones to deal with.
<Begas_VM> Hola OscarL!
<OscarL> Hola Begas_VM :-)
<Begas_VM> well, korli suggested to add it to setuptools :)
<Begas_VM> actually only 2 atm OscarL (3.8 doesn't realy count anymore for new things)
<OscarL> Saw it. Liked it as a joke. Not so much as a serious suggestion :-)
<Begas_VM> And when I drop 3.8 from setuptools it won't work anymore for those needing a rebuild for that version :)
<Begas_VM> no official release for 3.11 yet?
<OscarL> are you dropping it from setuptools now? Doesn't that goes against korli's own "give it 6 more months" ?
<Begas_VM> check the PR :)
<Begas_VM> ah! can't be build (python3.11 rc2) with xlibe_devel installed OscarL (conflict with tk)
<OscarL> I guess I don't considered "maybe add python 3.11 at the same time? :)" a hard yes to your question about dropping it.
<Begasus> heh, probably read it too serieus :)
<OscarL> re 3.11, yes, it has officially released already. 3.12 is on the way.
<OscarL> But I really think we should have some discussions about a "Python support policy for Haiku", before introducing new versions.
<Begasus> tried it a few times (with other issues), doesn't get the needed attention sometimes
<OscarL> I would propose to only have, at most, 3 active at any given time. Default one, "intended next default", and "old default version that some user might still need".
<Begasus> as we got atm
<OscarL> The rest can be had as disabled recipes (but not get .hpkps for them)
<OscarL> We currently have 2.7, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10. Even if 2.7 and 3.7 are on the way out, and 3.8 is in comma... they are still there :-D
<Begasus> first 2 are mostly gone from the recipes (only the base packages for those remain atm)
<Begasus> could be that some old BeOS things still rely on the older ones?
<Begasus> but I guess we're past that (most of the libraries since then have seen updates to recent versions)
<OscarL> AFAIK, even Bethon is brokoen now (that would be the mayor Python 2.7 user in Haiku/BeOS that I know of).
<Begasus> yeah
<OscarL> Anyway... guess I'll try to update my old 3.11 branch, to get it closer to the finish line. Still I would not want it to be included. I'm seeing it more like a stepping stone to 3.12 (assuming that we can just leap-frog to that one as next Haiku default).
<Begasus> that's out of my leage :) up to the main Haiku devs :)
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<Begas_VM> bugger ... done quite some work on babel, should've started on the new version already ...
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<OscarL> "> inrecipe cmd:python$ | wc -l" Mmm... 116... even Telegram still BUILD_PREREQUIRES "cmd:python" :-(
<OscarL> why I see "lib:libpython3.7m" in the rizin 0.5.2 recipe?
<Begas_VM> eeps?
* Begas_VM hides
<OscarL> :-D
<Begas_VM> fixing ...
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<OscarL> Honest mistake, and not just wanting to see my head explode, I assume, right? RIGHT? :-D
<OscarL> heh
<Begas_VM> right .... (ducks)
<Begas_VM> saw the message yesterday that will become obsolete by setuptools?
<Begas_VM> not right away ...
<OscarL> Saw your linked article, nice one.
<OscarL> guess time to move to "python3 -m build" all the things! then :-P
<Begas_VM> new version fixed the versioning also, so now sphinx is working fine
<OscarL> saw that one too, nice!
<OscarL> can we retire the opencv-4.5.1 recipe?
<Begas_VM> yeah, even got it to build tex file that converts fine in texstudio (after the issue with was solved)
<Begas_VM> is it used? :)
<OscarL> I see 4.5.5 also active
<Begas_VM> or even obsoleted by new version?
<Begas_VM> think it's obsolete now
<OscarL> I'm not seeing much usage for opencv3 even.
<OscarL> but as 4.5.1 still requires numpy${secondaryArchSuffix}_python3... (the other two already switched to 3.9).... maybe we can just nuke it, right?
<Begasus> still around for compat (opencv3)
<Begasus> no dev package there
<Begasus> 4.5.1 is obsoleted by 4.5.5, so yes
<OscarL> k.
