ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
<OscarL> waddlesplash: just because you asked nicely :-)
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* OscarL spins up the VM to address PR comments.
<OscarL> but first... food! :-)
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<erysdren> recipe + built packages for djgpp
<erysdren> doesn't work out of the box. it all packages nicely in strict mode, but the compiler itself calls the wrong assembler
<coolcoder613_32> Did you try setting the PATH so that DJGPP as overrides system as?
<coolcoder613_32> or even uninstalling gcc/binutils?
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<OscarL> oh, crap. I forgot that HaikuPorter uses tabs instead of spaces, hehe. messed up local patch :-)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 3 commits to master [hrev57319] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 869de36dcd78 - freebsd_network: Remove the need for <kernel_c++_structs.h>.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7a701128f18c - drivers/network: Remove now-unneeded manual dependency declarations.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 788b1b12b6b1 - Get rid of kernel_c++_structs mechanism.
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<coolcoder613> nothing provides binutils>=2.31.1 needed by i586_pc_msdosdjgpp_binutils
<coolcoder613> erysden?
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<coolcoder613> +-which cc
<coolcoder613> note: /boot/system/develop/tools/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.2.0/../../../../x86_64-unknown-haiku/bin/ld: cannot find -lunix: No such file or directory
<erysdren> coolcoder613: brb for a while. will be back in an hour or maybe less
<erysdren> it should invoke i586-pc-msdosdjgpp-as automatically, but it doesn't
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57320] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5c32c5ef2ffd - condition_variable: Reorder members for optimal sizing.
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<HaikuUser> guten Morgen!
<coolcoder613> Good morning
<zdykstra> Guten abend!
* OscarL looks at the clock, and through the window, just to make sure. Morning? Not even midnight yet! :-P
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* coolcoder613 looks at the deskbar 12:30 PM
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<zdykstra> 20:39!
<OscarL> way ahead of ya! (well... just 2 hours :-P)
<coolcoder613> UTC+11, beat that!
* OscarL calls his friend from NZ... "I need you mate..."
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<coolcoder613> A little progress on py3.11 for DOS
<coolcoder613> i think the problem is `encodings` does not fit in 8.3
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<coolcoder613> Or with zipimport
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<coolcoder613> I've got rustpython running on DOS!!!!
<erysdren> ayyyy
<erysdren> nice!!
<coolcoder613> no readline though :-(
<coolcoder613> so better for non-interactive
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<erysdren> any experimental NVidia drivers that might support my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti?
<erysdren> i don't need 3D accel, i just want my monitor resolution to be supported...
<zdykstra> Boot in efimode and use failsafe graphics
<erysdren> will it support 1680x1050 in VESA mode then?
<erysdren> i'm not sure if that's even a mode that VESA supports
<erysdren> fundamentally
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<erys> zdykstra: bad news, even with failsafe graphics my resolution isn't supporetd
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<erys> 1680x1050
<coolcoder613> edit ~/config/settings/kernel/drivers/vesa and change it to `mode 1680 1050 32`
<erys> alright
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<coolcoder613> Hello, Begasus
<Begasus> Hi there coolcoder613
<coolcoder613> I managed to build RustPython for DOS!
<Begasus> cool!
<Begasus> I gather your build for python went well then?
<coolcoder613> CPython did not go well, it built, but had errors running
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<coolcoder613> erysden?
HaikuUser is now known as erysdren_haiku
<erysdren_haiku> yeah
<erysdren_haiku> it didnt work
<Begasus> 'lo erysdren_haiku
<erysdren_haiku> still stuck at 1360x768
<coolcoder613> try 1600x900 maybe?
<erysdren_haiku> if it's not in the options list, im assuming its not supported
<erysdren_haiku> even if i add it to the vesa driver file
<erysdren_haiku> 1680 1050 32 didn't have any effect
<coolcoder613> What where the options?
