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orealis has joined #haiku
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57314] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 81c282f4b52c - bus_managers/pci: dynamically register host controllers
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57315] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 163053a45c7e - scheduler: Only unassign a thread's core if it is not pinned
<win8linux[m]> Just wondering, how come packages don't show up in mount if they're mounted atop a read-only system?
<x512[m]> > `packagefs 4.0 KiB 4.0 KiB QAM-P-- /boot/system`
<x512[m]> Is a mount point of all system packages.
<x512[m]> * > `packagefs 4.0 KiB 4.0 KiB QAM-P-- /boot/system`
<x512[m]> Is a mount point of all system packages.
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<OscarL> The "Device" column on that df output should be left-justified.
<OscarL> is that how it looks on nightlies?
<OscarL> Guessing that should read: " %-24s ", right?
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<nielx[m]> Goedemorgen Begasus
<nielx[m]> I have no idea why LLVM installs its binaries in bin and not bin/x86 on 32 bit :-(
<Begasus> goede morgen nielx[m]
<Begasus> I think somehow the tools destination overides CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR?
<Begasus> otherwise moving back to using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead of cmakeDirArgs could solve it?
<nielx[m]> Found this in llvm/CMakeList.txt thought: set(LLVM_TOOLS_INSTALL_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}" CACHE STRING
<Begasus> unfortunatly my 32bit laptop isn't quite up to the test, otherwise I would do a check for it
<nielx[m]> yeah, same here, but I guess I will have to start spinning up my VM
<Begasus> err right that was bindir
<nielx[m]> at least to get through the configure phase
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<Begasus> mentioned the change for that on the issue
<Begasus> LLVM12 is still fine using CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR and LIBSUFFIX
<Begasus> err ... CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
<Begasus> biab ... dogs :)
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<Begasus> re
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<nielx[m]> Begasus_32: We were very naive. I'll add a comment to the ticket.
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<Begasus> nielx[m], just saw your comment :)
<Begasus> maybe just nuke that part?
<Begasus> would mead adding $secondaryArchSuffix to the binaries then though
<nielx[m]> I think that's fine...
<nielx[m]> Feels more correct, doesn't it
<Begasus> will do a local check here too on that 32bit laptop, won''t be fast, but atleast I could check it out if it doesn't overheat and closes down :)
<Begasus> config scripts are already looking there so yes
<Begasus> and I don't think much of the binaries are directly used elsewhere
<nielx[m]> agreed!
<Begasus> k, maybe by this evening I could have a build (crosses fingers) :)
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57316] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] ef3798d699c3 - Update translations from Pootle
<Begasus> some of the conflicts in there need cleaning too
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] davidkaroly ff86fea - openssl: update to 1.1.1w (#9590)
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] jackburton79 9e28357 - Add recipe for BeScreenCapture 2.8.0 (#9576)
<Begasus> Buildmasters got an upgrade (seems so fast that openssl is finished)? :)
<win8linux[m]> <x512[m]> "> `packagefs 4.0 KiB 4.0 KiB..." <- > <> > `packagefs 4.0 KiB 4.0 KiB QAM-P-- /boot/system`... (full message at <>)
<win8linux[m]> How does Haiku keep its boot relatively fast, despite mounting packages?
<win8linux[m]> Similar packaging systems on Linux struggle with longer boot times.
<augiedoggie> they aren't really mounted, the file contents are read from the hpkg on demand
<x512[m]> This is what mount means.
<augiedoggie> i mean they aren't mounted individually
<x512[m]> Data is read on demand when mounted.
<augiedoggie> but this is more like a loopback mount than a regular device
<x512[m]> HPKG here act as file system.
<x512[m]> Single mount may use multiple disks as data source.
<augiedoggie> i'm too tired to explain what i mean
<x512[m]> This is applicable not only to packagefs, but also to RAID and multi-volume file systems (ZFS etc.).
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<erysdren> howdy everybody
<Begas_VM> Hi erysdren
<erysdren> i'm bored tonight
<erysdren> not in the mood to do any work
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<Begasus> heh
<Begasus> hi jmairboeck
<Begasus> got sidetracked (again) :)
<jmairboeck> hi Begasus
<Begasus> still wished I could run 32bit native here ...