<OscarL> wish we did the same with the old rust recipes :-P
<Begasus> can't be installed :)
<Begasus> :P
<Begas_VM> babel package now +9MiB :P
<OscarL> ouch. was fatter before?
<Begas_VM> no, not even 300KiB :P
<OscarL> double ouch.
<Begasus> Make sure to not forget about the ``import_cldr`` step because otherwise
<Begasus> you will be missing the locale data.
<Begasus> was missing that to get sphinx fully functioning
* OscarL ponders on the idea of writting a ".whl to .hpkg" tool. Mmm.
<Begasus> doing double work? :)
<Begasus> they hardcode the cdlr version, so I added a SOURCE_URI for that in the babel recipe
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<Begasus> if only they would add a check for a system version ...
<OscarL> au contraire. I'm thinking of automating the creation of the recipe, given the .whl contains the right info.
<Begasus> the templates are working like a charm here :)
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<OscarL> I want to go to the next lazy step :-D
<OscarL> give url of .whl / pypi... get .recipe ready. :P
<Begasus> some things are not clear always (like copyright/license ...)
<OscarL> license can be read from the pypi page.
<OscarL> copyright, is the annoying one (we discussed this in the past :-P)
<Begas_VM> MIT is the easiest (mostly they contain year and author in there)
<OscarL> .whl contains LICENSE file.
<Begas_VM> most tgz too
<OscarL> just saying that, for most simple/small packages... I don't see much point on using the tarball to create the .whl and then install that, when we can just download the .whl and install that :-P (we are not doing much more on many of the simpler ones). Would simplify the BUILD_REQUIRES at least :-)
<OscarL> Anyway... just adding that to the "ToDo (maybe)" list :-P
<Begasus> that's an option too
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<Begasus> but can those "any" whl packages be used always?
<Begasus> you don't know what dependencies are behind a whl package?
<OscarL> there's METADATA inside the .whl package
<OscarL> "Requires-Dist: sphinx ~= 4.0 ; extra == "docs"" <<< example line from that file
<Begas_VM> Requires-Dist: mypy>=0.990 ; extra == "lint"
<OscarL> only two packages still requiring a "*_python3" package!
<Begas_VM> what is the "lint" here?
<OscarL> another package that will be used by mypy if it finds it, I think.
<Begas_VM> guess I need to add a few more to my list in the recipe?
<OscarL> mmm
<Begas_VM> we don't have mypy?
<Begas_VM> so it's not like you could drag that information out (installing sphinx will not work without mypy then)
<OscarL> I think I was reading those wrong... Maybe there meain... "this is needed for the 'lint' step". See there are also "extra == docs" and "extra == test".
<OscarL> So, maybe that's how they do similar to our BUILD_REQUIRES / TEST_REQUIRES.
<Begas_VM> current work so far on phinx
<Begas_VM> probably
<OscarL> mypy is used (among other things) as a static analyzer. Makes sense to have it in a "lint" step of their packaging creation process.
<OscarL> Notice the "Requires-Dist: colorama>=0.4.5; sys_platform == 'win32'" <<< colorama only needed when building for Win32.
<Begas_VM> sphinxcontrib-websupport (not here yet, might as well add that one too)
<Begas_VM> ah, could drop that one then
<OscarL> I've used colorama LOOONG ago. even sent a patch back then.
<Begas_VM> think I should stick to the list mentioned in pyproject.toml :)
<OscarL> the usual way of using it was "see if we're on windows, then import colorama, otherwise, don't bother"
<Begas_VM> colororama dropped in the recipe
<OscarL> unless sphinx imports it unconditionally... it should not be needed (but then that "sys_platform == 'win32" wouldn't be there, I guess :-D)
<OscarL> From old colorama changelog "Patch submitted by Oscar Lester" lol
<Begasus> one could check there too :)
<Begasus> you're down in the history! :)
<OscarL> Guess I'm not the only one with bad typing :-D
<OscarL> They got it right on the readme thou :-D
<Begasus> can't have it all :P
<OscarL> "9 years ago" Time flies.