<coolcoder613> in the bootloader
<erysdren_haiku> the same as in the Screen options menu - 640x480 up to 1360x768
<erysdren_haiku> nothing else
<erysdren_haiku> at various BPPs and Hz
<erysdren_haiku> but the highest resolution is 1360x768
<coolcoder613> try 1600 by 900
<coolcoder613> actually.. dont
<coolcoder613> wont work
<Begasus> blacklisted video driver?
<erysdren_haiku> no idea. i'm using an NVidia GTX card, but obviously there's no fallback for that, so it's just VESA
<erysdren_haiku> er, no driver* for that
<Begasus> k :)
<Begasus> anyone that could try a build for pango? (just the current one in haikuports)
<coolcoder613> pango?
<Begasus> one of the xlibs
<Begasus> getting an error here on it, and can't find what the issue is :/
<erysdren_haiku> Begasus: does haiku not ship with more default wallpapers?
<erysdren_haiku> couldn't find any more
<Begasus> not to my knowlidge erysdren_haiku, maybe in the depot?
<erysdren_haiku> oh btw, Web doesn't work out of the box on R4
<erysdren_haiku> GNU Web
<erysdren_haiku> it requires dconf_editor or something, which is not declared as a dependency
<erysdren_haiku> i'm not sure if it requires dconf or dconf_editor, but i installed dconf_editor and it works now
<Begasus> epiphany?
<erysdren_haiku> yes
<Begasus> no update on 32bit R1B4?
<Begasus> erysdren_haiku, you can make an issue at haikuports for that
<erysdren_haiku> kk
<Begasus> one of 3dEyes work, I don't use it myself
<erysdren_haiku> Haiku is working quite nice on my machine so far. 32G of RAM so it's pretty fast
<Begasus> nice :)
<Begasus> pretty pleased here too :)
<erysdren_haiku> main issue is the screen resolution, and also it doesn't shutdown properly. but linux hasn't been shutting down properly either lately, so maybe it's a hardware issue...
<erysdren_haiku> Linux hangs on the final step of shutdown where it just says "Power Off: Shutting Down" or whatever, and it never gets past that.
<erysdren_haiku> Haiku does the exact same thing
<coolcoder613> last time i used qemu, it opened a lot of windows at once
<Begasus> Had one laptop where linux did the same thing, Haiku however did it well on shutdown
<coolcoder613> I'm installing it now, i'll see if that still happens
<erysdren_haiku> what is haiku's screenshot tool?
<erysdren_haiku> just print scrn i guess
<Begasus> key on the keyboard will bring up the app
<coolcoder613> Or flameshot
<Begasus> or 3rd party software :)
<Begasus> k, same error on 32bit for pango :/
<Begasus> biab
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<coolcoder613> Bryan Lunduke just posted an article, about why he is avoiding Haiku, but it is paywalled. can anyone summarise it for me?
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<coolcoder613> Hello
<erysdren_haiku> hi
<erysdren_haiku> still no luck getting Haiku to boot in EFI mode
<Begasus> tried through BIOS?
<erysdren_haiku> or rather i don't know to enable the efimode that zdykstra mentioned
<Begasus> for instance I press F9 here to enter boot menu, then select efi ...
<erysdren_haiku> i looked in the boot menu under safe mode options and debug options and it wasn't there
<coolcoder613> I dont think the boot menu works with EFI
<Begasus> not the boot menu from Haiku :)
<erysdren_haiku> when i boot haiku from my UEFI BIOS, i just selected the SSD it's on and it boots into the Haiku boot manager
<erysdren_haiku> do i need to toggle something for that boot menu option?
<Begasus> nah, that's about the same as I do it here too I guess
<erysdren_haiku> not sure how to get extra VESA options then, if that's even a thing
<erysdren_haiku> i guess i'm stuck at 1024x768 or whatever
<erysdren_haiku> supposedly VESA does support 1680x1050@60Hz
<Begasus> iirc efi uses framebugger, not vesa
<Begasus> framebuffer*
<erysdren_haiku> ah
<erysdren_haiku> well i'm currently using VESA according to the screen options
<Begasus> here it is framebuffer
<erysdren_haiku> ?