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-2/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 5bd0a04 - cppcheck: update to version 2.12.1 (#9582)
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<Begas_VM> [572/4967] this could take a while :)
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<nielx[m]> time for the supermarket then
<Begas_VM> grandchildren in a bit :)
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<Luca91> Hi all
<erysdren> hello!
<Luca91> I'm trying to port a tool that uses libcheck. I see that there is already a "check" hpkg in the repo, but cmake keep complaining about the missing libcheck. So I gave a closer look at FindLibcheck.cmake and... yeah it is looking for include files etc, that aren't part of the check hpkg
<Luca91> I suspect that what I need is the "devel" package. Am I right?
<Luca91> asking this just to make sure I'm on the right track
<erysdren> yeah, the devel package includes the headers
<erysdren> the standard package will only have runtime necessary stuff
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<erysdren> Begasus: do you know if anyone's tried to port Microsoft's vcpkg?
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<Luca91> erysdren: ok thanks a lot. Is there any doc that I can read about creating the "devel" package? sorry for this noob question
<erysdren> is there no check_devel?
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<Luca91> arghhhh this webclient keep disconnecting...
<Luca91> anyway nope, now check_devel as far as i can see
<Begasus> Luca91, configuration files like pkgconfig/cmake etc are always included in the devel packages (or should be)
<Begasus> erysdren, no idea there
<Luca91> hey Begasus
<Begasus> hello there :)
<Luca91> the problem is that there is no libcheck devel package
<erysdren> ah i see
<Luca91> so I need to create one :)
<Begasus> is it included in "check"?
<Begasus> repology doesn't report much on libcheck:
<Luca91> Begasus: the check hpkg doesn't contains the "include" etc
<Begasus> got 2 laptops running a build for llvm atm, can't really take a closer look
<Luca91> for example: I don't have check.h
<Begas_VM> [1641/4967]
<Begas_VM> a bit further :)
<Luca91> it is the first time I try to crate a "devel" package, so I get easily confused, sorry :)
<Luca91> I'll check how other "devel" recipes are written to get a better idea
<Begasus> looking at the recipe it should provide libcheck
<Luca91> Begasus: yes but it lacks includes etc
<Luca91> or... am I missing something?
<Begasus> do you have the devel package for check installed?
<Luca91> Begasus: eh no, that's what I'm trying to create
<Luca91> please look at the freebsd devel libcheck port:
<Luca91> it contains include/check.h
<Luca91> I need to create such package, but since this is the first time that I create a "devel" package, I don't know how to proceed. Is there any doc that I can read?
<Begasus> in Haiku this is "develop/headers" aks $includeDir
<Begasus> do you use configure for the build?
<Begasus> the package for check should be ok
<Luca91> Begasus: I think we are talking about different issue. Sorry I'm just confusing you. I'll try to summarize: 1) In haiku there is only "check" package 2) to port the software I'm working on, I need the "check-devel" package 3) I'm looking for any info in order to create the "check-devel" package
<Luca91> sorry about the confusion
<Begas_VM> there is already a check devel package
<Begas_VM> looking at it's content it should be fine
<Begas_VM> ~> pkg-config-x86 check --cflags
<Begas_VM> -I/packages/check_x86-0.15.2-1/.self/develop/headers/x86
<Begas_VM> 32bit here
<Luca91> Begas_VM: uhm, let me check a moment
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<Begas_VM> check check ... check :)
<Luca91> no phun intended :D
<Begas_VM> nope :P
<Begas_VM> but I'm out for a bit, grandchildren :)
<Begas_VM> if your recipe is looking for libcheck be sure to have "devel:libcheck$secondaryArchSuffix" in BUILD_REQUIRES
<Luca91> Begas_VM: I'm on 64bit anyway
<Begasus> doesn't matter, on 64bit $secondaryArchSuffix is empty
<Begasus> out ... cu later
<Luca91> ah, thanks
<Luca91> *ok
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<Luca91> I might be blind, but the only version of check that I see on the repo is this one:!/pkg/check/haikuports/haikuports_x86_64/0/15/2/-/1/x86_64?bcguid=bc923-VMDQ
<Luca91> and it is missing the "include" (so it isn't the "devel" one)
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<erysdren> omg
<erysdren> why on earth is SIOCGIFHWADDR commented out in posix/net/if_tun.h
<erysdren> it's like they're trying to make my life harder
<erysdren> lol
<x512[m]> Maybe because not implemented?