<Begas_VM> By 2023-Oct-30, you need to update your project and remove deprecated calls
<Begas_VM> or your builds will no longer be supported.
<Begas_VM> new setuptools is quite verbal :P
<OscarL> (I think my patch was way older than that, actually... oh well)
<OscarL> After way too long of not even giving a hint of things being deprecated.... seems they went all in now :-D
<Begas_VM> k, need to fix pytest for a default cmd ....
<OscarL> Begas_VM: Does blender3 fails to build on 32 bits?
<Begas_VM> I don't know, not going to try that beast :P
<Begas_VM> it's not available in the depot for 32bit
<OscarL> Seems it was disabled with no much testing:
<Begasus> right, ask cocobean :)
<OscarL> Any way, just wondering, as the 2.79 has "numpy${secondaryArchSuffix}_python3", but commented out... can I just remove those so it stops appearing on my "inrecipe _python3$" searches ? :-D
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<OscarL> ("blender: Remove commented out references to _python3 packages, no functional changes." would be my commit message)
<Begas_VM> if so I wouldn't revbump it (no need for that)
<OscarL> exactly, yeah.
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<Begas_VM> ask someone why it's disabled? :) (beside me :P )
<OscarL> "-DWITH_PYTHON_INSTALL_NUMPY=OFF \" <<< they can add them back if turning that one ON at some point.
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-1/±0]
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 7ffff12 - opencv: retire recipe for obsoleted 4.5.1 version. (#8763)
<Begasus> devel:libturbojpeg$secondaryArchSuffix
<Begasus> that change shouldn't be needed
<Begasus> there is no devel for the old jpeg package
<OscarL> Let me see who reviewd that PR...
<Begasus> well, maybe back then it still was :)
<Begasus> 2021, could be ...
* Begasus whistels ...
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 44b4953 - rizin, use lib:libpython3.9 (#8764)
<Begasus> there, another one down for ya :)
<OscarL> was already off the list. let me turn it of and off again :-P
<Begas_VM> lol
<Begas_VM> pep517/gpep517, they keep coming ...
<OscarL> "- [x] rizin #8704 (and again on #8764)" <<< there.
<OscarL> :-P
<Begas_VM> rofl
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<Begas_VM> 'lo mrjones
<mrjones> hi there
<mrjones> any tool for batch fixing mail attributes? ;)
<OscarL> do some scripting with /bin/rmattr / /bin/addattr ?
<OscarL> ls /bin/*attr for the full list
<mrjones> I can do that after parsing the mails to get the metadata that should be stored.
<mrjones> mbox2mail kinda threw up on the date of the emails
<OscarL> I think I used mbox2mail. once... around 2004 :-D
<mrjones> that's about the age of my oldest emails converted ;)
<mrjones> well, they don't go further back than 2009 - but still
<mrjones> mbox2mail decided a lot of those mails were from 1 january 1970
<OscarL> <<< not much activity there in the last 13 years. might be some bugs living there :-D
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<mrjones> I gather that. Seeing new mails fetched by mail_daemon are quite fine, I guess a commandline tool based on the parser from mail_daemon would be the way to go
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* OscarL gives "hp -G u-boot" another go (on 64 bits this time).
<woffs> hi! wireless iprowifi2200 on x86 (IBM Thinkpad X41) does not want to connect to my mobile hotspot ("wrong password?"), while connecting to fritzbox works fine. how to debug? I'm an experienced linux admin but rather new to haiku
<Begas_VM> No module named 'exceptiongroup' ...
<Begas_VM> woffs, welcome, did you check the forum?
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<woffs> there's a forum?
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<Begasus> waddlesplash, should be the one to ask, but he's around later (or better respond on the forum there)
<Begasus> it's an older thread, but I've seen mentions more recent about wireless and password saving ...
<woffs> thank you, I'll have a look
<OscarL> there are several reports of users having that "wrong password" issue on the bug tracker.