<erysdren_haiku> wonder what i need to do to enable that
<erysdren_haiku> i swear i was using that before, when i had haiku installed on a USB stick to get 1920x1080 output
<erysdren_haiku> same machine, just on a USB instead of an SSD
<erysdren_haiku> hmm, maybe i installed haiku wrong.
<coolcoder613> BIOS vs EFI?
<erysdren_haiku> it wasn't booting right if i installed it on the SSD with a GUID partition map, so i had to use Intel partition map
<erysdren_haiku> aka DOS
<erysdren_haiku> so maybe i'm stuck in BIOS
<coolcoder613> You can still make an ESP with MBR
<erysdren_haiku> is it too late to do that once the OS is already installed? lol
<erysdren_haiku> there's nothing i'd lose by overwriting this partition, it's just annoying
<coolcoder613> you can try making one *after* the OS partition
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<erysdren_haiku> does Haiku do anything like Windows where it places stuff at the end of the partition?
<erysdren_haiku> i.e. can i shrink the Haiku partition without destroying everything
<coolcoder613> Well, you would need something that can shrink BFS
<erysdren_haiku> i'd use the Haiku live CD
<erysdren_haiku> it can probably do it
<coolcoder613> can drivesetup resize partitions?
<Begasus> nope
<erysdren_haiku> crap
<erysdren_haiku> maybe one of my linux tools can resize BFS, though i'm not sure if i trust it
<erysdren_haiku> i really don't wanna go through the install process again but if i want framebuffer output i might have to
<erysdren_haiku> damn
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<coolcoder613> Install *is* fast, though
<Begasus> depends on your install medium :)
<Begasus> default one is though
<coolcoder613> USB, usually
<coolcoder613> Begasus, have you ever tried Fiwix OS?
<Begasus> nope coolcoder613, never heard of it
<coolcoder613> Look it up.
<Begasus> long time since I messed with strange OS's :)
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<Begasus> not a lot there yet :)
<Begasus> included packages are fairly old there too
<Begasus> but if it works ... :)
<Begasus> looks like something is borked for pango :/
<Begasus> qemu-system-x86_64: invalid accelerator kvm (when I try to launch Haiku in AQemu?) (never really tried it) :)
<coolcoder613> remove -enable-kvm
<Begasus> crashes :)
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<coolcoder613> I'm trying to think of what else i want on DOS through WASM
<coolcoder613> any ideas?
<Begasus> no idea
<Begasus> rebooting into an older state from Haiku doesn't' solve the problem for pango either :/
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<aa72> hello
<Begasus> hi there
<aa72> hi Begasus
<aa72> copyng disney media is not illegal ...
<aa72> ;)
<coolcoder613> ?
<aa72> i tell you if you want ... ;)
<aa72> the Eternal Father creates those contents so no money ...
<coolcoder613> I'm trying to think of what else i want on DOS, besides python through WASM, any ideas?
<aa72> disk operating system => dos
<coolcoder613> DOS as in FreeDOS
<aa72> yehaa
<Begasus> ERROR: C shared or static library 'harfbuzz-gobject' not found
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<Begasus> looks like it's not found even though it's installed
<Diver> Begasus: I've just built pango package
<Diver> however it seens I had another error but adding harfbuzz${secondaryArchSuffix}_glib to BUILD_REQUIRES fixed it for me
<Begasus> grabbing pango-1.50.14-2-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/pango-1.50.14-2-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> yep, just found that out Diver thanks :)
<Diver> nice :)
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<Begasus> thought I broke the whole thing here :P
<Begasus> think it went borked after the integration for gir ...
<Begasus> k, let's check this on 32bit
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<Begasus> Diver, maybe devel:libharfbuzz_gobject$secondaryArchSuffix should go to the _glib package also?