<erysdren> maybe so
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<erysdren> it's been addressed in haikuports before
<erysdren> in the patches for rust, they just define it as a const variable
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<erysdren> ok, so haiku is missing the if.hwadr stuff entirely
<erysdren> not sure how to replace it to get vcpkg to build
<x512[m]> Why vcpkg need if.hwadr?
<x512[m]> Sounds suspicious.
<erysdren> it's a package manager
<erysdren> i don't use it myself, but i need to compile on haiku so i can build TrenchBroom
<Habbie> is empty
<Habbie> so maybe it's some lib it uses?
<x512[m]> Github search is unreliable.
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<Habbie> ok, i cloned it locally and searched it now :0
<Habbie> no mention
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<erysdren> Habbie: not in the vcpkg repository
<erysdren> it's in vcpkg-tool
<Habbie> ah
<erysdren> vcpkg-tool has the actual source code of the tool
<erysdren> vcpkg repository is just the setup scripts
<Habbie> i see it
<Habbie> it's for metrics
<Habbie> not really surprising
<erysdren> yeah not surprising
<erysdren> i don't care about vcpkg, i just wanna build TrenchBroom
<erysdren> but it relies on vcpkg :/
<x512[m]> Thanks for knowing that vcpkg is spyware.
<Habbie> i'd almost be tempted to ask Haiku to keep that ioctl broken ;)
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<nielx[m]> Begasus: still going strong?
<Begasus> on this one yes :)
<Begasus> nuked the build on the other one, was only at somewhat 600 targets :/
<Begas_VM> [2921/4967]
<Begas_VM> only changes I've made is adding the $secondaryArchSuffix and commented out the move in INSTALL
<Begas_VM> I can still grab the build from this one and test it on the other one once done
<Begas_VM> meanwhile, doing some cpp training :)
<Habbie> cpp? C++?
<Begas_VM> yep, in code::blocks (on Windows)
<Begas_VM> well, I gather cpp is the same as c++?
<Habbie> if you're very specific, cpp is the C preprocessor
<Habbie> which both C and C++ use
<Habbie> before the code hits the actual compiler, which is C or C++
<Habbie> however, many C++ source files are called .cpp :)
<Begas_VM> installded the version with preinstalled gcc there
<Begas_VM> it's hard enough as it is ;)
<Habbie> oh yeah
<Habbie> no need to add hard mode
<Begas_VM> taking baby steps :D
<Begas_VM> we should get code::blocks up and running on Haiku
<Habbie> when people suggest 'baby steps' they never realise how much babies just fall over
<Begas_VM> but I could use Genio there too
<Habbie> Cross-platform. Runs on Linux, Mac, Windows (uses wxWidgets).
<Begas_VM> heh, been there :)
<Habbie> that should be doable
<Begas_VM> already attempted (there is a "disabled" recipe at haikuports
<Habbie> there appear to be many things called Genio, which one do you mean?
<Begas_VM> the Haiku IDE
<Habbie> oh! it's already there :)
<Habbie> i misread "could"
<Habbie> ok yes that looks neat
<Begas_VM> return did the first one on wgqt, with wxgtk it was a bit better iirc
<Habbie> qt is the one that runs more 'natively' on Haiku, right?
<Begas_VM> wxgtk is better in my experience
<Habbie> ah
<Begas_VM> didn't get the scummvm-tools gui with wxqt, with wxgtk it works fine (iirc :) )
<Begasus> Nice, works fine with Geany also :D
<Begasus> that one we have at haikuports :D
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<erysdren> i should see how TrenchBroom uses vcpkg and see if i could patch it or use a recie
<erysdren> a recipe magic trick*
<erysdren> right
<erysdren> i think haiku has most or all of those
<Habbie> without having checked how TB exactly uses them, there's a decent chance you can
<Habbie> exactly
<Habbie> Begasus, nice!