<Begasus> that's there also :)
<Begasus> lol OscarL : blender: Remove commented out references to _python3 packages, no fun…
<OscarL> ...tional changes." that split was just spot on.
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 91e7696 - blender: Remove commented out references to _python3 packages, no functional changes. (#8765)
<Begasus> yeah! :D
<OscarL> "*** Failed to find a match for "cmd:arm_none_eabi_gcc": Name not found"
<Begasus> argh! forgot to revbump rizin ...
<Begasus> not touching those OscarL
<OscarL> "- [x] rizin #8704 (and again on #8764) >> and yet again on xxxx"
<Begasus> think those 2 there need a revbump for the base one
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> ah no, rizin is fine :D
<Begasus> new python one ...
<Begasus> think I'm about 12 new ones already
<Begasus> this one is needed for pytest
<OscarL> no wonder sphinx was just pip installed when needed.
<Begas_VM> and only because I wanted the docs for assimp :P
<OscarL> just another reason to NOT RTFM ;-D
<Begas_VM> checking pytest for pytz ...
<Begas_VM> LOL
<OscarL> welp, this u-boot thing is going nowhere.
<OscarL> (only available on the depot for x86, it seems)
<OscarL> arm_none_eabi_gcc << that one, I mean.
<Begas_VM> you first got to fix the arm_none... stuff
<Begas_VM> flit_scm :/
<Begas_VM> the further you go the further you fall into the pit ...
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<OscarL> Begas_VM: do poetry after you finish with this pit! :-D
<Begasus> I'll start writing python haiku's :P
<OscarL> (by that time, I guess you'll already had at least half the dependencies ready :-D)
<Begasus> yeah, but haven't started to fill in all the gaps in the recipe (from template) :)
<Begasus> first setuptools needs to be merged (atleast for one of the sphinx sub-packages)
<OscarL> I think I'll just add a PR for u-boot, adding the missing PATCHES, switching to setuptools_python39, and marking it as disabled, as it can't be currently be built due to missing dependencies.
<Begas_VM> bugger, setuptools_scm needs updating there too
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<woffs> wifi to that AP seems to work after adding the password entry by hand into the keystore, like
* mrjones is idle: doing dishes
<OscarL> woffs: maybe add a comment there then, explaing that you had to do that manually despite the ticket marked as closed.
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<woffs> maybe I should
<woffs> another problem is the default gw disappearing when switching networks. I re-add it by hand, too, but i wonder
<Begas_VM> not giving in that easy ... :) grabbing exceptiongroup_python310-1.1.1-1-any.hpkg and moving it to /boot/home/haikuports/packages/exceptiongroup_python310-1.1.1-1-any.hpkg
<OscarL> 10℃ and I'm kinda freezing. thats what I get after too many long summers of 35-40+ ℃ (and lows not lower than 25℃)
<Begas_VM> eeps OscarL that's cold for the time of year
<OscarL> not down here :-D
<win8linux[m]> Canonical recently announced that the next Ubuntu LTS will have an all-Snap release, alongside the regular mixed DEBs/Snap one.
<win8linux[m]> Would that be the closest thing to a Haiku-esque immutable Linux distro?
<OscarL> fedora's silversomething already does that, no?
<win8linux[m]> Sort of, but rpm-ostree is only for system packages while Flatpak is for user applications.
<OscarL> Porteus uses "modules" you activate without unpacking (IIRC).
<win8linux[m]> Snap and pkgman meanwhile don't make that distinction and handle all packages.
<win8linux[m]> Both also mount packages atop a read-only system.
<win8linux[m]> Then again, every immutable system does that.
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<Begas_VM> nice! 234 passed, 2 warnings in 2.78s (for pytz) :)
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<Begas_VM> OscarL ... I'm a bit lost to what to push first now :P
<OscarL> heh. do a mega PR :-D
<Begas_VM> Guess I should hook setuptools_scm together with the setuptools one first
<Begas_VM> for the new ones I plan to
<OscarL> "Fixes/Adds stuffs" would be a good enough comment, I think.