<Diver> dunno, maybe
<Begasus> will fiddle with that later today :)
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 06eaf70 - graphene, new recipe, dependency for gtk4 (#9606)
<erysdren> bleh
<erysdren> i reinstalled haiku with EFI, and it boots just fine now, except for some reason internet doesn't work anymore
<erysdren> lol
<Begasus> heh
<erysdren> and the framebuffer driver only let me choose 1280x1024
<Begasus> no fun without network
<erysdren> no 1680x1050 anyways
<erysdren> so kind of a waste of time. thankfully i DD'd my previous install and saved it on my linux drive
<erysdren> so i should be able to just restore it... i think
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<Begasus> Diver, this error before there with you? Couldn't find include 'HarfBuzz-0.0.gir'
<Diver> yep, this one
<Begasus> k, moved the devel to the _glib one here now, and now I see this error too :)
<Begasus> was to be expected
<Begasus> no warning/error when not having lib:libharfbuzz_gobject in REQUIRES for pango, so it's only needed when building
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<Begasus> hmm ... we could try that around, make _devel also require _glib
<Begasus> requires {
<Begasus> harfbuzz == 8.2.1 base
<Begasus> harfbuzz_glib == 8.2.1
<Begasus> that should work
<Begasus> yep, no changes for pango needed then
<Begasus> but korli didn't want to pull in dependency on glib for harfbuzz in Haiku itself ...
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<Begasus> ../gtk/gtkmain.c:51:10: fatal error: hb-glib.h: No such file or directory (this isn't included when glib is disabled for harfbuzz)
<Begasus> afk
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<Luca91> hi all
<Luca91> does anyone have experience with haiku icon format? (hvif)
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<Luca91> nvm solved :)
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<bjorkintosh> Luca91, so the answer is yes: you. You have experience with hvif!
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<Begasus> so far that worked (with enabling glib in harfbuzz) :) grabbing gtk4-4.12.3-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/gtk4-4.12.3-1-x86_64.hpkg
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<Begasus> Hola OscarL!
<OscarL> Hi Begasus :-)
<OscarL> have you read about the buildmaster's tripping over the updated git ? :-D
<OscarL> good thing that the "big boys" were around to find the issue :-)
<Begasus> yeah, saw some comments in the ML :)
<Begasus> :) well ... something :D
<OscarL> <<< Always have problems remembering that one (or finding a link to it)
<OscarL> Now... its on the logs, and I can search for it on the future :-P
<Begasus> too many adds I think :P
<OscarL> uBlock Origin on FF... "what ads?" (one of the reazons for not going full bare-metal)
<OscarL> Begasus: might want to report that gtk-demo error on the wayland-server repo perhaps?
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<OscarL> assuming the problem is there, and not on GTK proper... mmm not sure now.
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<Begasus> this is just bare stuff OscarL, so not ready to report anything yet :)
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<Begasus> gtk3-demo is running fine, so it's not wayland related :)
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<OscarL> k. fwiw, there's stuff on the wayland-server, like "wl_cursor_theme_load()"...
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<OscarL> and noticing the error on your screenshot reads _gdk_wayland_display_get_cursor_theme()... made me make the connection.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] anevilyak pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57321] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 16236e175d88 - Debugger: add DWARF5 tag names
<Begasus> yeah, need to patch that some more I guess, imported most of the patches from gtk3, that part I couldn't find yet
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<Begasus> GTK 4 feels like it's increasingly designed for the GNOME desktop, so I feel like it's a lost course trying to workaround their design language under more traditional environments like XFCE and MATE.
<Begasus> no gtk4-classic patches :P
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<zdykstra> GTK4 is 100% designed for the GNOME desktop. They don't want anybody else to use it.
<OscarL> that GTK4 being too GNOME centric thing... I guess that's why some of the LXDE guys started LXQt :-)
<OscarL> good thing from that... pcmanfm-qt :-D
<erysdren> GNOME is annoying in that regard
<OscarL> Mmm, seems LXQt is earlier than GTK4 drama (, still a good call :-D
<Begasus> just wanted a challenge :P
<OscarL> I have a challenge for you!