<Habbie> Begasus, i assume you're not looking for feedback on your code right now? :)
<Begasus> and not Haiku this time lol
<Begasus> please don't! :P
<Habbie> ok :D
<Begasus> I can read a fair amount of code, only helps me understand it more
<Habbie> indeed
<Begas_VM> [2984/4967] about 2000 to go :)
<nielx[m]> I might grow old :-P
<Begas_VM> already there nielx[m] :P
<Begas_VM> on bare metal 64bit it probably would have finished already
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<nielx[m]> indeed... what would be machines that we can run 32 bit Haiku natively on be/
<nielx[m]> or should we rather accept that we are in a 64 bit world now...
<erysdren> i installed haiku on a 2006 ThinkPad which was 32-bit
<erysdren> bleck, freeimage in haikudepot doesn't provide a cmake package
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<Begasus> knock yourself out on that one (tried a few time already) :)
<Begasus> time(s)*
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<erysdren> ah damn
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<Begasus> Genio seems somehow broken?
<Begasus> when I go to the menu and select new file nothing shows up ...
<Begasus> will need to investigate that later :)
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<erysdren> Begasus: where's the best spot in haikuports for a level editor
<erysdren> one that isn't totally engine-specific
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<B2IA> (Dane) AGMS everything's running like clockwork now.
<B2IA> (Dane) I did a test run on "A Christmas Carol" (the old1939 version) and that's all set for Christmas eve.
<OscarL> (after reading some IRC logs): Seems Luca91 failed to use `pkgman install check_devel`.
<OscarL> or... he just fell victim of search UI...
<OscarL> there's an easy to miss checkbox that enables searching for _devel/source/debugInfo packages.
<OscarL> erysdren: "game-util/" sounds reasonable for a level-editor, no?
<OscarL> *games-util
<OscarL> Gentoo has SLADE (a DOOM editor) there at least:
<zdykstra> OscarL: guten tag!
<OscarL> Aloha zdykstra :-D
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<B2IA> (AGMS-Cottage) Dane, yes I can hear your Christmas radio station coming through on
<OscarL> zdykstra: watched a video the other day about that mid-west vintage computer festival.... and wondered if any of those faces was yours :-D
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<OscarL> df's output doesn't looks nice:
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<augiedoggie> it's even worse with an nfs mount
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<OscarL> I was just trying to test the change from right-aligned to left-alinged (" %-24s " on line 165)...
<OscarL> but with long device names... ain't helpin' :-P
<augiedoggie> my /dev devices show up right justified but the nfs mount shows up on the left
<OscarL> where's that function that shortens strings adding an ellipsis in the middle?
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<OscarL> df.cpp lines 49-50 seems to be a left over from where the Mount column was the first one.
<OscarL> and that causes that "empty" line I see on its output (before my last two bfs volumes)
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<OscarL> augiedoggie: does this looks better to you (compared to my previous one, at least?)
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<Anarchos> i use openjdk17, how do i get the junit package ?
<x512[m]> Use Maven?
<OscarL> Anarchos: perhaps like on other Unixes?
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<Anarchos> x512[m] indeed...
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<Anarchos> pkgman Failed to find a match for "cmd:maven"
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<augiedoggie> OscarL: i don't like having two lines of output, it's already difficult enough to parse the output in scripts and stuff
<OscarL> then? :-D
<OscarL> at least with that one "cut -d ' '" will work :-D
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<OscarL> I guess I could find the longest device name, and adjust columns widths/locations accordingly...
<OscarL> if we don't care for the 80 char limit.
<augiedoggie> let the terminal do soft wrapping of the lines
<augiedoggie> i would prefer something more like the linux df output, with the device as the first column
<OscarL> on beta4 first colum is Mount. That changed to Type on nightlies (
<augiedoggie> linux does that too
<augiedoggie> with mountpoint last
<OscarL> in any case, change 6380 is kinda buggy, as it las left overs on "PrintMountPoint()", and leaves Device right-aligned.
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<PulkoMandy> Just use a %s without any special width handling for the last column, it should be fine
<OscarL> Thanks. Updated my diff on to just use "%s" for mount point.
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