<Begas_VM> yeah, but some need the newer ones (like pytest requires exceptiongroup also now)
<OscarL> (can already imaging korli screaming on the background :-P)
<Begas_VM> heh
<Begas_VM> for pytz and flit_scm I had to use the PRETEND fix
<Begas_VM> should see if there is anything regarding that on the net ...
<Begas_VM> without "LookupError: setuptools-scm was unable to detect version for /sources/flit_scm-1.7.0."
<Begas_VM> ah! can't use -G for those OscarL, seems they pull the version from the git tag
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<OscarL> mmm but how the git repo initialized by haikuporter would have anything to do with their true git tags?
<Begas_VM> __version__ = version = '0.1.dev1+gd8a5e78' ... still looks strange ...
<OscarL> seems to me that the is wronly assuming the .git repo is the upstream one without even checking. and seeing that HP creates a .git... they pull the "tag" from it, then you get those weird ".dev1+sha"
<Begas_VM> this one is using pyproject.toml
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<OscarL> same thing, if they are using git to generate the version from tags (or other git info)
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<OscarL> If SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION works, I say, use that.
<OscarL> alternatively, maybe there's a "version.txt" file or similar we could patch via sed, for example?
* OscarL crosses fingers while tryingt to build u_boot on 32 bits.
<Begasus> idealy it would be fine if we could fix setuptools_scm so we wouldn't need the "fix" :)
<OscarL> setuptools and friends are on the way out, and that issue with the version affects only a few packages, maybe the issue is on the packages and not on setuptools_scm ?
<OscarL> We could take a look anyway, but seems low prio, no?
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<Begasus> yep, but you know me, first do some digging :)
<OscarL> :-)
<OscarL> well. u_boot build failed still/again on 32 bits, same issue.
<Begas_VM> bugger :/
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<OscarL> <<< I still count it as crossing one off from the Python 3.7 list :-D
<Begasus> you could poke someone there to have a peek :)
<OscarL> done.
<erysdren> gnight all
<OscarL> hi erysdren.
<OscarL> Cold 9:00 here. /me goes for coffee after "Failed to find a match for 'six_python3'"
<Begas_VM> heh
<Begas_VM> cu erysdren!
<OscarL> how come "good night all" counts as "goodbye" but "good morning" counts as "hello" ? /me think that wrongly discriminates against nightowls like me :-P
<Begas_VM> me guesses he's going down (as he already said hey this morning here) :)
<Begas_VM> it doesn't count in your case :P
<OscarL> just found it funny that it didn't even registered as a "bye" in my head, and I was even confused by your "cu" reply :-D
<Begas_VM> I don't think we need the PRETEND= for setuptools_scm recipe
<Begas_VM> that one is fine ...
* Begas_VM looks who put it there ...
<OscarL> mmm I wonder who removed six_python3... me goes to check.
<OscarL> " * Begas_VM looks who put it there ..." got worried for a sec, korli's avatar and mine kinda look alike at that small sizes.
<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> lol ... paging ... :P
<OscarL> :D
<OscarL> mmm when will this newbie learn? korli removed six_python3 on his mega patch. :-D
<OscarL> At least it wasn't I who broke it :-D
<Begas_VM> well, you wanted to drop python3.7 :P
<OscarL> and I was being careful about doing so, unlike some folks. /me shakes head. :-P
<Begas_VM> you just didn't had the time to write a script to do that yourself? ;)
<Begas_VM> getting close to 100 python packages in the packaged directory ;)
<OscarL> I was just still not confident enough to script the updates :-D Next time... I migtht just yolo it myself too :-D
<Begasus> best start with something now :)
<OscarL> I need to check this mozc recipe against six_python3, because It fails to build with six_python39, and I don't know if that's due to some change in Python, on six, or what. Guess I'll just reactivate six for 3.7 locally now.
<Begasus> there, added setuptools_scm to the PR
<Begasus> no patches around for mozc?
<OscarL> I get lost too easily around repology.
<OscarL> running hp mozc_x86
<Begas_VM> heh
<Begas_VM> OS's I check mostly: Alpine, Arch, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo and openSUSE
<OscarL> still, our mozc seems to be a fork.