<OscarL> << seems like some "serious" devs could make use of something like that! :-D
<OscarL> At least it has good build instructions :)
<erysdren> i wanted to port the ImHex tool, but i don't know what libmagic is
<erysdren> and pkgman couldn't find it
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<OscarL> erysdren: here's the homebrew "recipe" for libmagic:
<Begasus> biab
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<erysdren> there are packages in haikuports that that list libmagic as dependencies
<erysdren> so it must already be on haiku somewhere?
<erysdren> oh i see, it's "file" that provides libmagic
<OscarL> yeah.
<OscarL> for the record, you can use `pkgman search lib:libmagic`
<erysdren> ah
<erysdren> i was just doing pkgman search magic
<OscarL> or say... `pkgman install devel:libmagic`
<erysdren> i also tried libmagic_devel
<erysdren> but not devel:libmagic
<erysdren> brb, gonna boot into haiku
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<erysdren_haiku> eh, no luck on ImHex regardless. getrandom() function not available for one of the submodule dependencies
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<OscarL> depending on what it is actually used for... you mighj get away with just a custom patch there.
<OscarL> or maybe contribute an implementation of getrandom() to Haiku's libbsd :-D (FreeBSD 12+ has it on its libc).
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<Begasus> OscarL, no luck there ;) XRender library has not been found
<OscarL> On Palanteer?
<Begasus> yep
<Begasus> and probably one of many for the xlibs
<OscarL> oh well... can't have them all. Thanks for giving it a go :-D
<Begasus> that was a quicky :P
<augiedoggie> too* hard
<erysdren> ill peep it next time
<erysdren> i already booted out of haiku
<OscarL> Begasus: Palanteer can be split in several parts, c++/python instrumentation libs, server, viewer. Only the latter needs X if I'm not mistaken.
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<OscarL> Begasus: and that AUR link seems to be just for the Python stuff, which relies on a pre-built wheel.
<Begasus> nothing shows up for those when using -L with cmake
<OscarL> in any case... without the viewer... not sure we really want it :-D
<OscarL> yeah, mentioned along the others on :-D
<Begasus> quite a lot like these ... /Opslag/wip/palanteer-0.6/c++/./palanteer.h:2669:9: error: 'socket_t' does not name a type
<OscarL> I just liked the pretty graphics :-P
<Begasus> nah, not going to happen
<Begasus> k, so far no downsides for newer glib/gobject-introspection/wayland-protocols/harfbuzz/pango ...
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57322] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5f351a46500f - build-packages: Bump riscv64 for gcc13. Thanks X512!
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<Begasus> time to close down, cu peeps!
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<nagerst> howdy friends
<nagerst> have any of you had any run-ins with the service disqus?
<nagerst> they are a lying cheating bunch.
<nagerst> 2 years after i deleted my account, they kept the content online.
<nagerst> Not haiku related, just a warning
<nagerst> How is everyone doing?
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<nagerst> ok see ya later.
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<Luca91> relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `foreground' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
<Luca91> uhm
<erysdren> what are you compiling?