<OscarL> homepage points to google/mozc on github, but sources are for hanya/mozc (haiku specific fork)
<Begasus> yeah, just looked
<Begasus> patch doesn't seem to hard, could you look for the latest version around, I think hanya forked it and used it's own instead of upstream?
<Begasus> nothing related to haiku in that fork ...
<OscarL> there are 2 haiku branches, one with 135 commits ahead.
<Begasus> ah!
<OscarL> not going there for now, not untill I see if it still builds with Python 3.7
<Begasus> another story yes ...
<Begasus> biab
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<Begasus> re
<OscarL> building mozc_x86 on 32 bits, with Python3.7 + six_python3: "[677/693]" and seems it ran out of memory :-(
<Begas_VM> jikes :/
<OscarL> trying again (hoping it doesn't starts from zero).
<Begas_VM> guess you should have sticked with the python recipes :)
<OscarL> indeed.
<Begas_VM> with the templates you have a package in 5 minutes :)
<OscarL> but at least it is clear that there's an issue with Python 3.7 vs 3.9 for this recipe... 3.9 is giving some UnicodeDecodeError that 3.7 doesn't seems to complain about.
<OscarL> yup. std::bad_alloc again. Guess I'll try on bare metal for this one. brb
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<OscarL_32> I had to set IPv4 to Disabled, and then back to Dynamic after rebooting to get networ going. Happened a couple of times already. Weird.
<Begas_VM> nightly?
<OscarL_32> beta4
<OscarL_32> Segment violation now: "0x71afac700x219ae50BPrivate::superblock::superblock(int, int, BPrivate::hoardHeap*) + 0x20 " :-/
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<OscarL_32> mmm, yes. quite. I surely understood some of that.
<Begas_VM> heh
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<OscarL_32> "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'" << dead end for me.
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<OscarL_32> Guess I should open an issue detailing the problems with mozc, can't really do much else.
<Begas_VM> nice, pytest working fine here :)
<OscarL_32> And that leaves us with only fife, libreoffice 6.4, scribus. /me pushes those next to Begas_VM's laptop.
<Begas_VM> hey! I already have plee_the_bear and kdevelop open :P
<Begas_VM> exceptiongroup required for pytest, pytest required to run the tests for exceptiongroup ... :P
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<Begas_VM> Testing ...
<Begas_VM> ================================================================================================================= test session starts =================================================================================================================
<Begas_VM> platform haiku1 -- Python 3.9.16, pytest-7.3.1, pluggy-1.0.0 -- /bin/python3.9
<Begas_VM> cachedir: .pytest_cache
<Begas_VM> rootdir: /sources/flit_scm-1.7.0
<Begas_VM> collected 0 items
<Begas_VM> no test there, but still fine :)
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<OscarL_32> something's odd when pasting multilines on github with Web+ (seems to eat away the \n, leaving just a long line :-/)
<Begas_VM> test for exceptiongroup :)
<Begas_VM> k, that's done too ...
<Begas_VM> could we test pytest with pytest? ;)
<OscarL_32> worked with "build" for building "build".
<OscarL_32> :-P
<Begas_VM> wee!! :D
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<OscarL_32> Web+/github seems to also lower case the text I'm trying to paste, weird.
<Begas_VM> blockquotes?
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<Begas_VM> OscarL_32 maybe you could fix haikuporter to warn about missing deps for the python recipes? :P
<Begas_VM> hi zard
<Begas_VM> xmlschema and hypothesis missing to run the tests for pytest ...
<OscarL_32> maybe those are just like our TEST_REQUIERES no? see any "extra == tests" there?
<OscarL_32> rebooting.
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<zard> hi Begas_VM :D
<Begas_VM> Warning: POLICY ERROR: no matching provides "cmd:xmlschema_json2xml" for "bin/xmlschema-json2xml"
<Begas_VM> editing ... :)
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<Begas_VM> OscarL about those 2 earlier, right, only needed in TEST()
<OscarL> <<< could to the same clean up of final "\n" as you did for the setuptools_scm :-)
<Begasus> right, didn't check that one :)
<Begasus> already doing for the others
<OscarL> nice.