<Luca91> is -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON the answer? let's find out
<erysdren> i believe so yes
<Luca91> erysdren attempting a port of clamav
<erysdren> maybe set it to True instead of ON
<erysdren> though not sure if that makes a difference
<Luca91> we will see ;)
<Luca91> cannot find -lresolv: No such file or directory
<Luca91> I think this is a progress :)
<jmairboeck> Luca91: I think you need -lnetwork ( for that on Haiku
<Luca91> jmairboeck yeah libresolv==libnetwork here
<Luca91> the real quesion is how the hell did -lresolv appeared on that makefile (cmake based) in the first place
<jmairboeck> libraries to be linked are specified via target_link_libraries calls in cmake
<erysdren> check the CMakeLists.txt file
<erysdren> see if it looks for something named resolv or links to libresolv directly
<Luca91> yeah, I'm rebuilding the whole projects (more that 6 modules) once done I'll launch a grep to find out what's wrong with that lib
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<Luca91> ./../libfreshclam/CMakeLists.txt:52: if(HAVE_RESOLV_H AND NOT C_BSD) # BSD appears to have libresolv inside libc
<Luca91> this is what grep told me, and yeah libfreshclam is the one failing here
<Luca91> let's try to fix that
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<Luca91> (if I'm bugging you guy I'll shut up)
<erysdren> nah its all good lol
<erysdren> im just busy
<erysdren> im still reading ur messages though
<Luca91> ahah np at all erysdren
<erysdren> Haiku usually follows BSD in some areas. so resolv might be inside libc as well
<erysdren> or inside network
<waddlesplash> resolv is inside -lnetwork
<erysdren> alright
<erysdren> so you'll wanna try to patch the CMakeLists.txt to link -lnetwork instead of -lresolv
<Luca91> yeah
<Luca91> patched and working
<erysdren> nice
<Luca91> damn another error at 77% :D
<erysdren> whats the err?
<Luca91> relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol `foreground' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
<Luca91> uhm... another time the same error
<erysdren> hmm
<Luca91> this is another module tho
<Luca91> maybe this cmakefile is ignoring that flag
<erysdren> check if POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE is manually defined elsewhere in the project
<erysdren> -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=True seems to be the canonical way to define it
<Luca91> and it worked for that module
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<erysdren> hmm
<erysdren> well, maybe delete the whole generated cmake folder and try again from scratch. clear the whole cmake cache
<erysdren> that usually fixes cmake weirdness for me.
<Luca91> yeah that's a good idea
<Luca91> erysdren same issue. I'm going to check that CMakeLists.
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie e70520e - capstone: remove sed editing of .pc file (#9608)
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<Luca91> ok fixed this ùone
<Luca91> I dirty patched it, I'll fix it properly later if I managed to get clam to work
<Luca91> C_FLAGS = -O2 -g -fPIE -Wall -Wextra -Wformat-security -std=gnu90 ------------ hard-patched to: C_FLAGS = -O2 -g -fPIC -Wall -Wextra -Wformat-security -std=gnu90
<Luca91> COMPILED!!!
<erysdren> ayyyy
<erysdren> good work
<Luca91> we are writing the history of malware analysis on haiku tonight :P
<erysdren> honestly never heard of clamav before
<erysdren> is it the first antivirus on haiku? lol
<Luca91> erysdren yup, we did it, it seems we are in front of the fist AV on haiku
<erysdren> well hey, awesome
<Luca91> there are still some problems tho, I'm trying to fix them
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<Luca91> it is working :D
<Luca91> it detects the EICAR test virus file :D
<erysdren> awesome!!!
<erysdren> good work
<Luca91> wow, creating a recipe for this will be hard... it will be the craziest recipe of the haikudepot xD
<erysdren> why's that?
<Luca91> erysdren because I had to manually patch these files (changing from -fPIE to -fPIC) and also I had to manually create the config files for configuring clam (where to download the virus definition database etc)
<erysdren> ah yeah
<erysdren> well good luck. i'm excited to see an AV on haiku
<Luca91> I'm writing a post on the forum to share the excitement :D (will publically thank you there erysdren)
<erysdren> heh, i didn't do much. but thank!
<erysdren> thanks!*
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<coolcoder613_32> Good morning
<erysdren> hello
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<coolcoder613_32> I never managed to get my email working with Haiku
<coolcoder613_32> I use outlook
<erysdren> damn
<coolcoder613_32> should 'E-mail address', 'Login name', and
<coolcoder613_32> 'account name'
<coolcoder613_32> be the same?
<erysdren> i think so?
<Luca91> it is time to go to bed, see you later mates
<erysdren> cya
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<erysdren> how can i check status of PCI devices in haiku?
<erysdren> if they mounted successfully or not?
<erysdren> actually brb
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