<Begas_VM> grabbing xmlschema_python310-2.3.0-1-any.hpkg and moving it to /boot/home/haikuports/packages/xmlschema_python310-2.3.0-1-any.hpkg
<Begas_VM> one down :) (contains 3 cmd's, using defaultVersion there too) :)
<Begas_VM> should finetune that one for setuptools a bit more
<OscarL> K, Seems I'm officially out of work (that I can tackle) for the "drop Python 3.7" list.
<OscarL> Maybe I should open a similar one only for Python 2.7 :-D
<Begas_VM> just add it to the list? :P
<Begas_VM> Warning: skipping setuptools-67.8.0, as the recipe is broken ... :p
<Begas_VM> biab
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<Begasus> re
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57052] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0e86ca77e772 - Tracker: Fix memory leak
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57053] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0992009d13f1 - libnetapi: remove support for old OpenSSL versions, prepare for OpenSSL 3
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57054] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] bfd3d337654c - strace: Print detailed signal information
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<Begasus> cleaned up the PR OscarL :)
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<Anarchos> hellloooo
<OscarL> Begasus: cool. will take a look as soon as I finish this "noteshrink" (shouldn't take too long now).
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-3/±1]
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 4f21ff6 - atk: remove obsolete recipes, drop Python 2.x requirement. (#8768)
<OscarL> hi Anarchos.
<Begasus> Hi Anarchos
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<zdykstra> hi Anarchos
<Begasus> don't think we need the line with "python egg_info", doesn't seem to make any diff
<Begasus> is zstd part of Haiku's core somewhere?
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<OscarL> Begasus: it is the compression method used for hpkg files since some time ago, no?
<OscarL> zstd_devel is needed to build haiku.
<Begas_VM> not sure, think I saw something passing by from it
<Begas_VM> hence I didn't merge there yet
<Begas_VM> Error importing plugin "setuptools.tests.fixtures": No module named 'setuptools.tests' :) there is another one! :P
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<OscarL> setuptools PR LGTM (no idea what " egg_info" is for, so... I'd say drop it if it wasn't there before :-P)
<OscarL> "checkdepends", is that similar to our TEST_REQUIRES, Begasus ?
<Begasus> yep OscarL
<Begasus> quite a list there (also at Gentoo)
<OscarL> if we did it this far without TEST() for setuptools... I wouldn't worry to much now that it is being replaced :-D
<Begasus> nah, just wanted to check :)
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<Begas_VM> 185 passed, 66 skipped, 3 xfailed, 1 xpassed in 67.74s (0:01:07)
<Begas_VM> for setuptools_scm (not bad) :)
<Begas_VM> better ... 219 passed, 32 skipped, 3 xfailed, 1 xpassed
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<Anarchos> thanks to waddlesplash the recent nightlies circumvent the MSI-X trouble
<Begas_VM> +1 :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57055] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 269de6accafd - BScrollView: Take both minimum dimensions of scrollbars into account.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ef8e820bc711 - FileTypes: Remove workaround.
<Begas_VM> waddlesplash is on the roll! :)
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+4/-4/±0]
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy b5e1e70 - arm_none_eabi_*: update with latest versions and enable for all architectures
<OscarL> I won't escape that u_boot build, it seems :-D
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57056] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 338fedd65a5b - Tracker: Fix memory leak
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-c849d97b> [haikuports/haikuports] pulkomandy 8f4c614 - arm_none_eabi_binutils: fix provides for secondary arch
<Begas_VM> doesn't seem so OscarL :P
<Begas_VM> and ... another module missing ...
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<OscarL_32> scipy/ UserWarning: A NumPy version >=1.16.5 and <1.23.0 is required for this version of SciPy (detected version 1.23.3)
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<OscarL_32> that's with scipy_x86_python39 1.6.3-3 (on both 32 and 64 bits)
<Begas_VM> what's our version atm?
<OscarL> other than the warning, it seems to be working OK.
<OscarL> "(detected version 1.23.3)"
<Begas_VM> should be good then :)
<Begas_VM> iirc newer version for numpy wanted ... rust or ruby ... not sure anymore
<OscarL> seems like it is scipy the one that's a bit old for our numpy.
<Begas_VM> that's a can of worms also iirc :)
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<OscarL> k. noteshink PR open (re-enable recipe, switch to Python 3.9). Seems to work pretty well. Too bad it lacks proper docs.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57057] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] de07bc3fa586 - kernel/vm: handle page protections in cut_area
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] fbcc7b2711dc - BScrollView: Ajust minimum dimensions as little as necessary.
<waddlesplash> oops
<waddlesplash> I didn't want to push that change
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57058] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] cb1df90e3019 - Revert "kernel/vm: handle page protections in cut_area"
<Begas_VM> need sphinx OscarL? ;)
<Begas_VM> putting required packages for testing in pytest so I don't have to add them seperatly in the other recipes
<Begas_VM> someone should tell gpg to install binaries in $prefix/bin :P
<Begas_VM> testing/ SKIPPED (gpg executable not found) [ 51%]
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57059] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 1eb7837ddd00 - usb_disk: Ensure we are in a consistent locking state before calling free.
<OscarL> Begas_VM: you mean that every package using pytest will also depend on, say, hipothesis? (that doesn't feels right to me, TBO)
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<Begas_VM> not OscarL?
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<Begas_VM> well, don't think there is any "real" dependency for pytest aside in TEST()?
<OscarL> similar thing with "build". it has few to none "hard" dependencies. I debated with myself adding at least setuptools to it, because it is used as a fallback if no other build system is specified, but if a project uses build with flit_core instead... why will it need to depend on setuptools?
<OscarL> I rather be explicit on the direct dependencies. otherwise it makes things harder to understand after time passes.
<Begas_VM> hmm ... k, can live with that, will be for tomorrow, now trying to round this up :)
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<OscarL> the trick is also not add too much dependencies, just because they usually go together (a risk when using templates).
<Begas_VM> well, I need some for build dependencies, can't get away there
<OscarL> sure thing, but, for example.... not every recipe that uses build/installer needs to declare dependencies on setuptools/wheel.
<OscarL> just a thing to keep an eye out for.
<Begas_VM> I had to change setuptools to setuptools_scm a few times already
<Begas_VM> will do
<OscarL> it is all very tricky, and gets annoying, fast :-)
<Begas_VM> yeah, and most of the ones I checked in the last days switched to "build" instead of using
<OscarL> and when you think you "got it", they came up with yet another build system, new dependencies, or they just drop ones!
<Begas_VM> right :D
<OscarL> that's why I try to stick to just the standard library as I can for my own Python code.
<OscarL> hate this dependency mess.
<Begas_VM> adding: defaultTestVersion="python39" for TEST_REQUIRES
<OscarL> s/as I can/as much as I can/
<Begas_VM> I "could" narrow down the dependencies for the TEST on setuptools_scm (but then I'm lost not knowing if it could work or not) :)
<Begas_VM> previous test without cmd:hg were skipped, now I know those tests are fine too
<OscarL> do your best effort, as you always do, but don't sweat too much. can always refine things later.
<OscarL> Wow, lost track of time, 16:30 already? food break.
<Begas_VM> heh
<Begas_VM> enjoy your meal
<jmairboeck> OscarL: I added another suggestion to your noteshrink PR, which is more work, but would be cleaner IMHO
<OscarL> thanks jmairboeck!
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<Begasus> k, enough smoke for today :)
<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57060] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] bd90416925c9 - USB: Do not wait for first explore in Stack constructor.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57061] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0450e7b8022c - USB: Acquire the device manager lock before Explore.
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<PulkoMandy> OscarL: I didn't have time to look at uboot today, but at least the dependencies should be in place now. I may look again tomorrow
<OscarL> Thanks PulkoMandy! Will see if I get a build going before hitting the bed today :-D
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